if there is a movie.....


May 16, 2003
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if there is a movie on HL who will the characters be
i think G-Man looks like tommy Lee Jones and Alyx can be Samantha Mumba.(the girl from the time machine)


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hopefully not too many big-name actors cause' then it becomes a sucky mindless "star vehicle" movie . This has happeend to just about every game to movie transfers. Not to mention all suck hard.
yeah.....wing commander....such a great game....but the movie sucked ..

and these comic book movie suck ass to hulk/spiderman/daredevil/...ect
ehh i wouldn't be too sure about that crab. Those movies get great reviews and make alot of cash. I like spiderman movie :).
I think there is like 1/100 chance that they will actually do it, so I'm not worried.
Samantha Mumba

in a way she kinda looks like her


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sure tommy lee jones looks like the G-Man, but does he sound like the the G-Man?

Personally i would like some guy who can pull off the voice. That sleazy self confident voice with the snake hiss edge to it.
I say they use a bunch of good actors no one has ever heard of b4.

my sis used to watch a show called "The Other Half"

and theres a guy in there WHO LOOKED EXACTLY LIKE Gordon Freman
i forgot what channel its on but try searching for a pic
yah, id go see hl the movie, but id really like to watch Deus Ex the movie, which they have already signed a contract for :D
u know who would be perfect in the movie DOOM to play Flynn (the doom guy) u know the boxer in Daredevil? u know, ben aflects father boxer, he would be great
i think edward norton would make a perfect gordon. but i doubt he would do it.
Just rest assured that he would make a positively atrocious gordon. He is a thin, wimpy little bastard who looks very shifty.
Just rest assured that he would make a positively atrocious gordon. He is a thin, wimpy little bastard who looks very shifty.

That makes us all available for the position, except the fat ones
Ashanti should play Alyx, someone's grandpa should play Kleinner and Charlie Sheen should play Gordon. Plus, Mathew Broderick as Barney.
broderick would be very good for barney, i remember seeing that one in pc-gamer.
i agree, im not saying it was good, but the boxer would have fit flynn's looks :)
Gorden - Edward Norton

Adrian Shepard - Henry Rollins

Barney - Bruce Willis
i need pics dadgumit, i dont know who these peeps are, except bruce
Ed Norton


Henry Rollins (Guy on right)


Bruce Willis

Originally posted by zdub
i think edward norton would make a perfect gordon. but i doubt he would do it.

Why not? He did Death To Smoochy.
Originally posted by MrTeatime
Just rest assured that he would make a positively atrocious gordon. He is a thin, wimpy little bastard who looks very shifty.

.........Yeah because Gordens a body builder isnt he.

Have you seen american History X? Norton was ripped in that movie.
I like the idea of Ed Norton as Freeman. Thought he looked the part in your picture. And what is really good is that wouldn't have to say anything at all in the role.
Henry Rollins would be great as Barney or something like that. Please no Bruce Willis or Samual L Jackson. They are used far too often. (Sorry Bruce and Samual)
Perhaps someone like Hugh Jackman would make a good Freeman. I think Mel Gibson could do the G-Man (now that he is old enough).

Best candigates for Xen aliens are Sean Connery, Garth Brooks, Whoopie Goldberg, any WWF wrestler and any currently popular hip-hop artist.

If they do make a movie it should be more of a 'desperate escape' type film rather then a 'bash on the aliens' film.
I think Broderick is far and away the best choice for Barney. I suppose you're right that Norton looks like Gordon, but I just don't think he has the right personality. Obviously he is an actor and can play a character, but I don't think would pull it off well. Gordon should be calm, quiet, and above all confident. Norton is not like that at all. He plays neurotic, fast talking, strange characters. Charlie Sheen could be a good Gordon. Collin Farrell could also work.

Mel Gibson as the G-Man? WTF? Mel Gibson is a wholesome, trustworthy type of guy. A family man character. He could never be the G-Man.
norton was calm and in control in american history x, ask the black guy!
I didn't see it. I guess for all I know he could be a good Gordon.
Originally posted by Flynn
yah, id go see hl the movie, but id really like to watch Deus Ex the movie, which they have already signed a contract for :D
Deus Ex the movie, eh? The phrase "dumbing down" seems to spring so very readily to mind...
Alyx is, as far as I can tell, based in part on her out of Smallville... Is this just me?
Just because Ed Norton had a beard the same like Gordon doesn't mean he's ******** suitable for the movie part!! Anyone can grow a beard like Gordon. Actually believ it or not, I was watching the Tom Green show yesterday and he was recently grown a Gordon-like beard and he was wearing glasses, Tom looked (exactly) like gordon.
Yeah but Tom Green isn't really an actor where Ed Norton is a really good actor.

I dunno how a HL movie would turn out, like someone said Half Life would be best making it about the desperate escape from Black Mesa, it should keep within the spirit of the game without trying to copy it too closely cause although some of the things are great in a game they would just be pretty pathetic in a film. HL2 seems like it would make a better movie tbh, you only really get an idea of whats going on at the end of HL where HL2 you know there's some kind of conspiracy going on with g-mans organisation pulling the strings and some kind of alien invasion.

More than likely it'll be a piece of crap like most/all movies based on games but with the amount of game licenses being snapped up at the moment surely there's gotta be at least one good movie there? Mabye :o
I have a feeling Valve are deluding themselves somewhat if they think it could be done well. Or maybe they're being paid loads, but I like to think they have more integrity than that.
tbh, i dont think money is an issue for valve any more. I think if they do t at all it will be for the fans and for fun alone. Just an opinion