If any of the main characters were to die who would you choose?

I'd like to see Barney die... I dunno why. I just used to love killing him in HL1 even though I would fail. The most dramatic death though, would probably be Eli dying.
I could imagine the scene now..

*Combine Grenade*

Alyx: DAD!!
*DOG rushes to his aid along with alyx and of course you Mr Freeman :)*

Eli: ugh.. Make sure these combine bastards... die for everything.. eghhhh... *dies*

Alyx: Dad no damnit!! Why *Cries*

Combine Solider: Halt there!!

DOG: Mad Psychotic Techinal Bleeping :p

*DOG picks up a big giant car and whacks the combine.. then picks up a combine and rips him open..*

I would personally sleep with gabe newell if that scene is made :)
Angry Lawyer said:
He's actually out to get me. Seriously. He'll probably make her die in a really jammy way, and have the G-Man appear to say "Pah, n00b, shez ded! And teh Combinez weren't originally on Xen, but due to popular theorization and generic whining from other players, we're going to write that the Xenians actually are the Combine but in funny suits! So STFU LAWYERZ!"


-Angry Lawyer

lol... :LOL:
well at least u will become a Half Life celebrity eh? :E
Angry Lawyer said:
He's actually out to get me. Seriously. He'll probably make her die in a really jammy way, and have the G-Man appear to say "Pah, n00b, shez ded! And teh Combinez weren't originally on Xen, but due to popular theorization and generic whining from other players, we're going to write that the Xenians actually are the Combine but in funny suits! So STFU LAWYERZ!"


-Angry Lawyer

Goddam him eh? :p
You know he'll only do it in my version of the game. He's actually out to get me.

If you play the teaser video for Half-Life 2 backwards (the one where they demonstrate the lip-sync of the G-Man), you'll realise that, when he speaks in the non-English language, he's actually saying "I know where you live, Lawyer".

But, yeah, Mossman will probably die.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
You know he'll only do it in my version of the game. He's actually out to get me.

If you play the teaser video for Half-Life 2 backwards (the one where they demonstrate the lip-sync of the G-Man), you'll realise that, when he speaks in the non-English language, he's actually saying "I know where you live, Lawyer".

But, yeah, Mossman will probably die.

-Angry Lawyer


I dunno about Mossman...I think she works for Gman :p
Samon said:

I dunno about Mossman...I think she works for Gman :p

She probably does, she's a vindictive little creature. I wonder if they're together:naughty: :naughty:
Sulkdodds said:

Stop. Now. At once. Oh, god, the mental images.

Heh heh heh:) :) :) I knew that would freak people out. My work here is done:) :) :)
Dr. Freeman said:
thats pure EVIL :devil: :E

I know, but if you are raised in a house where there are gun fanatics that is how you turn out.......hehe heh heh *evil laugh*
I want that soldier dead. The one who made me pick up a soda can and drop it in the trashcan. Evil jerk.

Other than that, I quite like the other characters.
AIDisabled said:
I want that soldier dead. The one who made me pick up a soda can and drop it in the trashcan. Evil jerk.

Other than that, I quite like the other characters.
You can kill him.. just pull an impulse 101 and blow his top off.. that's what I do everytime(except for he first). If you do it, just make sure that you make the shotgun shoot a lot of pellets and crouch down infront of him and launch his ass. :cheers:
Myxamatosis said:
You can kill him.. just pull an impulse 101 and blow his top off.. that's what I do everytime(except for he first). If you do it, just make sure that you make the shotgun shoot a lot of pellets and crouch down infront of him and launch his ass. :cheers:

I think he meant without cheating ;)
Maybe if you throw the can at him enough times he dies.
Samon said:
I think he meant without cheating ;)

Heh, you're right.

Thanks for the idea, Myxamatosis.

If I'm cheating, though, I keep spawning Alyx clones. And fire away!
Polaris said:
I choose Mossman or heroic death for Eli.

Hmm, I read in another thread that supposedly in the original script, Eli commited suicide to save Gordon and Alyx or something like that.

As for my personal choice: Gman, and Gordon kills him. Then, his annoying little offspring will control you for the rest of his days in a plot of sadistic revenge "Wake up Mr. Freeman, I said wake the f** up, b***!! *lil gman smacks Gordon in the face with a boxing glove*
Max35 said:
Hmm, I read in another thread that supposedly in the original script, Eli commited suicide to save Gordon and Alyx or something like that.

That was merely misinterpratation on the readers behalf. Eli did not commit suicide.
GS: Some might be surprised to see that Alyx will return in Aftermath after the events in Half-Life 2, so can we also expect to see more of everyone's favorite Dog? How about any of the other major characters?

RW: Many of the Half-Life 2 characters will be returning in some form or another, including Dog. In some cases, such as Alyx, those characters have learned new things that have interesting gameplay repercussions.
Freaky deformed cyborg Breen with infused Combine parts FTW!
Or how about Breen's head attached to Dog's shoulder!.

Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing DOG die. Giant robots are just silly and out of place in the Half-Life universe.
I was thinking more along the lines of having his corpse return...

sgtjake said:

is that opposing force

sorry i dont come on here much

wats a gonome

and at the end of hl2 what are those tiny little people when ur going around the citadel thing

u kno
r they combine without masks

This isn't the right thread for that.

OP4 - Opposing force

Those in the citadel are stalkers, human slaves.
A gonome is the second stage of evolution for zombies...seen only in Opposing Force, some people really hate them. The 'tiny little people' are super-evilified human slaves to the Combine.

Also: you are typing on a forum, not texting. :(
Maybe itl be one of those depressing "everyone important dies" storys and you'll be the only one left. Then they can work on OPFOR 2 ;-)
gabriel said:
whatever happened to mossman? she should die.

No she shouldn't, she saved both Eli and Alyx and stopped Breen escaping. And nothing happened to her, she was still in the office with Eli.
Eli would die. He and Alyx are the odd ones out, and feeling that Alyx wont die. By "odd ones out", heres what I mean.
In conjunction with HL1

Gordon - Gordon
Barney - Security Guard
Kleiner - Scientist
Kouler said:
Eli would die. He and Alyx are the odd ones out, and feeling that Alyx wont die. By "odd ones out", heres what I mean.
In conjunction with HL1

Gordon - Gordon
Barney - Security Guard
Kleiner - Scientist

I don't think it uses such a system, but anyway.

Barney, Kliener and Alyx won't be leaving, Valv confirmed they are in HL3