ideas for mods


Anyone remeber the game X-Com ? What about X-Com; Alliances ? The new HL engine could actually make that game work, or a Stargate-1 mod might also work. Personnally I would like to see a mod with a full story.
Anyone remeber the game X-Com ? What about X-Com; Alliances ? The new HL engine could actually make that game work, or a Stargate-1 mod might also work. Personnally I would like to see a mod with a full story.

A groups has been working on an X-com:enemy unknown mod for HL1 for a very long time. IIRC its called "X-com: Last Hope"

They have a PHP forum, but there's not been much activity for quite a while.
hey yeah cool i got this neat idea for a mod a couple weeks ago...

It'd be called, uh, 'ghost hunter' or somthing (actually that title sucks, and NO it wont be like 'ghost busters') and you'd be either 1) a paranormal investigator -or- 2) trapped in a haunted house. Anyway, if turns out the house (more like a mansion or castle) has this door which leads to this crazy realm of the undead (looks like the house, but it goes on for miles and miles). But not like zombies undead, although zombies would be ok maybe. Anyway, you can have psycic powers, like moving things with telepathy, and having this mental eye thing that can fly around, and seeing into the future (i figure you could do this by letting an 'alternate' character walk until something happened. and the farther you went, the less accurate the prediction would be...), and stuff like that.

Anyway, they'rd be ghosts, and devils, and poltregiests, and elementals and all sorts of stuff, and since they could become invisible and move though walls they could come out anyewhere, and scare the living s*** outa you (my main design rule), lots of cool stuff could happen. The farther you'd go, the more directly evil all the enemies would become, and they'd have creatures that live in shadows, and mirrors, and pictures that come alive, and sweet stuff like that.

Anyway. It'd be really cool. I have this huge list of all the cool enemies you could have. And you could use, like, visions of dead people to tell the story, or have NPC's that are dead but don't know it. But you WONT be a little boy and I WONT make you say "I see dead people!" cause I want it to scare people not be corny and made fun of.

Anyway, there would be some cult at the center of it, so to escape, or save the world, or whatever, you'l have to discover all the story and do puzzles and fight evil forces and it would be really chill.

Also, a mod similar to system shock 2 would be awesome. That game was really cool. Had terrible creature and character models, but still.

-Phision, and his Phisionary mod ideas. :E
2 words...

Blackhawk Down

I can't believe no-one has mentioned this!

I'd like to do it myself but don't have time.
When I watched Gordon, Barney, & company work through the streets fighting Combine soldiers and sentry guns in the E3 demo and listened to all the sounds of war, it was the first thing I thought of.
"Man! imagine fighting like this in the streets of Somalia playing as either a Ranger or a Delta, with Humvees to drive and civilians running and driving around everywhere in the midst of the battle. Blackhawks and Littlebirds flying overhead making those telephone lines sway in the wind instead of some weird alien ship. That'd be to sweet!"

Of course there already was a game like that recently, using that same name, which is based on a movie, which is based on a book, which is based on a true story. But to hell with originality! It'd be to cool for words.

Realistic present day military CQB + Havoc physics... someone get me a tissue!

If anyone does this one I may be interested in joining up.
Oh yeah. And with the poltergeists, they would use things as weapons, and throw all sorts of shit around, and try to kill you with stuff, so the physics would be used a bunch too.

That black hawk down idea is pretty chill. Considing that the (official) game was made with a licencing deal from the movie producers, it probably sucks. So someone could do it right as a mod and then it could be really bad (in a good way). Of course then they'd get sued or something.... but still. :cheese:

It might be stupid but I think this game would be perfect for something based on Starship troopers with all the bugs and the dropships and whatnot. Maybe a single player or Co-Op mod?
The Blackhawk Down game is alright, would be way better if you actually got to drive vehicles or heli's. I would be impressed if a group made a mod about it, especially if it was better than the game ;)

I think a Star Wars based game would be pretty good, however, not like the Jedi Knight series where you are just on land playing as Kyle.. make it so its based on the movies with skywalker and where you can fly the ships and go on the deathstar with all the troops and droids. (sorry Newton, is Starship troopers star wars? )
The star wars idea...... dont go there! Believe me lol. I am mod leader for Galactic conquest mod for battlefield 1942, and the ammount of hassle we have had from Lucas Arts is unbelievable, even though weve dodged copyright laws and still able to make a mod that wows the fans, they still want us to close down our mod.

Making a Star Wars mod with the original Characters in is asking for trouble from Lucas Arts, our mod is based solely on Team combat throughout the star wars universe.

On another note, a Spaceballs mod would be cool :P
How about a dungeon keeper mod where you torture people using gruesome, yet strangely erotic, methods! Wholesome fun for the sick-twisted-bastard-who-was-molested-by-his-uncle in all of us! :)
the ammount of hassle we have had from Lucas Arts is unbelievable, even though weve dodged copyright laws and still able to make a mod that wows the fans, they still want us to close down our mod.

George Lucas has been doing this since 1978 when he attacked Battlestar Galactica. Lucas calimed that Galactica was trying to imitate Star Wars.
A judge ruled that Star Wars was about a rebelion fighting against a tyranical empire. While Battlestar Galactica was about refugees fleeing genocide. I generaly like Mr Lucas's movies, but the guy is a dick! I guess according to his way of thinking every bit of science fiction that involves military space combat is ripping off star wars. The guy has definatly got a Wookie up his butt.
Originally posted by Cedric
sorry Newton, is Starship troopers star wars?

No, Starship Troopers was a movie about Humans fighting against an alien insect race..........probablly closer to Aliens than StarWars.

Originally posted by Punisher454
The guy has definatly got a Wookie up his butt.

Ahahah I don't know why that struck me so funny but it did.

I guess the thought of him with a wookie up his butt...........although I think it would look more like the Wookie was wearing a George Lucas hat.
Lets see, a few ideas i can think of:

A Return Fire mod. For those who havent played it, basically its a huge capture the flag game. 2 teams, each team has these huge fortresses you have to shoot your way through to get to the flag. You can choose of being a tank, armored apc with rocket battery, apache, or jeep.

Samurai mod: Either an rpg, set in the shogun period, or just hack n slash

A lot of my friends are hoping the dragon ball z mod for hl would switch over to hl2. Would really like to see a city map, and blow someone through the buildings.

Swat force. could be coop or deathmatch. each map would be a different building/situation ( drug house bust, hostage... what have you) and the swat team would have to rush in and eliminate. ( yea, i realize it does sound like cs, but i was thinking more a long the lines of roguespear)

theres a few...
What about . . .

Demolition Squad - Kind of like counter-strike bomb-maps, but not on crack. There's a group of terrorists and a group of plainclothes officers. There are also civilians and perhaps VIPs who must not die. Anyway, the terrorsists try to blow up the building (yay, I get to see a skyscraper topple!) and the plainclothes officers attempt to stop them, and save the civilians and the VIPs.

OK, fine, I admit it. I just want to see a giant skyscraper lose its supports in an expanding ball of flame, then sway to the side and crush neighboring edifices.

EDIT - When I said "like CS but not on crack," I meant that the CT's and the T's immediately begin shooting each other. How realistic is that? It's like they're on steroids that make them territorial. Anyway, ja nei - EDIT
Originally posted by Radiskull
Lets see, a few ideas i can think of:
Swat force. could be coop or deathmatch. each map would be a different building/situation ( drug house bust, hostage... what have you) and the swat team would have to rush in and eliminate. ( yea, i realize it does sound like cs, but i was thinking more a long the lines of roguespear)

theres a few...

kinda like us, a SWAT mod

don't confuse us with CS everybody like some people do:afro:
Some more ideas that i forgot to mention:

Some sort of mecha game. Was thinking along the lines of shogo/mechwarrior/gundam. Shogo as far as you can be on foot or in a mech, and mix between mechwarrior/gundam as far as mech design goes.

And while im in the sci fi genre, a Ghost in the shell mod would be pretty cool.
Starship troopers, the movie is also different then starship troopers, the book (though technially it's based on it). ...Not that the book version would be better as a movie or a game than the movie version would, but let's not confuse it (who, me? confused?).

Then again, i seen to rembember that the book had big robotic jump suits and radio comm, so it might be a cool game too (with plot too, prolly). Dunno, it's been a while since i read it.

Originally posted by Phisionary
Starship troopers, the movie is also different then starship troopers, the book (though technially it's based on it). ...Not that the book version would be better as a movie or a game than the movie version would, but let's not confuse it (who, me? confused?).

Then again, i seen to rembember that the book had big robotic jump suits and radio comm, so it might be a cool game too (with plot too, prolly). Dunno, it's been a while since i read it.


I think it would be cool either way with all the dropships and weapons and powersuits.
A starship troopers mod done right would rock. SP or COOP.
I do believe we'll be seeing a buttload of Starship Troopers mods(I refer to the movie, not the book).

Aliens vs Predator has been done, but how about Aliens vs Arachnids (ST's "Bugs").
I'm still thinkin that a CHiPs mod would be cool, as would a Rookie Cop mod, as previously mentioned.
Killer Instinct

Pitches dinosaurs versus marines in a vietnam-ish situation. T-rex, tanks, jungle warfare, booby-traps, napalm, M60s, chopper drops, pterodactyls, claws, jaws and fun fun fun fun fun.
omg.... a star ship troops mod would own me. You've definitly got my side on that one.
Killer Instinct is the name of a fighting game. Nice name, but it brings up golden memories of the past. I liked that fighting game. Either change the name or look at Jurassic Park Online (JurassicRage) here (

here's an idea

Half-Life: Crowbar - A fighting game for Half-Life, with characters from the games.

EDIT - Since no one posted in the interim, I'm adding this idea in an edit.

Jackie Chan mod - Some martial arts thrown in, but a main part of attacking is using object interaction (physics). Crush your enemies, hit them with ladders, throw buckets at them, kick chairs at them, all those things we love about Jackie Chan movies - EDIT
That Jackie Chan game is a cool idea, Draklyne. I was just trying to think about how you would do controls on something like that. Seems like it would be a biotch. Trying to fit all those moves and kicks and jumps and interacting with things into a WSAD sceme (or whatever) of keyboard and a mouse?? SOunds too complicated.

...Not that it couldn't be done, of course... Just take a lot of planning to make it be fun, I think. I dunno.

We were going to make a Teminator mod, but those damn lawyers stopped us. I want to be a lawyer some day. :bonce:
How's this for an idea to take advantage of the large map sizes and push the physics to thier limits............... a Golf Mod.
Dragon ball Mod !! nobody is doing one actualy and with good ideas and maps that can be really fun. like huge fight in a town, destruction of buildings ... possibility of buying new power ect ...

sound cool no ?

and of course, don t forget entropy ! ;)

Silverbud Founder Entropy-mod
About the Jackie Chan mod... if you play Max Payne Kung Fu you can see how you can have lots of moves with simple controls by making them context sensitive, like how if you press S+right click you do a backwards bullet dodge but if you press right cliick THEN press S+fire, max does a matrix-back-breaing dodge.
I was thinking that you could use the "use" key to control the individual items "special action" (ladders shutting, turning lights on/off) while hitting Mouse1 would grab the item, Mouse2 would throw the item.


Instead of different weapons hot-keyed to numbers (a la CS) you could have different actions like grab/throw, punch/kick, the "use" key description above, and moving in different directions while hitting spacebar (jump, naturally) would make your character do flips and jumps (jumping from wall to wall).

Tell me what you think, and if you have the skills to do this, make a thread about it and do it! And if you don't, I'll hunt you down and eliminate you with my mad Jackie Chan skills!
Girls Gone Wild

Hot Drunk Flashing College Students vs. Police
how about a superhero comic mod called 'The Incredibles' or something, where you selected a superhero and gave a ker-biff to the opposing team or the A.I. in single player.
My idea is soo good I can't tell you because everyone would take my idea. Its Copyrighted my me so lol toobad! This post copyrights it.:farmer:
Originally posted by WhiteOni
Am I the only one in here going for a cyberpunk mod ?_?

If it's done right that could be pretty cool actually.

Maybe do it as a SP/RPG mod?
It's a punk that's uhhh Cyber.........

No Cyber punk is a world where there are mages, and techno junkies all hopped up with cybernetic upgrades and stuff like that.......Think Johnny Neumonic (the Movie with Keano Reaves) except with other races besides humans, like Orcs and stuff.