If you could have ONE thing from the HL universe....

If you could have ONE thing, no bigger than a strider, what would it be?

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I voted for ASHPD. Mainly because it looks nice and its quite handy. Although i don't know how long i would survive with it.
It's a toss-up between the Hand held protal device and the vortigaunt.

With the portal gun, I could travel anywhere instantly

and I could solve many problems

in the world of transportation and moving objects.

If I had a Vortigaunt to talk to, I would be able to learn of their vast culture and

spiritual nature and learn to harness it aswell.

Ok, I'm going with a Vortigaunt, just to be different.
A portal gun so I can put one above the toilet and... well, you know.
Let's see:

-Health Charger
-Holographic Guide (Gina Cross)
-Small island from the borderworld Xen
H.E.V suit with Gravity gun installed into it.
I want a zombie so I can show off to my friends and how c00l I am, I would bring one for the ladies in college. I just really got put my hands on one of those ZomBines.. I would just hid it in the closet and wait for someone to open it up, it would be so cool getting the guy's face on camera as he finds out there's a zombie who makes radio talk, holding a noisy grenade.. can you imagine that?!
Damn... I can't decide...

Portal Gun or Alyx...

So hard to decide...


And you didn't include "Trashcan" either :P
Id like the can from the start of HL2,it brings back good memories :-)
id engrave on it "pick up that can"
Um...that's what I was referring to by "trashcan"...
I'd like a huge stack of Medkits! They cure ANYTHING!
Maybe its already been mentioned but i want that crystal sample from HL1.
Reason's got nothing to do with it.
But if you really require an explanation, I've just finished my antimass spectrometer a few days ago and wanted to test it above critical limits....say, around %110 ;)
Reason's got nothing to do with it.
But if you really require an explanation, I've just finished my antimass spectrometer a few days ago and wanted to test it above critical limits....say, around %110 ;)

Aaah, that would explain everything :P

And about the medikits.. I believe the title included ONE.

I'd pick Alyx if she wasn't just AI and actually intereacted properly.
Portal gun otherwise. I'd just have to be careful about not jumping off buildings and creating infinite loops.
you guys who all want Alyx, and those who have been unspoken to the fact you would want her, really need a life... as for what i would like, gunship (who wouldnt? stick a cockpit on top or a saddle and fly about like some heavily armed santa claus sled) and grav gun (frickin awesome and unique thing) and hunter (come on! admit you love it! but a smart one... i had one try to play chicken with me while i was in car, he got pegged like the fox i pried off the road...), and definately not want a vortigaunt, wanna know why? ask me and use the majic word... ;)
I pick the hunter, one that only obeys the commands of one person...ME! It could stab in the back (just like what that one hunter did to poor little Alyx) or kill those i hate and do other various things for me...

And it's name shall be Fubu..."Stay Fubu, Stay...good thingamajig"

Also give it the ability to get uber pissed if somebody just insulted...then it could kick that person's ass, just for bein' ****in rude.
a vort wouldnt listen to a word i said (just like everybody else...) unless i was gordon freeman and if i asked it to do somethin it would fry my ass off...
Well, honestly every guy has a dream girl and Alyx could fit the bill if she were real.

I mean...she's an engineer so she can reproduce me the Gravity Gun yeah?
She's also a chick, thus I can have her make me a cake.
I'll be the Son in Law of Eli and he's friends with Vortigants so that makes me friends with them.

Besides her sense of humor is awesome, "Zombines."
Portal Gun vs. Alyx seems to be the dilemma of choice.

Do I have to pick? :(
you guys who all want Alyx, and those who have been unspoken to the fact you would want her, really need a life...

Why? Even when I was going out with my immensly attractive girlfriend in our long-term relationship back then, I still wanted Alyx.

Fact #1: Alyx = Hot
Hypothesis #1: Men == Straight, want Alyx.
Fact #2: Alyx = Computer Generated
Hypothesis #2: Men == Geeks, want Alyx.

Therefore, unless you're gay and not a nerd, male people find Alyx attractive.
It's not therefore necessary for one to need a life when finding a member of the opposite sex attractive.

The ability to use the tilde key in Real-life.
I could spawn all of those items in a single command, plus more.
But that would apply to any game :p

Puts me in mind of the joke...
"How do you know when you've been spending too long on a computer?"
"Someone asks you to close the window and you go... Alt+F4"

It's better IRL because you can do the action at the window too
Alyx's tricorder(?). Taser, unlimited data storage, Swiss army HAX0r tool all-in-one!
you guys who all want Alyx, and those who have been unspoken to the fact you would want her, really need a life...

You do realise that those words have no meaning here, and that no one really cares. Also that a large majority of people on this forums have lives, some are even married with kids (to my knowledge), you can be a massive nerd but still have a great life outdoors (i.e. me).

And can play through the Half-Life games and not have a single attraction to Alyx, you are either in denile because you think its 'sad' to reveal that, a homosexual or you wont let the game take you in its amazing immersion, by which case, you shouldn't be playing it and shouldn't even be on these forums. Having an attraction to Alyx is just as normal as having an attraction to anyone in real life, because you are that immersed in the game, and she is the most realistic NPC ever created, and she has been made to be liked.

So shut up about it, or gtfo.
You do realise that those words have no meaning here, and that no one really cares. Also that a large majority of people on this forums have lives, some are even married with kids (to my knowledge), you can be a massive nerd but still have a great life outdoors (i.e. me and me(Azner)).

So shut up about it, or gtfo.


Huzzah, now lets go get some booze.
You do realise that those words have no meaning here, and that no one really cares. Also that a large majority of people on this forums have lives, some are even married with kids (to my knowledge), you can be a massive nerd but still have a great life outdoors (i.e. me and Azner and me(Druckles)).

So shut up about it, or gtfo.

Huzzah Huzzah! Booze!

I believe Barney owes us some :p
a vort wouldnt listen to a word i said (just like everybody else...) unless i was gordon freeman and if i asked it to do somethin it would fry my ass off...

thats not true? they help alyx, eli, and countless citizens and resistance members. They are cute and friendly little buggas these days.
First, the Portal Gun, really really nice, then D0G and Alyx

Portal gun = Suicide

thats not true? they help alyx, eli, and countless citizens and resistance members. They are cute and friendly little buggas these days.

Not what I would say after being zapped countless billions of times in HL. And after seeing them kill combines all over the place.