If You Could Control Time, What Would You Do?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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First thing I would do is freeze time and start working out, then unfreeze time, and just pwn everyone, that'd be sweet.

Second would be to cause all sorts of crazyness (set buildings on fire, fire guns randomly in the air) until the cops came, then slow down time, and just kick all their asses, imagine a 5'4'' kid taking down all those people with crazy kung-fu type stuff, It'd be easy for me because I'd see it all slow, but everyone watching would see it as really fast awesomeness. So cool.

Your turn, bitch.
If I could control time
I'd go back to a day
when we were together
and we would play
I'd hold your hand
and you would hold mine
and I'd stop it right there
for the rest of our lives
*cut wrists*
No, you'd stop existing, you couldn't exist without them, once they are dead, so are you. gg, pwnt. :D
No, you'd stop existing, you couldn't exist without them, once they are dead, so are you. gg, pwnt. :D

I would stop existing in the time that I left from, but since I'd already left, I wouldn't. You can't just blink out of existence. That would violate causality
Yeah, every time you travel in time you create a new tangent.
I'd probably do things I wouldn't be very proud of.

We all would.
I would make stuff look like a commercial or music video. I would rewind time, using the timing of music so that people walk like they are dancing to the music. It would be good fun.

I would also tell people I could teleport, then I would freeze time, and appear behind them. And If I ever get into a fight, I would use it to get a nice right hook against the guy's face, and then go into slow mo mode so that I could fully enjoy it.

I think I would use slow-mo the most though.
But if her great-great-grandfather died, she would never have been born. But then, if she had never been born, she never would have gone back in time to kill her grandfather, who would then procede to procreate, eventually resulting in the birth of bliiink who would then go back in time to kill her great-great-grandfather. But if her great-great-grandfather died, she would never have been born. But then, if she had never been born, she never would have gone back in time to kill her grandfather, who would then procede to procreate, eventually resulting in the birth of bliiink who would then go back in time to kill her great-great-grandfather. But if her great-great-grandfather died, she would never have been born. But then, if she had never been born, she never would have gone back in time to kill her grandfather, who would then procede to procreate, eventually resulting in the birth of bliiink who would then go back in time to kill her great-great-grandfather. But if her great-great-grandfather died, she would never have been born. But then, if she had never been born, she never would have gone back in time to kill her grandfather, who would then procede to procreate, eventually resulting in the birth of bliiink who would then go back in time to kill her great-great-grandfather. But if her great-great-grandfather died, she would never have been born. But then, if she had never been born, she never would have gone back in time to kill her grandfather, who would then procede to procreate, eventually resulting in the birth of bliiink who would then go back in time to kill her great-great-grandfather. But if her great-great-grandfather died, she would never have been born. But then, if she had never been born, she never would have gone back in time to kill her grandfather, who would then procede to procreate, eventually resulting in the birth of bliiink who would then go back in time to kill her great-great-grandfather. But if her great-great-grandfather died, she would never have been born. But then, if she had never been born, she never would have gone back in time to kill her grandfather, who would then procede to procreate, eventually resulting in the birth of bliiink who would then go back in time to kill her great-great-grandfather.
Yeah, every time you travel in time you create a new tangent.

Not in my world.

To Que: Then it would be an infinite loop, bliink having no life, basicly being a robot. So there.
But if her great-great-grandfather died, she would never have been born. But then, if she had never been born, she never would have gone back in time to kill her grandfather, who would then procede to procreate, eventually resulting in the birth of bliiink who would then go back in time to kill her great-great-grandfather. But if her great-great-grandfather died, she would never have been born. But then, if she had never been born, she never would have gone back in time to kill her grandfather, who would then procede to procreate, eventually resulting in the birth of bliiink who would then go back in time to kill her great-great-grandfather. But if her great-great-grandfather died, she would never have been born. But then, if she had never been born, she never would have gone back in time to kill her grandfather, who would then procede to procreate, eventually resulting in the birth of bliiink who would then go back in time to kill her great-great-grandfather. But if her great-great-grandfather died, she would never have been born. But then, if she had never been born, she never would have gone back in time to kill her grandfather, who would then procede to procreate, eventually resulting in the birth of bliiink who would then go back in time to kill her great-great-grandfather. But if her great-great-grandfather died, she would never have been born. But then, if she had never been born, she never would have gone back in time to kill her grandfather, who would then procede to procreate, eventually resulting in the birth of bliiink who would then go back in time to kill her great-great-grandfather. But if her great-great-grandfather died, she would never have been born. But then, if she had never been born, she never would have gone back in time to kill her grandfather, who would then procede to procreate, eventually resulting in the birth of bliiink who would then go back in time to kill her great-great-grandfather. But if her great-great-grandfather died, she would never have been born. But then, if she had never been born, she never would have gone back in time to kill her grandfather, who would then procede to procreate, eventually resulting in the birth of bliiink who would then go back in time to kill her great-great-grandfather.

So... you are saying she would end up killing her great-great-grandfather?
Well, the whole rest of existance would have to play out before it started looping again, and that would take a while. Plus, there's the fact that when skipping back into the normal timeline (normal in this case being entirely relative; we're saying that it's the current one) there's a very definite chance that something will be disturbed, so it won't play out exactly the same each time, thus having a chance of her not going back in time to kill her great-great-grandfather at all. (IRT to cave canem)
I would stop existing in the time that I left from, but since I'd already left, I wouldn't. You can't just blink out of existence. That would violate causality

But causalitys ok with you killing your grandparents before you were born *Raises eyebrow*

Anyway, you couldn't. If you killed them, you wouldn't have existed to go back and kill them. Come to think of it, that may be some kind of paradox. Please stop trying to end causality

*Edit - Just realised that I repeating Que-Evers word, all be it with a layer of sense. Therefore I endorse one or more of Que's posts
bliink just said that to get us all going, dammit.
Well, there's also a chance that instead of going on till eternity and then looping, it'll simply get to the point in time when bliiink would have gone back to kill pop pop pop pop, then hit a snag and start looping between a much smaller space of time- with all the popping in and out of existance, and riding a loop over and over like a roller coaster, somebody's gonna get sick and probably end up causing the universe to implode or something. That's ok, maybe then we'll start again going the right direction.
Take stuff from shops. CD's, DVD's, games, a 360. Probably some other stuff. This is usually the kind of thing I think about in school.
Half the people here would turn into sexual predators. Maybe three fourths.
1/4 probably like fat chicks. :\ More coushin for the pushin?
1/4 probably like fat chicks. :\

What does that have to do with turning into a sexual predator?

But seriously though, it would unlock the darkest natures in men. They would wipe out their rivals, they would cheat, rape, pillage, plunder.
Who wouldn't, though?

You can freeze time! Even if they did catch you, you could get away by freezing time! Or atleast make a cool death scene with slo-mo...
If we could stop time, there would be a lot of random rapes especially to children.
To the thread starter: thank god you cant then...

What would I do? I would stop time, go to sleep, then when i woke up, start time again. That way i would finally have time to do all the things I need to in a day :p. I would stop time, learn everything I possible could, start time back up, stop time, get hillary clinton a bunch of other people I don't like, that i won't list because it would take too long, put them in a room, and slap them silly for a couple of hours, then put them back. After that, I would touch Mc Hammer. Then I would go to France and change all of the road signs to "we suck". I would probably take quite a bit of money, buy myself a very large house, a very nice car... and of course an incredibly nice computer system. I would stop time and get the new head of micrsofot ... whoever that is, and the head of macintosh, and i would pose them making out infront of some reporters camera who was doing a story, then start time back up again. I would find out how many licks it takes to get the center of lolly pop. I would take candy from a baby, I would have my cake and eat too, and I WOULD! CRY OVER SPILT MILK!
First order of business: go through a trial-and-error process that involves me doing every possible thing at my disposal to legitimately have sex with as many [clean!!!] women as possible.

Second order of business: Mad fame from becoming the single best fighter in the world

Third order of business: Shark wrestling.
Stop time and touch lots of boobies.

No, I don't get much as it stands :(
First order of business: go through a trial-and-error process that involves me doing every possible thing at my disposal to legitimately have sex with as many [clean!!!] women as possible.

Second order of business: Mad fame from becoming the single best fighter in the world

Third order of business: Shark wrestling.

Do you know how many sitcom hijinks or crappy comedy movies could spawn from this sentance alone?
Do you know how many sitcom hijinks or crappy comedy movies could spawn from this sentance alone?
Fifteen, actually. Two of them ended up direct-to-DVD. I think at one point there were 4 or 5 in production at the same time, but two of them were cancelled, and one was turned into a late-night cartoon show on Adult Swim 2 (the old one plays lots of music set to porn videos in the future).
First off, go into the future and track down a day where the Powerball is at an all-time high, get the lottery numbers, go back to present day, wait....profit.

Then I'd take my money and go like 20-30 years into the future, buy sweet technology (this depends on me being able to bring objects through time somehow) come back and have fun.

Then after I got bored of all this, I'd use my time bending skills to play pro (American) football (running unbelievably fast, dodging tackles, make easy slowmo catches).

Maybe after I leave the NFL I'd use my skills to get into some special forces unit and single-handedly end every conflict that has a simple solution (assassination, sabotage, basic stuff, wiping out an army, what have you...not something tougher like quelling an insurgency).