If Gordon were ever to talk what would his first words be?

You are Freeman. What's the first thing you said when playing HL2 apart from "ooh pretty"
Gordon: "Damn the G-Man!"

After 5 min...

Gordon: "These glasses are good, don't you think? Pretty resistent."

After 15min...

Gordon: "Remember that one time, when I kicked the sh*t out of that super sized giant headed freak ass floating baby body alien bastard?! Tha was cool..."

After 20 min...

Gordon: "I don't know about you guys, but those vortigaunts dudes really creep me out..."

After 45 min...

Gordon: "Don't tell anyone Barney... but a barnacle grabbed me by the ass once... you know, with that huge tongue..."
Barney: "Why the hell are you telling me this?!!! I preferred you much better when you didn't say a word... Freak!"
cojawfee said:
Glad I am not the only one who said "I wish" when she asked that.

Heh yeah, put me as a third for that one. I said around the lines of '' we can alwase try '' lol :)
"Eat lead alien scum!!!" :sniper: :cat:

"Damn I really enjoyed chasing and hitting scientist with the crowbar back in BM. Those were the good ol' days;( :) "

"Why don't you guys save the world yourselves I'm going to Fiji:D "
A True Canadian said:
I'm suddenly reminded of that Simpsons episode where Homer is committed to the mental institution and he meets Chief, the guy that never says a word.

Homer: Hey Chief.
Chief: Hello.
[Doctors and nurses rush over excitedly]
Chief: Well, it's about time somebody reached out to me.

that was a nice reference to One Flew of Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Kyo said:
You are Freeman. What's the first thing you said when playing HL2 apart from "ooh pretty"
"But Mooooooom! Just let me play for 5 more minutes, I promise I'll do my homework before I go to bed! These citizens are relying on me to save the world, ya gotta let me play! They'll all die if I don't help them out!"
"My father gets up at 4:45 every morning, walks straight to the den and begins watching the Discovery Channel... at a volume normally reserved for movie theater sound commercials. Now you're lying in bed, the sun hasn't even thought about coming up and all of a sudden you hear, "Like other predators of the plains the jackle subdues its victim by clamping its neck and slowly squeezing the life from its body.""

Jeff Foxworthy's second best joke of all time. :LOL:
I think gordon should have an angry, violent outburst- that should be when he first talks.

Kleiner: OK Gordon, just step into the portal I've created, and we'll send you to a new location!

*Gman suddenly appears*

Gordon: Woah hold it! Alright, I'm not going in another single goddamn portal again you egghead! If you didn't have such a portal fetish to begin with, I might even have tenure by now! I was making $80K at black mesa you stupid clown! a company car! research interns! ...interns, damnit!! Why'd you idiots have to do REAL science anyway?!?!

You've changed kleiner!

And you! *to gman* who in ****s name are you anyway, mother****er?! Why dont you just ****ing tell me, bastard! or you! *to kleiner* You seem to know a shitload more than I do about this guy!

You know what? **** this, man- *shoots gman in the head, gman dies*. Yeah, thats right biatch *shoots 5 more bullets into gmans corpse*

Kleiner, back the hell up man, or you're next!

*opens gmans briefcase*

Ohh.. whats this? *reads* aha! its a script! I knew it! ... now I know it!

Kleiner: Gordon!

Gordon: Shut the hell up! *shoots kleiner* BOOM HEADSHOT!

Yo alyx, hook me up with some loooooove! lets go find some rebel chicks! its party time with the gordon freemeister! *is now wearing the gmans jacket*

I know someone who owes me A LOT of beer!

*gordon does a dance and leaves the room, holding alyx by the waist*
Gordon: Barney! You owe me beer!

Barney: Sorry, I drank it.

Gordon: You WHAT??!! RAWR!!! *bashes Barney with a crowbar*
Gordon (To Vort): So what does deep fried headhumper taste like?
bliink said:
I think gordon should have an angry, violent outburst- that should be when he first talks.

Kleiner: OK Gordon, just step into the portal I've created, and we'll send you to a new location!

*Gman suddenly appears*

Gordon: Woah hold it! Alright, I'm not going in another single goddamn portal again you egghead! If you didn't have such a portal fetish to begin with, I might even have tenure by now! I was making $80K at black mesa you stupid clown! a company car! research interns! ...interns, damnit!! Why'd you idiots have to do REAL science anyway?!?!

You've changed kleiner!

And you! *to gman* who in ****s name are you anyway, mother****er?! Why dont you just ****ing tell me, bastard! or you! *to kleiner* You seem to know a shitload more than I do about this guy!

You know what? **** this, man- *shoots gman in the head, gman dies*. Yeah, thats right biatch *shoots 5 more bullets into gmans corpse*

Kleiner, back the hell up man, or you're next!

*opens gmans briefcase*

Ohh.. whats this? *reads* aha! its a script! I knew it! ... now I know it!

Kleiner: Gordon!

Gordon: Shut the hell up! *shoots kleiner* BOOM HEADSHOT!

Yo alyx, hook me up with some loooooove! lets go find some rebel chicks! its party time with the gordon freemeister! *is now wearing the gmans jacket*

I know someone who owes me A LOT of beer!

*gordon does a dance and leaves the room, holding alyx by the waist*
Win. :cheers:
I think his firsts words would be,
"**** I lost!, **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****! You know what **** this im gonna join the combine!".

Now in order to understand that you must understand the day before the black mesa incident... Gordon loved to talk. So much infact that he was the most annoyed piece of shit in the world. Well the day before the black mesa incident someone had bet him that he couldn't go longer without talking than him. Well the guy who bet him died on the day of the black mesa incident. Since the guy who died never spoke after he bet gordon before his death...and obviously never after his death...well Gordon has a tough opponent. Gordon though never lost a bet and had planned not to loose this one....
"Word to the wise: It's not a good idea to fart inside this HEV suit."

Brazooka said:
Gordon: "Don't tell anyone Barney... but a barnacle grabbed me by the ass once... you know, with that huge tongue..."
Barney: "Why the hell are you telling me this?!!! I preferred you much better when you didn't say a word... Freak!"

AHhAHhaHAHhaHAHhahAHaH!!!!!!!! Caralho!!!!!
"you've got the wrong guy, my name is Gordon Frohman, not Freeman!"
Alyx: Oh my dad has been captured, can you rescue him, I'll give you a kiss.

Gordon: Awwww You got to be FUKin shitting me, Why dont you get ur boney ass and do it your self, let the poor bastard die, oh alright........damnit, if thats what it takes to get some action around here, and it better be more than a kiss.
Whoa, what just happend? I think I just blacked out. The last thing I remember was getting on the tram to go to work.. I think I dreamed though, something about crabs and crowbars? And I was being manipulated by someone, like I was possessed. Why are you looking at me like that? Wait a minute, where am I?
"Luulitte vai et puhuisin englantia. Arvatkaa uudestaan."

Crowbar-at-hand said:
What the hell did you say?

It's Finnish, translates to "You thought I'd speak English? Guess again."

hehehehehe nice one PAra, maybe they would be.

"I don't want to go back to Ravenholm" lol.
hmmmmm, let me think Gordon's First words would be:

Alyx: Ewww this waters nasty, Got room for two in that Suit?

Gordon: :naughty: you know what, Come to think of it I do have room for two, so come here baby, or I'll carry you aroud if you'd like me to, baby cakes.
staticprimer said:
Whoa, what just happend? I think I just blacked out. The last thing I remember was getting on the tram to go to work.. I think I dreamed though, something about crabs and crowbars? And I was being manipulated by someone, like I was possessed. Why are you looking at me like that? Wait a minute, where am I?

nice one
mirage4 said:
You are wrong, he's dutch look at his HEV suit its the same colour as the dutch soccer team
If his HEV indicated anything, it'd show he's German. Black, orange and red (at least on the HUD).
605Scorpion said:
If his HEV indicated anything, it'd show he's German. Black, orange and red (at least on the HUD).

OMG we are all doomed
Freeman SPANISH, mmmmmm naaaaaaa, Comeone that sound British since I am part british heritage.
I appologize for the double Posts, But this topic is about to die, and I thought lets keep this interestic topic going :)

Anyways, I thought of what Freeman's First speeches might be, Here it is:

Gordon: Since This area is going to be assaulted, and the Combine want to re-take this area, I have an Idea.

Barney: Whats the plan?

Gordon: Me and Barney will Flank them from the side, Meanwhile Alyx will dress up in a Female Combine outfit, and Flash them, Yes thats right, Flash them, when I mean it Flash, I MEAN FLASH, as in I think you get the idea.

Alyx: WTF, You're not serious you mean.......Flash.

Gordon: Am I speaking English, or maybe you did'nt hear me Correctly, let me rephrase myself, I mean FLASH, as in Show your, um ehhh Ahemm, so to speak, I'am not going to say it again!

Alyx: ....................

Barney: Great idea Gordon, what do you think about it alyx.

Alyx: Ummm uhhhh ehhhhhh, hehhhh, I........um

Gordon: So lets get going.
I appologize for the double Posts, But this topic is about to die, and I thought lets keep this interestic topic going :)

Anyways, I thought of what Freeman's First speeches might be, Here it is:

Gordon: Since This area is going to be assaulted, and the Combine want to re-take this area, I have an Idea.

Barney: Whats the plan?

Gordon: Me and Barney will Flank them from the side, Meanwhile Alyx will dress up in a Female Combine outfit, and Flash them, Yes thats right, Flash them, when I mean it Flash, I MEAN FLASH, as in I think you get the idea.

Alyx: WTF, You're not serious you mean.......Flash?

Gordon: Am I speaking English, or maybe you did'nt hear me Correctly, let me rephrase myself, I mean FLASH, as in Show your, um ehhh Ahemm, so to speak, I'am not going to say it again!

Alyx: ....................

Barney: Great idea Gordon, what do you think about it alyx.

Alyx: Ummm uhhhh ehhhhhh, hehhhh, I........um

Gordon: So lets get going.

Can an Admin delete one of these posts Its 3 toooooo many, thanks
In a quiet moment, Barney finally buys Gordon his beer, and hears the first words out of Gordon's mouth when he's finished drinking it:

Gordon : i am sick of being a delivery boy.
Gordon: While Alyx distracts the incoming Combine Forces with her bobs almost like bait then me & Barney will attack them from behind, The Combine will be trapped, Isolated from Re-Inforcements, then we will celebrate with the beer that Barney has been promising since Black Mesa.


Gordon: "Its not who am on the outside, its what I do that define's me."