If you could choose your name....

I dont know how about Sam or somthing like that, My name ''Nathan'' is ok with me right now
Blackghost905 said:
I dont know how about Sam or somthing like that, My name ''Nathan'' is ok with me right now
No, not sam.....that's my name, and it's good.
Orion, I love the mythological character and the name would be unique enough for me to like it since the name evolved into what is now 'Ryan', 'Orion' really is never used as a name anymore. Also I love the NASA program called project Orion:

Either that or I would keep my current name Noah, I mean it's unique and I share the name of a biblical character who saved all land based animal life on this planet.
Awesome... so I could go up to women and say "Hi, I'm awesome."

Greatinbed would also work for the purpose of having an interesting opener.
I think if i had to have a new name the following would be suitable:

short recoil said:
I think if i had to have a new name the following would be suitable:

Whats your real name SR?
Not only Peter Ness, but I'd like to be called Clive.

C'mon, you all remember Clint and the orangutan. :)

EDIT: Clive or Clyde? Shit I can't remember. :o
My current name is Travis.

If I could pick my name it'd be Travis. I don't exactly love my name but it's the only one that really fits me. Toravisu would be interesting (Japanese for Travis).
Rando Travis.

If it wasn't for THE AMAZING RANDO! we'd be dead right now.

ComradeBadger said:
Somehow that sounds like a highly intelligent person in the body of a retard.

Don't ask me why :|