Ideas for Mapping/Coding Internal Objects

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The Guy

The most anticipated features for me to work on implementing:

Walls: However these wall will not be ordinary. The walls between my room and the next are about 6 inches thick, but it isn't just solid wood. There is a 1/2 inch piece of drywall on each outer edge, with 2 by 4 struts every foot along the wall, also there is insulation inbetween the struts. These walls will be mapped and completely destructible. Tbis is to get the effect of battles where you will have to anticipate where the player is behind walls. So if you see a player through a doorway, and then they run to the side, you can fire your shotgun at the wall where he should be, and drywall and struts and insulation will fly everywhere. It would be amazing to look at a fresh bullet hole in a wall and be able to see inside the walls.

Floors/Roofs: The same concept above will be applied. The space is a bit larger between a roof and floor though. Also having pieces of wood and internal insulation fall to the ground after the roof is split open.

On the above two points: If anyone knows how to make a realistic looking insulation, that is, not completely solid, please post.

Desks/Drawers: Having objects in desks and drawers. So if someone drops behind a counter, and you fire though the drawers to hit them, the bullet may be stopped or deflected by pots and pans in the drawer. Also, blowing out the bottom of a desk would cause pens and pencils to fall out.

Bottles/Aquariums: Having liquids contained in bottles or aquariums. For bottles, liquid would spill upon breaking of bottles. For aquariums, the liquids would have refractive indices. Practical application: You see someone on the otherside of an aquarium. The light is refracted, so their actual position is a bit to the side. You have to learn where to fire. This is similar to spearfishing when you can't stick your spear directly at a fish, because they aren't actually there.

Televisions: Having digital cameras hooked up to televisions. This ties in with the other ideas. Say someone is in the next room, and you have a feed of them. You can use the feed to know where they are and shoot them through the wall.

I am going to bring all of these ideas together in a map of my house. The map won't be too large too large at first. I will map the house in sections. However the mapping in each section will be painfully detailed, with all internal structures. The deathmatchs will be amazing, different every time.

Anyone have anything to add/comment on?

P.S. Yes I realize that I also posted this in the editing forum, but I decided it deserves general discussion of ideas more. Mods feel free to delete the other one.
I aint got much comments but I'll tell ya. I made my house in Worldcraft (Hammer) for HL1 and my friend made his house too. And it's the funnest shit to play in. Played some CS on those maps. I dont play CS but just played it for the maps.
Just wondering because you'll have to wait a month before HL2 is released to get started on your map.
Originally posted by MIWojo11
Just wondering because you'll have to wait a month before HL2 is released to get started on your map.
I realize that. There will be a lot of preliminary work doing measurements, deciding what internal things to map, etc. I'm just thinking of general ideas at the moment.
i shared a similar idea about the fish tank thing, except i was thinking more of a whole aquarium/fish shop thing. to have a bunch of people running around w/ shotguns blowing up fishtanks and spewing water and fish all over the floor... omg pwn *goes into HL2 imagine coma*
Re: Re: Ideas for Mapping/Coding Internal Objects

Originally posted by THUGENSTEIN
I aint got much comments but I'll tell ya. I made my house in Worldcraft (Hammer) for HL1 and my friend made his house too. And it's the funnest shit to play in. Played some CS on those maps. I dont play CS but just played it for the maps.

heheh. When/if I get a hold of the editor I'm gonna make a map of my house and just thrash the place with the grav gun :bounce:
Originally posted by THUGENSTEIN
lol smart ass. i like this guy.
Yes, thankyou. One suggestion, though. Your sig is very pretty and all, but I suggest making use of the SIZE tag. Then you could make the text small and I think it would look better. Just a friendly tip though, I don't care if you listen.
Originally posted by bonanzaguy
*goes into HL2 imagine coma*
I find that my HL2 imagine comas come at exactly the wrong time. I'm driving and all of a sudden I'm like, "Hey. I could shoot a door and the piece of wood that flies out the other side could hit another player, causing his AI to become disgruntled by the wood splinters in his eyeball, and he would start pouting OMGOMGOMG." And then I pass out, imo.
The ideas for the refracted light passing through fishtanks is cool, you can see that effect in the demo where the magnafying glass at the scientists desk distorts youre view of his hands typing.
I think you might want to hold off on youre plans for the spilling water though. I could be wrong, and they might use some sort of particle system for it, but I doubt the engine will do fluid dynamics.
But like I said, a particle system could give the illusion of flowing water. Thats something I was reading about in the Unreal2 forums before I finaly got totaly fed up with U2 and decided to quit wasting My time with it.

The light refraction thing rocks though!!!

The Punisher
Question: I know this has probably been answered somewhere else, but I can't find it. Is there any point in starting the construction of the above ideas now? Like could I start mapping the physical boundaries of the drywall, struts and insulation? Or should I just wait. Also, where can I download the current Hammer editor.
I was wondering how hard it would be to code bullet holes in the aquarium that would then pour water out. Of course, the pressure differential would have to be correct (more water, spurts out further.) and the water would have to stop flowing once it reached the hole. Also, make it so the glass loses integrity with each bullet hole, so it eventually cracked and breaks, pouring water everywhere.
Originally posted by Tora
I was wondering how hard it would be to code bullet holes in the aquarium that would then pour water out. Of course, the pressure differential would have to be correct (more water, spurts out further.) and the water would have to stop flowing once it reached the hole. Also, make it so the glass loses integrity with each bullet hole, so it eventually cracked and breaks, pouring water everywhere.
I actually thought about that too. Any ideas anyone?
Originally posted by THU9EN5TE1N
THAT wouldnt be hard AT ALL! MOHAA did that. You shoot a barrel of oil and it spills out. And after a while it stop spilling. And if you shot ABOVE that hole nothing will spill out cuz it drained to the point of the first bullet hole. If you shot BELOW that bullet hole it starts to spill again. kinda cool.
But the hardest part would be to have the glass have integrity and have the water all flow out in a wave on breakage.
Originally posted by The Guy
But the hardest part would be to have the glass have integrity and have the water all flow out in a wave on breakage.
im guessing you want that water to fall on allyx and flood the room making her slowly die by drowning.
leave barney alone he's my favorite character!!!

and stop discussin death of barney/alyex i doubt you will be allowed to kill them. This isn't no complex RPG like morrowind.
I remember making a matrix level for HL back in my mapping days. I did something very similar to your wall idea. I think I got as far as making one marble texture, and making one pilar. The problem was on the HL engine any entity you can actually see through. (well the engine can)

it would render everything on the other side of the entity, but not show it untill something happened to the entity or it moved.

The problem starts when u place 100's of func_breakables in one room. It trys to render everything underneath it, It worked well for one point, but it is so exhausting to actually create I ended up with one very nice pillar and that was it.

The case in HL2 will be that you will be able to do all that I tried to do, and because of the ultra high res textures + ultra high poly counts, you will be able to make this VERY convincing, imagine you shoot thru a wall, it breaks up abit with some plasterboard etc.. flying around. But you hit a pipe, and suddenly water spurts out, or steam leaving a puddle on the floor.

This will lead to some pretty nice situations, and some amazing levels. Im really gonna have to play with this engine. Im betting I could get the walls to flex, and bend. If so then ill try and code a weapon where u fire and as you fire it the walls bend around it (ala the matrix sorta feel to it)

Just remember this SAUCE! engine is one hell of a engine you will be able to do some pretty amazing things in it :)

*edit* changing to SAUCE!