If Godzilla attacked...

Ennui said:
most likely I'd summon King Kong and then get a video camera.

King Kong would get his ass kicked. That's like sending a weaponless human to fight a energy-beam shooting raptor.

Taking precedence from the Jurassic park series, King Kong would lose.

And what? Isn't like Godzilla three times larger than King Kong or something?
Fine then- if nukes are out, I'd just bring the Death Star in.

"Godzilla... I am your father!"


"...I want a DNA test."
No king Kong will and always as beat Godzilla.
Size is not the issue, King Kong would kick Godzilla's butt.
baxter said:
No king Kong will and always as beat Godzilla.
Size is not the issue, King Kong would kick Godzilla's butt.

Pfft, King Kong was killed by a bunch of wimpy WWI biplanes while in order to kill Godzilla, they needed to remove all the oxygen in Tokyo bay with a superweapon.
I would use Godzilla as target practice for my RPG i just bought straight cash.

Okay i lied, i dont really have an RPG. I said that just so you'd think I was cool, and then i could have a friend.
Pfft, in open warfare King kong would analiate godzilla. It's a proven fact , watch King Kong v Gogzilla
baxter said:
Pfft, in open warfare King kong would analiate godzilla. It's a proven fact , watch King Kong v Gogzilla

Pffft, that fight ended in a draw...and King Kong was much bigger than normal.

He's only 50 ft tall while Godzilla is 50 to 100 meters tall depending on what movie you saw.
What !!

maybe King Kong was pumped up on steriods.
Godzilla could open up a family sized can of whup ass on him