If you could go back in time, where/when would you go?

Bad^Hat said:
And God said, "let there be li...who the devil are you?"

Then you can say "I'm your worst nightmare" and pull out a minigun and start shooting everything.
Tinneth said:
Then you can say "I'm your worst nightmare" and pull out a minigun and start shooting everything.
dude, everybody KNOWS you can only kill god with a wooden stake through the heart!
Actually you have to cut off his head, God was totally the original highlander.
Bad^Hat said:
Actually you have to cut off his head, God was totally the original highlander.
yes. he is immortal. he has in him the blood of kings. ...n' stuff

...god, queen was such a great band. alas, poor freddy mercury...
User Name said:
I have a question before I answer yours.

When you ask: "where/when would you go?", if I choose to go back to the 80s, does that mean I will be that much younger? How would my life work out? I don't completely understand? How about my life. Would I still have a family? How would I get back to the present-time?
Well he did say one way ticket to live out the rest of your days.

Not sure about the family bit.

I'm also assuming you'd be the same age as you are now.
Bad^Hat said:
Actually you have to cut off his head, God was totally the original highlander.


Then you just stand there as the entire universe collapses around you after you've killed him. It would be like finally completing a game...and God was the last boss.
Tinneth said:

Then you just stand there as the entire universe collapses around you after you've killed him. It would be like finally completing a game...and God was the last boss.

And you forgot to quicksave back in your own time...
LOL the world is like Gods version of MMORPG.
Wouldnt go anywhere, this is an excellent time...so many advances to be made in technology.
I'd go back about 2 mins, and try to get my past self NOT to post about this, and then make some kinda neverending loop that destroys the world, or something.
I'd go to Japan & get some Samurais & Ninjas to join me to fight the evil society of Europe in the 15th/16th century :D KICK ASS! Or bring some of the modern armies with tanks and shit & totally own the noobs ;)

Other than that, I'd like to go to Japan/Asia I guess. I don't know. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Cha-ching :thumbs:
I'd go back to the height of the roman empire also, it seems so organised and kool but greece would also be a good place to go.
Other than that, probably like to see if OJ Simpson and Lee harvey-Oswald (sp?) really did do the deeds...but, also go back to win the lottery and bring all the money to the future with me :D
id go to see what went on before the big bang :D... then get vaporied into nothingness
oldagerocker said:
I'd go back to the height of the roman empire

hell yeah!

in the public baths ppl didnt wear clothes... no clothes.. chicks had no clothes... the women had no clothes...
neptuneuk said:
hell yeah!

in the public baths ppl didnt wear clothes... no clothes.. chicks had no clothes... the women had no clothes...

The men had no clothes
"mommy mommy why is that man's ding-a-ling showing" :upstare:
neptuneuk said:
hell yeah!

in the public baths ppl didnt wear clothes... no clothes.. chicks had no clothes... the women had no clothes...

Chics were not allowed, so you have to watch the men insteed. :D
Holy crap wait a second.

Lets say you go back in time. before you were concieved. Now if you had not been concieved doesn't that make it a 50% chance of you becoming a girl or boy.

And if you kept going back into time your gender might change when you come back into the present time. :eek:
Screw the past. We already know what happens :P

I'd goto the future and bring back some sweet technology or something back with me and just chill in this time period. I think it'd be cool enough thinking..hmmm the lottery is up to $200 million. I think I'll go into the future to see what the numbers will be. The future seems more fun to me.
AmishSlayer said:
Screw the past. We already know what happens :P

I'd goto the future and bring back some sweet technology or something back with me and just chill in this time period. I think it'd be cool enough thinking..hmmm the lottery is up to $200 million. I think I'll go into the future to see what the numbers will be. The future seems more fun to me.

yer see the mutant scavangers from the post-apocalyptic war....
"ill trade you those wobly things around your body for some old cheese i found!"
"uh yer, woteva"
I would alter the machine to go forward in time to hl2's release. Lol
Ritz said:
I'd go back about 2 mins, and try to get my past self NOT to post about this, and then make some kinda neverending loop that destroys the world, or something.

Sounds good to me
Yakuza said:
Holy crap wait a second.

Lets say you go back in time. before you were concieved. Now if you had not been concieved doesn't that make it a 50% chance of you becoming a girl or boy.

And if you kept going back into time your gender might change when you come back into the present time. :eek:
if the variables never changed it would always produce the same gender...so unless you messed with something...no