If You Could Control Time, What Would You Do?

One word: Lottery

you would scour the country for the winning lottery ticket? Why not just steal money from a bank, or rich greedy bastards?

Every time you need some cash to spend... walk into a bank, freeze time... take a few thousand dollars, walk out, unfreeze time.
I would win lots of lotteries. Then I would go forward in time, see the best 10 stocks over 10 years, then go back to the time when I win the lottery and invest most of my money.
I think that I would secure a warehouse in a desolate area and put locks on all the doors and windows. Then I would freeze time, and gather as many children as I could. I would take them back to the warehouse and just leave them inside to rot. It would be awesome, I could collect so many.
Travel to the future to see how the world evolves/ends up.

Travel to the beginning of earth to see how things began (or if i had a space ship then see even further back).

Then I'd use my powers to cheat at casinos or something and become rich and live in luxury the rest of my life having anything I ever wanted.
Go back and probably work up a bit more nerve to **** some of the girls I should have.

Adjust my behavior slightly around certain people to avoid a few suspensions.

I'd go back to the medieval ages with all my fancy modern shit, introduce them to IDM, and completely lord over the people with my futuristic enlightment. I'd probably spend a long time driving the notion of God out of their damn minds and introduce rampant heresy. And if anybody defied me, I'd remind them that I have a magic metal boomstick that shoots painful fire.

Oh, and fights would be totally badass. Being able to freeze time and anticipate/counter somebody's moves would not only be handy, but make you look incredibly sweet.

I'd also make obligatory trips to the future, just to see how we've progressed since then. 20 years from now, 100 years from now, et cetera. Probably bring myself back a hot robot and/or alien sex slave. Something like a fembot or a Twi'lek.
I forgot all about the Medieval ages!! I'd definitely go back in time and become a baron, and find myself a lot of good wenches.
I'm happy to know the only reason people don't rape, is becuase they don't want to be caught...

Stop time, read a bunch. Program a bunch. And then murder / rape / eat fetuses
I'd go back and register hl2net before Murno,
then everyone here will be my slaves.
Delete a video that effectivley broke me up with my girlfriend...no it wasn't me cheating. Also probably kill my dad _after_ he gave the...seed.
I would go back in time and talk to both of my deceased grandfathers.
What is the physical context of this time control? You can change the speed that your mind works at? Or you can change the physical time scale of your body? Either way would cause havoc with the laws of physics.

But I'd probably take a lot more naps if I could freeze time.
Dan? Screw the laws of physics. :D
Change history. Yes, if I could control time, you would't be living in a world of peace. Most of Asia would be controlled by the First Empire, and I SHALT CONQUER TEH WORLD! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAhaha... ahem. Or, you know, go down Hitler-style, go back in time, do everything all over again.
Oh dude, that'd be so awesome if not only you could change history, but you could save it like a video game.

So you save history right now, then you go back in time and kill george washington, and have sex with hitlers mom.

Then fast forward and see what happened, then reload!

Then you could keep trying to woo some chick, till eventually you end up with a save game where she goes down on you on the first date.

Then reload like CRAZEH!
I'd go back to the middle-ages and swing a sword into an innocent bystander's face... and then go into the future, maybe 2052, and if I don't see hover cars in the air and mechs running about... I'd cry.
I'd go forward in time and see if there was any way to atain imortality. I'd also win the lottery. Also, punch Columbus in the face for discovering America. :p
Lol, a save game system for real life. That'd be great.
I'd go back and eat that plate of pasta again. Yummy.
I'd smash the device up or if it's a physical ability i have just try and not use it.
You would end up very bored and sad if you could get endless money, sex, food, it might last a few months, it might last a year but what would be the point in living after that?
Life is worthless without a challenge.

The human brain needs polarity and perspective.
You need pain to appreciate pleasure, sorrow to appreciate happiness.

Modern soceity is bad enough as it is for over stimulation, the last thing you'd need is a time distortion device.

Having said all that i would probably fail, my stupidity would make me start using it "oh i'll just use it to get a few grand to help me out" wouldn't be long before i was adicted.
First, I would change some of the things I did in my short life to see what would of happened (regrets). Then I would go forward in time to see a possible future, grab some high tech gear that would allow me to be in space, then go back in time to see how we came to be for sure...probably watch alot of the events that happened throughout history and record what actually happened.

I'd also convince alot of the people of the past to establish a world where you didn't need to fight...war and conquer throughout time to achieve empires/nations like we have. For instance, convince the europeans and the natives of the americas to make friendly and negotiatable alliances during the discovery of the "new world" and actually KEEP those treaties/alliances. Just to see how the americas would've end up. That's just one instance. I wonder if humanity could deal/maintain peaceful relations. I want to see if we would be capable of living in a peaceful world.
What is the physical context of this time control? You can change the speed that your mind works at? Or you can change the physical time scale of your body? Either way would cause havoc with the laws of physics.

But I'd probably take a lot more naps if I could freeze time.

If you Freeze time, you do not age, but can go at regular speed while everything is slow.

If you slow down time, you go normal speed and everything else is slow

If you travel through time (forward reverse) you do not age, if you alter history it will be done in the future. (Causality Effect I think it's called)

If you've ever seen the movie "Clockstoppers", it's the same as that, except your can travel through time, also, and you don't age.
I'd become a god-damn ninja mercenary.

Or maybe The Juggernaut. Bitch.
lol, those Juggernaut cartoons are so damn funneh. (The ones where the guy adds voices)
you would scour the country for the winning lottery ticket? Why not just steal money from a bank, or rich greedy bastards?

Every time you need some cash to spend... walk into a bank, freeze time... take a few thousand dollars, walk out, unfreeze time.

That would be too easy and wrong. I'd write down the winning numbers for enough lottery drawings to last me a lifetime, then I'd reverse time and play the lottery.
I would stop existing in the time that I left from, but since I'd already left, I wouldn't. You can't just blink out of existence. That would violate causality

No, it would be impossible, you see, if you went back in time and stopped yourself from existing, you could never go back in time and stop yourself from existing. It's called the grandfather paradox, all changes have already been made so any changes that you have made in your time travelling to your past already exist....unless their are multiple timelines, a new one created everytime you move against the flow of time.
No, it would be impossible, you see, if you went back in time and stopped yourself from existing, you could never go back in time and stop yourself from existing. It's called the grandfather paradox, all changes have already been made so any changes that you have made in your time travelling to your past already exist....unless their are multiple timelines, a new one created everytime you move against the flow of time.

No, it would be possible, if reverse time travel was possible.
Which is only possible if infinite reality is truth, you'd simpy be moving to another 'arrangement' where you have entered the grandparents time, your just being there changes everything even if you don't kill anyone......you'd contine on a different timeline into 'future' (past and future arrangements are irrelevant so to speak, you wouldn't actually be going 'back')
I'd smash the device up or if it's a physical ability i have just try and not use it.
You would end up very bored and sad if you could get endless money, sex, food, it might last a few months, it might last a year but what would be the point in living after that?
Life is worthless without a challenge.

The human brain needs polarity and perspective.
You need pain to appreciate pleasure, sorrow to appreciate happiness.

Modern soceity is bad enough as it is for over stimulation, the last thing you'd need is a time distortion device.

Having said all that i would probably fail, my stupidity would make me start using it "oh i'll just use it to get a few grand to help me out" wouldn't be long before i was adicted.

Still, I would like to live as a demi-god for a period. One of the great things about life is that people can be unequal and have disproportionate amounts of power. Why not take advantage of that and live as a king, in an ancient time period? Kings face many challenges too. I would just put myself into that position, and then stop using the time traveling power.
No, it would be possible, if reverse time travel was possible.
Which is only possible if infinite reality is truth, you'd simpy be moving to another 'arrangement' where you have entered the grandparents time, your just being there changes everything even if you don't kill anyone......you'd contine on a different timeline into 'future' (past and future arrangements are irrelevant so to speak, you wouldn't actually be going 'back')

So you're saying in a universe where only one time line is possible, time travel into the past is impossible?