If you could have ONE thing from the HL universe....

If you could have ONE thing, no bigger than a strider, what would it be?

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what a pencil a gun and some paper? (and some other stuff...)
what a pencil a gun and some paper? (and some other stuff...)

He also had his ID, and that calculator...thing. Which may or may not have been a teleport device. And Gabe Newell once said that G-man regularly shows up with the Half-Life scripts, IIRC. So he has the HL Bible in his briefcase.
Some cake. Maybe some pet headcrabs.

And of course....a pheropod.
I would have D.O.g

Or alyx...

Maybe alyx...

But dog will throw people I hate, and cause worldwide destruction, so...

Hmm... Snap G.W. in two, or have some super hot chick that fancies me, and is very vulnerable... :|

I restate this so that all can see my PERVERSIONS!

MWAHAHAHA*Cough hack weeze*

Err... We remembers the Freeman, we are coterminous! :D
Alyx, Companion Cube, and the Crowbar (in that order of DO WANT ness)
Advisor.They have incredible power in there evolved form.They can destroy stuff with some sort of field surrounding them.It also acts as a sheild.
I live in a metro-type area, so the portal gun would make a car completely obsolete. I mean, even going cross country, you'd have a tough time in the flat spots, but if you stayed mostly to main roads...you could use signs...

Gimmie the ASHPD and I could beat the car record of 31 hours coast-to-coast.

and you would be RICH either from using it in illegal ways, or making huge amounts of money for delivery/courier...or moving, or "taxi" driver...or driving from LA to NYC and dropping a portal at each, and charging an insane amount of money to move between the two.


Or the quicksave-quickload thing...hello vegas.
You people are seriously underestimating the amount of visibility in your choices. Seriously, the Portal Gun? Watch as the guv'n'ment shoots your ass and confiscates it.

I'd take GlaDOS. Fit inside a handy PC tower. :)
Of course it is a gamma-emiting portal device, so good luck playing with it as your hair falls out and you get leukemia. :P
a strider, so it can bring me to shool (and then destroy it):cool: but alyx would also be nice
what a pencil a gun and some paper? (and some other stuff...)

That's what was inside his briefcase in HL1. I bet there's new stuff in it now, like another G-Man, who has a briefcase with a G-Man inside who has a briefcase containing a picture of Master Chief making a cake for GLaDOS.
No HEV suit in the list?


What the hell are you going to do with a HEV suit that's so much better than the other things on the list?

Go have someone shoot you anywhere except in the face? Have the worst camo ever? Sweat your ass off and chafe?
What the hell are you going to do with a HEV suit that's so much better than the other things on the list?

Go have someone shoot you anywhere except in the face? Have the worst camo ever? Sweat your ass off and chafe?

The coolness of the HEV suit is in its iconography, not its function.

Well, the function is pretty valuable, too.

I don't remember being shot in the face as an issue while playing HL. Probably because the HEV suit does indeed have a helmet, as often as we like to forget it.

And as for sweating and chafing, I assume that, alongside its morphine-distributing and nagging abilities, it provides a rudimentary air-conditioning implementation of some sort.
I gotta be honest, Alyx would have been on the top of my list if I had a dick...
I want a gunship,cause i dont like things that go against the laws of physics exept in games,and the gunship is pretty cool
I wish I had a hunter. But not a mean hunter. A nice one.
I don't remember being shot in the face as an issue while playing HL. Probably because the HEV suit does indeed have a helmet, as often as we like to forget it.

Probably because it's a game, not real life.

The coolness of the HEV suit is in its iconography, not its function.

So you'd rather have something that looks cool, not something that has a really good function?

-So you'd rather have a really pretty car with a crappy engine, no AC, no radio. Than an OK looking car with a good engine, AC, and radio?
I choose the Strider,it looks awesome,and its giant laser beam explosion maker of death would help clear traffic
my memory is bad with putting names and creatures together...
You know, the cuddly looking insect-like Xen fauna that you could toss at marines and watch as they chase them mercilessly down corridors until they explode in a shower of gore?

I haven't played portal, but doesn't the portal gun function as a portal gun + grav gun?

Either way, I'd take portal gun.

Or.. If Alyx did anything you wanted...

Also, isn't the pheropod useless? You get one thing, ONE pheropod, no antlions.. Even if you did have an antlion, you throw the pheropod, and there goes your one thing..
Portal gun; set one up in front of the fridge, one on your side, and your livin' the American dream.
I'm a genius.

It's like wishing for a infinite ammount of wishes.

id own an advisor team, :D, theyll stick ppl tht i dun like to walls

or maybe the gman, i like the way he talks

dog can prove to be useful


can i get them all in one set?? :P
Probably because it's a game, not real life.

So you'd rather have something that looks cool, not something that has a really good function?

-So you'd rather have a really pretty car with a crappy engine, no AC, no radio. Than an OK looking car with a good engine, AC, and radio?

Well, it's ALL from a game, so if you assume the HEV suit wouldn't work in reality, you have to assume nothing on the list would.

I, for one, think that active powered armor that's radiation-resistant and automagically administers medical aid upon injury would be pretty wicked. Especially if the long-jump module came installed.
The portal gun almost ties the HEV suit at my favorite, but I *know* that I'd end up seriously injuring myself with it :)
God...Do I have to pick one?!
I guess if I REALLY had to pick it would be Gman. Being a person, he technically falls under the "Thing" category. I want him to sit by my bedside while I sleep and wake me up in the morning by saying "Wake up Mr. Brown, Wake up and...smell the ashes."

Others would include: The gravity gun. The stunstick, and The companion cube.
I've replaced Alyx with Korin Gantz. Can I choose her as well? ;)
But seriously (as far as that term can be applied for this topic :)), I'd choose the Combine Gunship.