If the Citadel was destroyed...


Nov 27, 2004
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If the citadel was destroyed does this mean the brainwashing (let's say it's using some sort of mind contol device) that the metrocops have to go through will stop working? They could regain their normal human thoughts/emotions and retain their combine implants? This could explain why it was so important to destroy the Citadel, then along with not being able to bring any reinforcements in, their forces on earth would be useless.
I think it's more a remove the command infrastructure thing - cut the head off and the body dies so to speak, if there was some kinda signalling system it would have featured in the game at some point i would think, also all the troopers are stored in the Citadel so the main source for combine troops and there equipment and logistcal support would be enough to make it a valueable objective, it could also be possible that it was the main place for re-programming/re-education though that seems more to apply to Nova Prospekt
I don't think Metrocops are controlled - they joined under free will, as far as I know. The rest are actually brainwashed, though, and it'd take more than a toppling of the citadel to get them back.

The Metrocops, being free willed, would likely defect back to Humanity if they saw the Combine losing, though. There's nobody left to hand them their upgraded ration packs.

-Angry Lawyer
Metrocops are just normal humans who volunteer to server the combine. They don't have implements or else Barney would have mechanical parts. After the explosion all the Metrocops would probably go back to the human side.
Yeah, even if the metrocops are brainwashed they'd probably be like

Humans that joined Civil Protection were probably forced to do so. I don't mean forced as in forced by the Combine, I mean forced as in they were dieing to have better meals, better clothing, better accomodation, and a better life. Joining Civil Protection seemed like the only way.

I think that once someone joins Civil Protection, they would have their memory erased so that they can't turn on other soldiers or perform undercover operations. Mind control is an alternative, but remember, CPs don't get mechanical implants, so how is their mind controlled? Having their memory erased and them starting a new life as police makes a lot more sense.

Since Breen has been defeated, the Combine forces will become leaderless. I guess they'll go into some kind of anarchy, but they'll still be able to fight. Breen was there to give out commands, not to control minds, I beleive. If the CPs have had their memory erased, I doubt they'd change back to their human-loving self. How Barney became a metrocop is a mystery. He could've knocked out a few metrocops to steal their uniform. :D
The citadel also needed to be destroyed to stop anymore striders, gunships, and synths being produced in City 17.
Maybe, but I dont really think that they're using somekind of real-time brainwashing, they're braiwashED, destroying the Citadel probably wont help much, IMO :D
Sorry, I don't really have anything to add but I want to reiderate that the fact that Barney is a CP is proof that CP's are not under any kind of mindcontrol.

More then likely they have joined the CP becuz (A) They believe in the combine propaganda that Breen spreads or (B) They are looking out for #1.......if you can't beat em' join em'
The stalkers in Nova Prospekt and the Citadel were lobotomized higher brain functions, so if they were controlled by the citadel, then they will now be like Zombies, having the urge to spaz out and eat brains
or maybe just programmed to follow orders, not necessarily linked to the Citadel.
to be honest when the dark matter reactor exploded im expecting city 17 to be wiped out lol.
caido_souls said:
to be honest when the dark matter reactor exploded im expecting city 17 to be wiped out lol.
Wouldn't be surprising. Half-Life 2 didn't take place in Black Mesa - why should Half-Life 3 take place in C17 - although I hope Valve don't kill off all the major characters. Most of them came from Black Mesa to C17, it would only be fair if they continued in the HL storyline.
How do you know that the Citadel was destroyed???

I mean, theres was an explosion at the top, big woop. It might of just crippled it abit, but if it was such an explosion that could take out the whole building then I would say that it took City17 with it, unless the gman done somethin that stopped it from taking ou the city.
sfc_hoot said:
Humans that joined Civil Protection were probably forced to do so. I don't mean forced as in forced by the Combine, I mean forced as in they were dieing to have better meals, better clothing, better accomodation, and a better life. Joining Civil Protection seemed like the only way.

I think that once someone joins Civil Protection, they would have their memory erased so that they can't turn on other soldiers or perform undercover operations. Mind control is an alternative, but remember, CPs don't get mechanical implants, so how is their mind controlled? Having their memory erased and them starting a new life as police makes a lot more sense.

Since Breen has been defeated, the Combine forces will become leaderless. I guess they'll go into some kind of anarchy, but they'll still be able to fight. Breen was there to give out commands, not to control minds, I beleive. If the CPs have had their memory erased, I doubt they'd change back to their human-loving self. How Barney became a metrocop is a mystery. He could've knocked out a few metrocops to steal their uniform. :D

I know this is grave digging... but I don't want to make a whole thread for this and I'd just like to add something that might support this theory about Civil Protecton Officers:

Remember that citizen in the Trainstation that talks about the Combine putting something in the water to make you forget, and later the other citizen in line for food who remarks about being ready to join Civil Protection just to get a decent meal?

Well I think then that it is likely that people join Civil Protection just to survive. It would seem odd then that they take such pleasure in opressing other people, especially considering their own circumstances for joining. So I propose that perhaps the Combine 'erases' their memory by giving them more concentrated amounts of whatever chemical it is they are putting in the water, in conjunction with brainwashing. So new recruits forget why they joined Civil Protection... they forget that they still hated the Combine and that they were starving... and add that with a nice dose of brain washing... and you have your Secret Police.

Of-course, I'm sure plenty of people join Civil Protection out of greed our just for the sense of power. Afterall, people have joined similar police forces in real life. I'd immagine that there were other members of Civil Protection who had manage to avoid the 'forgetfullness' and 'brainwashing' just like Barney... Gordon just didn't meat any of them. Or perhaps when the revolution began they took off their uniforms... since wearing a full CP Uniform would be asking to get shot. (I really don't understand why Barney kept on his)

So sorry for grave digging... but I hope this answer contributes enough to be worth it.
The explosion probably only wipe off the top of the citadel, reducing its size somewhat....i guess it would make it less menacing now and the citizens can laugh and jeer :p
I think the Citadel when Ka-Boom in a glorious show of fireworks and smoke and death and rubble, etc.

since wearing a full CP Uniform would be asking to get shot. (I really don't understand why Barney kept on his)

Urm...His wardrobe was seized back in Black Mesa East?
Based on what Breen said shortly before the whole thing when kaplooy... I had the impression the explosion was going to do alot of damage to the City as a whole. Probably something along the lines of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. There would be survivors, and even buildings towards the edges... however the majority of the city would be reduced to rubble.
HL2 > sound > npc > overwatch > radiovoice > remindermemoryreplacement.wav

I think that CPs are simply barraged with pro-Union, anti-resistance propaganda rather than being extensively mechanised. As others have stated, they're merely (bastards) resorting to whatever methods necessary to ensure their continued survival within the Civil Protection organisation- and, of course, a better quality of life than their lessers.

That excerpt says to me that a CP can apply for memory replacements and become a soldier- i.e., an augmented, brainwashed version of their former selves, with little or no memory of their past existence.

It's possible that Breen was lying about the true power of the endgame explosion, but I think that- no matter how destructive it might be- Valve wouldn't want to obliterate City 17, at least not entirely, so that they can have familiar story elements to fall back on in a sequel.
lucky for city 17 that some of the rubble for the tower will probably collapse back into the pit it had been digging if the whole structure fell.

The larger pieces would probably still land in areas that the tower had "eaten" However c17 is still going to have dust and giant flying pieces of deadly... er ..flying debris all over the place for a while.

many will die, mainly those near where the city stops and the tower begins.
Lets think. Why would the g-man think your mission was over at the end? Because you destroyed the citadel
Possibly he just wanted Breen removed from power, and the central portal that the Citadel influenced/housed. I don't doubt that the Citadel was ruined past all recognition, however, although I wonder how much damage, if any, was inflicted on the surrounding populace.

You are all forgeting one important fact...


That means there are at least 16 more citidels. Even if you blew up one, and the main on at that, it really wouldn't hurt them overly much.
Puzzlemaker said:

You are all forgeting one important fact...


That means there are at least 16 more citidels. Even if you blew up one, and the main on at that, it really wouldn't hurt them overly much.

You dont know how powerful these other citadels are. Or if there are any.
And again, Breen might just have been bluffing.
Being stuck in a bubble while some maniac with a grav gun is taking your warp machine to pieces is plenty grounds for insane exaggeration in my book.
Marx! II said:
And again, Breen might just have been bluffing.
Being stuck in a bubble while some maniac with a grav gun is taking your warp machine to pieces is plenty grounds for insane exaggeration in my book.


But yeah, he might be bluffing, but I dont think he is since Laidlaw confirmed the entire citadel is going to go into meltdown ;)
since wearing a full CP Uniform would be asking to get shot. (I really don't understand why Barney kept on his)
Body armour


You are all forgeting one important fact...


That means there are at least 16 more citidels. Even if you blew up one, and the main on at that, it really wouldn't hurt them overly much.
There are at least 29 more. At the start it goes up to 30 on the timetable
When the citadel blew, the explosion didn't look too big or impressive, and to be a smart-alec scientist: the explosion was cooling to a redder colour far too quickly for it to have that greater ammount of heat in it, and you could see projectiles flying at a slightly slower rate than you'd expect. That's just my belief, but I say it'd just make a 20 metre explosion radius. But with the dark energy reactor out of the way, the combine would be left literally powerless.
Has anyone here heard of Rogue Threat? a Fan Based Expansion that takes place in city 14 or something. I only heard about it recently, but Valve is helping these guys with their story, and you play as a Civil Protection officer who's implants fail and he recognizes that the vortigaunt slaves he and his men are torturing begin begging in english, and then their true forms are revealed to be humans. Apparently The combine use both technology and propaganda to ensure loyalty. If the Citadel crumbles, then the entire city is pretty much liberated. Insofar as they no longer fear the combine. Perhaps Barney had Eli's or Kliener's help in resisting the implantation procedure and managed to spy on the combine from then on.
That's definitely a distinct possiblity- but I suspect that Barney is just a very clever operative who is ranked as high as is possible for someone without implants/memory replacements. I.e., if he submitted to the other procedures, he'd weild much more power but lose himself.

And I hadn't seen much about Rogue Threat- you say Valve has a direct hand in their storyline? Definitely worth a look then...
aztecsaxwarrior said:
Has anyone here heard of Rogue Threat? a Fan Based Expansion that takes place in city 14 or something. I only heard about it recently, but Valve is helping these guys with their story, and you play as a Civil Protection officer who's implants fail and he recognizes that the vortigaunt slaves he and his men are torturing begin begging in english, and then their true forms are revealed to be humans. Apparently The combine use both technology and propaganda to ensure loyalty. If the Citadel crumbles, then the entire city is pretty much liberated. Insofar as they no longer fear the combine. Perhaps Barney had Eli's or Kliener's help in resisting the implantation procedure and managed to spy on the combine from then on.

The entire city is going to be wiped out, actually. Valve helping them with thier storyline? Sounds abit farfetched to me.
whats with all this "metrocops and CP being humans" business? I've never gotten the impression that they were human.. or under mind control. It seems to me like they are a "combination" of human and alien dna so that the combine could have footsoldiers that are adapted to earth's atmosphere.
i think if the citadel was destroyed, they'd still be under orders by their uppers, but without the resources from the citadel, they'd basically be screwed.

you've all seen this right?

i dont know about you, but that one on the left sure doesnt look human to me
gabriel said:
whats with all this "metrocops and CP being humans" business? I've never gotten the impression that they were human.. or under mind control. It seems to me like they are a "combination" of human and alien dna so that the combine could have footsoldiers that are adapted to earth's atmosphere.
i think if the citadel was destroyed, they'd still be under orders by their uppers, but without the resources from the citadel, they'd basically be screwed.

you've all seen this right?

i dont know about you, but that one on the left sure doesnt look human to me

Ok. Combine soldiers are humans. CPs/Metrocops are humans. There are no combine aliens on earth during half life 2. The soldiers you see are humans that have been upgraded with combine technology. (Nothing to do with DNA)

The metrocops don't even have that, they are human, volunteers to become part of civil protection.

Striders/gunships and dropships etc are Synth - self replicating robots conquered by the combine in thier wars etc.

The footsoldiers you see are simply citizens upgraded with combine tech to keep the peace etc.

With the citadel powered down its quite possibly that tech would fail and the soldiers would be liberated so to speak. Then the combine would only have the Synths left on earth - that would get them no where.

No combine aliens on the planet. That picture shows how humans are bieng upgraded and are evolving into the combine overwatch.
that picture of the combine overwatch doesnt look remotely human though. i can see how humans could end up becoming CP or metrocops or whatever, but even then why would they be so hostile and opressive toward their fellow humans? it seems like if they were human, they would be a little nicer you know? i know that they aren't the true combine, but i still think the combine created them somehow, and that they arent human.
gabriel said:
that picture of the combine overwatch doesnt look remotely human though. i can see how humans could end up becoming CP or metrocops or whatever, but even then why would they be so hostile and opressive toward their fellow humans? it seems like if they were human, they would be a little nicer you know? i know that they aren't the true combine, but i still think the combine created them somehow, and that they arent human.
Read your history.
The SS, and Stalins Seceret Police, Castro's Death Squads, Mussolinis Fascists, all were 100^% human. All volunteers. Yet they were evil. Unprincipled people will commit grave evil to help themselves.
ríomhaire said:
Body armour

He could have just taken the vest, like the Citizens. Look at the resistance fighters, they wear the gray vest that the CP's wear. Barney should have just done that since I immagine that a jumpy Citizen would likely blow him away.
r2000 said:
Read your history.
The SS, and Stalins Seceret Police, Castro's Death Squads, Mussolinis Fascists, all were 100^% human. All volunteers. Yet they were evil. Unprincipled people will commit grave evil to help themselves.

well yeah of course, but really, we're talking about a REALLY LARGE scale take-over here. the entire freakin earth! i mean how many "evil" people would you need for something like that? i don't think the numbers quite add up there. the combine would never be able to keep the earth under control if they had to rely on humans to do it.
gabriel said:
that picture of the combine overwatch doesnt look remotely human though. i can see how humans could end up becoming CP or metrocops or whatever, but even then why would they be so hostile and opressive toward their fellow humans? it seems like if they were human, they would be a little nicer you know? i know that they aren't the true combine, but i still think the combine created them somehow, and that they arent human.

Yes they are, the facts are in half-life 2 and the walkthrough. Not to mention raising the bar. That picture is human, it's simply another human been upgraded with combine technology. Thats how it is, brainwashed and stalkerised. There's a picture of it in Nova Prospekt, even Breen confirms these facts. Combine soldiers - humans with combine tech. CP - Ordinary humans.