Identifying Implants in US workers

Dr. Freeman

Jul 11, 2003
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An Ohio company has embedded silicon chips in two of its employees - the first known case in which US workers have been “tagged” electronically as a way of identifying them., a private video surveillance company, said it was testing the technology as a way of controlling access to a room where it holds security video footage for government agencies and the police.

the source.
i am disturbed by this... :|
"To those who scare peace loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is this: your tactics aid terrorists for they erode our national unity and diminish our resolve. They give ammunition to America’s enemies and pause to America’s friends." - John Ashcroft
That quote just makes me mad at Ashcroft again. Jesus jumping Christ on a pogo stick, it's scary because it's well done but the entire message is just ****ed.

But anyway, yeah this whole chip thing is just wrong. Unfortunately, I can see a lot of government entities and private corporations going for it.
**** that, they and their chips can go to hell.

I hate the way this is going.
isnt there something in the bible (somewhere in the middle) that identifies implanted tech as the sign of the coming armaggeddon?

we need a christian in here STAT
As long as it goes no further than that, I think it's a reasonably good idea for that alone (I don't think it's appropriate in many other positions though). For example, I suppose it's generally a good idea to ensure nobody without access is getting close to nuclear weapons, but tracking the general population is wrong.
I don't see this being so bad, if its kept for super-high security jobs only.

How is this any different than an ID card that is surgically grafted to your flesh? ;)

But likewise, how is this any different than a retinal scanner or anything? Unless the chip has like GPS or something, and is used not only to let them into security areas... I don't see a problem.
CptStern said:
isnt there something in the bible (somewhere in the middle) that identifies implanted tech as the sign of the coming armaggeddon?

we need a christian in here STAT

It's called the "mark of the beast" but nobody knows if it will be an implant, tattoo, etc. I thought it was in Revelations but it could be somewhere else. I haven't really read much scripture in quite a while. Regardless I wouldn't want a chip/implant based on more than just religous grounds.
yes I know I'm a former catholic ..I just like inviting christians into discussions cuz I'm all for equal opportunities
CptStern said:
yes I know I'm a former catholic ..I just like inviting christians into discussions cuz I'm all for equal opportunities
You just like luring unsuspecting folks in and then "Sterning" them. Then I sit back and say "OMFG Sternd!"
heh it's not intentional ...sometimes they do it to themselves :E
Erestheux said:
I don't see this being so bad, if its kept for super-high security jobs only.

How is this any different than an ID card that is surgically grafted to your flesh? ;)

But likewise, how is this any different than a retinal scanner or anything? Unless the chip has like GPS or something, and is used not only to let them into security areas... I don't see a problem.

you close-minded fool! just you wait for another terrorist attack...then well see people with antennas from their can you be so naive!?
lol! now my co-worker is looking at me for lol'ing :LOL:
It's fine (I guess, for really high-security things) when it's literally just an ID thing but it opens up the way for far more sinister uses...
Hehe....its just an identifier chip tested on two volunteers. They can't even track them or anything. :D
What I thought of when I saw the title:


I am so sorry...
CptStern said:
isnt there something in the bible (somewhere in the middle) that identifies implanted tech as the sign of the coming armaggeddon?

we need a christian in here STAT
I hope Armageddon is coming, I'm getting tired of waiting.

This is still very benign right now though. I see no reason to worry.
Icarusintel said:
I hope Armageddon is coming, I'm getting tired of waiting.

This is still very benign right now though. I see no reason to worry.

I'm sure you're suitably armed for when Jesus raises the dead and all hell breaks loose ...not me, Ill be saved cuz catholics have a secret weapon: "deathbed confessional"

"you killed 354 people with just a spoon? that's ok my son just say 145 Hail Mary's and 321 Our Fathers and everything will be forgiven, go in peace"
ID chips? screw that! I want the brain chips that those monkeys recieved that let them move around a mouse cursor with their minds.

I'd be my own aimbot
SHIPPI said:
As long it's restricted to certain people doing certain jobs, I don't see the problem with it. I mean, ID cards are common in work/schools, I don't see how this is much different.
I hate it in schools, its conditioning us to accept them in later life.
CptStern said:
I'm sure you're suitably armed for when Jesus raises the dead and all hell breaks loose ...not me, Ill be saved cuz catholics have a secret weapon: "deathbed confessional"

"you killed 354 people with just a spoon? that's ok my son just say 145 Hail Mary's and 321 Our Fathers and everything will be forgiven, go in peace"
F*ck confession, if they won't let me into Heaven, I'll just blow mny way in.
Flyingdebris said:
ID chips? screw that! I want the brain chips that those monkeys recieved that let them move around a mouse cursor with their minds.

I'd be my own aimbot

when invading terrorists got pwned, they'd be like, 'hax!'
CptStern said:
I'm sure you're suitably armed for when Jesus raises the dead and all hell breaks loose ...not me, Ill be saved cuz catholics have a secret weapon: "deathbed confessional"

"you killed 354 people with just a spoon? that's ok my son just say 145 Hail Mary's and 321 Our Fathers and everything will be forgiven, go in peace"

Except for the fact that you'd never mean it :-P

666 is coming! New world order, terrible world gripping war in the middle east. It's coming! <runs away in fear>

:p :p :p :p
It's voluntary you guys. It's not really scary at all it's actually interesting. I want to get one in the future that can open my doors and stuff or start my car with a hand wave. I'd feel like a Jedi LOL
RakuraiTenjin said:
It's voluntary you guys. It's not really scary at all it's actually interesting. I want to get one in the future that can open my doors and stuff or start my car with a hand wave. I'd feel like a Jedi LOL
PAN networks would rock. They emit information in a small field around you using the conductivity in your body's salts. It theoretically can do stuff like open doors etc.
Direwolf said:
PAN networks would rock. They emit information in a small field around you using the conductivity in your body's salts. It theoretically can do stuff like open doors etc.

Get one in your hand for your computer. Replace your mouse!
Direwolf said:
PAN networks would rock. They emit information in a small field around you using the conductivity in your body's salts. It theoretically can do stuff like open doors etc.
ahhh... Metal Gear Solid... the memories :)
CptStern said:
I'm sure you're suitably armed for when Jesus raises the dead and all hell breaks loose ...not me, Ill be saved cuz catholics have a secret weapon: "deathbed confessional"

"you killed 354 people with just a spoon? that's ok my son just say 145 Hail Mary's and 321 Our Fathers and everything will be forgiven, go in peace"
Nvm, no comment.
:upstare: ..oh noes this sinful world has tainted my soul ...give me a break

heh I guess as a devout catholic you'd know that last rites includes absolving of sins ..right? it's part of the sacrament of anointing the sick ..but you're a catholic you should know this right?
CptStern said:
:upstare: ..oh noes this sinful world has tainted my soul ...give me a break

heh I guess as a devout catholic you'd know that last rights includes absolving of sins ..right? it's part of the sacrament of anointing the sick: Last rites ..but you're a catholic you should know this right?

Notice I took back my comment
You still have to go through Purgatory :(

Rumors are that sucks ass, but you come out a hard mother****er.
madog said:
Notice I took back my comment

so I havent been corrupted by this tainted world? armaggeddon isnt coming because of people like me?

RakuraiTenjin said:
You still have to go through Purgatory :(

Rumors are that sucks ass, but you come out a hard mother****er.

purgatory is like a celestial waiting room ..complete with annoying muzak, uncomfortable chairs, and outdated fishing magazines

Greatgat: tha Hicks guy needs more exposure in north america
CptStern said:
:upstare: ..oh noes this sinful world has tainted my soul ...give me a break

heh I guess as a devout catholic you'd know that last rites includes absolving of sins ..right? it's part of the sacrament of anointing the sick ..but you're a catholic you should know this right?

That reminds me of that Bill Hicks quote to some Christians who didn't like what he said in one of his stand ups. "You didn't like that? So forgive me."