if there is a movie.....

If there is a hl movie, I hope they do a part where a sci gets sucked into the barnicle and goes "o my god we're doomed!, then gets gibbed.
No, I know where you're coming from, which is why I'm even more wary of a film being made. It really won't be good. It'd be cliched, illusion-shattering and would most likely be shot down in flames by critics and cinema-goers alike.
lol, valid opinion i spose. But there is us gameplayers who will like it. And its an all right story if they got it right. I mean its got the mysterious G_man a hero character a bystander who gets cought up in the action and its sci fi. It COULD be good. But yeah its more likely to flop :(
See, I don't know if us gameplayers WOULD like it - we know HL and Black Mesa too well. If anything was wrong, we'd know in a second and be annoyed by it in a big way. The story wouldn't quite work on screen because the plot is a little bit B-movie... But the monsters look cool :)
yeah, i ever really thought about that aspect of it. Meh, could work but probably wouldent :(

thats my opinion now :)
They'd have to flesh out the story tbh, wonder how they'll deal with doing the aliens?
Originally posted by El_Chi
See, I don't know if us gameplayers WOULD like it - we know HL and Black Mesa too well. If anything was wrong, we'd know in a second and be annoyed by it in a big way. The story wouldn't quite work on screen because the plot is a little bit B-movie... But the monsters look cool :)

Not neccesaruly, up untill a month or so ago I worked in a comic store for 2 years and ive been reading comics since i was around 9, then when I saw the Hulk movie I loved it, sure they had changed the details, but it was even better than I had hoped.

The same could be done for HL, but then a again, it could turn into another resident evil.
Originally posted by Xei
They'd have to flesh out the story tbh, wonder how they'll deal with doing the aliens?

They arnt aliens. Theyre interdimensional beings.
Well, I still think it'd be rubbish. Comic book films have had more luck than game films. Although that's all VERY relative indeed.
it isnt a very big jump from comic book to video game. It all depends on the license itself.

If they made a movie of some lame ass comic it would be shit.
To be honest I'm not really into comics, so my opinion on that is a bit half-baked. However films that draw their plot from either books, comics or games tend to be bad, bad things. Hollywood laziness, that's all it is.
All depends on the team behind it.

I mean Terry Gillingham did a pretty decent job with Fear and Loathing.
Yeah not all films of books are bad, but I'm just being very very wary and I'd rather an HL fillum didnae happen. As you may have gathered.
Tommy lee jones looks nothing like the g-man....?
Maybe that "sniper" from phone booth ;]
Originally posted by El_Chi
As the G-Man? You are joking aren't you?


Face shape's all wrong. As is the age. Christopher Walken would, as many have said before me, be great.
Far better than Anthony "No I'm not Welsh, honest" Hopkins. Although I do like him.
Originally posted by MrTeatime
Just rest assured that he would make a positively atrocious gordon. He is a thin, wimpy little bastard who looks very shifty.

think before you post next time...might help you avoid these types of posts...
i bet hollywood has some actors ready to be put in a script so we're not seeing everyone possible fella's...

Here are my observations:
As Alyx's father:
Morgan Freeman

As Barney:
Matt LeBlanc (friends)

As Alyx:
Angelina Jolie (kinda looksl like alyx.. dont you think?)

Gordon Freeman as:
That one guy mentioned in the beggining

Tommy Lee Jones

My observations :-\
welll someone agrees to me

Tommy Lee Jones does look like the G-Man all he need is that CREEEPPYY voice
Originally posted by Joeyslucky22
i bet hollywood has some actors ready to be put in a script so we're not seeing everyone possible fella's...

Here are my observations:
As Alyx's father:
Morgan Freeman

As Barney:
Matt LeBlanc (friends)

As Alyx:
Angelina Jolie (kinda looksl like alyx.. dont you think?)

Gordon Freeman as:
That one guy mentioned in the beggining

Tommy Lee Jones

My observations :-\

That would be a great cast......If you really wanted to make a SHIT film.
ok heres alex some1 else posted her as asuggestion and i wholeheartedly agree!!

her name is Kristen Kreuk (shes fine!)


check that link for a piccy!

Christopher walken is G-man incarnate!

Barney... im not too fussed....

Gordon! either that norton bloke... or charlie sheen!

and i want quality alien/interdimentional being special effects! none of the poor quality matrix reloaded CG (that was too obvious)
I think if they ever make a movie, it should be of the period between HL1 and HL2. I mean, I'm sure HL2 will fill in some of the story, but not all of it. Also, using that period, you would avoid the very, VERY difficult Gordon factor (as it's assumed that he's unconscious or somewhere else for those 15(?) years). Just think, it'd be the story of kleiner, alyx's father, barney, the combine, the resistance... I'd see it. And it wouldn't have to modify ANYTHING that already exists.
Originally posted by TheRook

and i want quality alien/interdimentional being special effects! none of the poor quality matrix reloaded CG (that was too obvious)

I have to agree...new action movies make the special effects to cheesy and unbelievable...

all these new comicbook movies suck...matrix reloaded sucked......havent seen T3 yet...but im guessing it has some crappy stuff in it to.....

I swear ...the original starwars:a new hope ....looked better with its models on strings ....then all of these new movies......

kind of pisses me off.......
Anybody watch that movie about the aliens trying to pump greenhouse air into Earths atmosphere? Ermm....can't remember name, but the start of it would make a PERFECT Gordon Freeman.
Originally posted by zdub
think before you post next time...might help you avoid these types of posts...
I already admitted my mistake. No need to be a prick.

I have to agree with whomever said Hopkins would be a good G-Man. A little white face paint and he'd be set. He could definitely do the voice. Someone suggested the caller in Phone Booth. I think he could do the voice, but I don't know if Kiefer Sutherland looks the part.
Maybe with some make up and his hair died. It could work.
Charlie sheen even looks like a scientist in those shots. Thats good.
Yes, he's my top choice. Does anyone have that photoshopped picture where sheen is wearing a hazard suit, and standing next to barney and a scientist?
Oh, it was the G-Man, not a Barney. Thank you very much! I was going nuts trying to find that picture! :eek:
Originally posted by crabcakes66
GORDON= charlie sheen .....those other guys look nothing like gordon......






now tell me wouldnt be the best gordon.......

the third pic looks like some scene from hl or something
i mean it looks like hes just crawled through an pipe and at the end he meets an new alien or something (look at the expression on his face he looks freaked out or something)
Originally posted by DESSTROYER
the third pic looks like some scene from hl or something
i mean it looks like hes just crawled through an pipe and at the end he meets an new alien or something (look at the expression on his face he looks freaked out or something)

And he's gona hit it with a butcher knife he's holding! :)
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
And he's gona hit it with a butcher knife he's holding! :)

Too bad that the butcher knife is only an illusion.