If you had 24 hours to live...


Jan 16, 2004
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What would you do?

I think I'd take the corny route, goto my GFs house, and say my farewells and try to have a good time.

Or try what the British dude did, and bet all of my earnings/posessions/valuables on the spin of a roulette table. If I win, my friends will be very happy cause they'll be getting it all :naughty:
I'd shoplift and steal from as many stores as possible. I would also get revenge on all the people on my bad list. I would also arm myself like crazy, and open fire on a crowd from a really high building. Hey, I gotta have fun don't I?
ooook.......anyway I would not that, but I would thank the people who made my life more postive and go all out on making the last 24hrs the best time possible. Hey maybe one rampage just for fun.
I would write my book on my idea of the perfect economy. It was originally planned for writing when I was about 30, but hey, if I'm gonna die, I have to.
LittleB said:
I would write my book on my idea of the perfect economy. It was originally planned for writing when I was about 30, but hey, if I'm gonna die, I have to.

Sounds interesting, be sure to ship me a free copy if the day ever comes :)
Take a boat to the middle of the ocean, and enjoy my last 24hrs at peace with the world.
Download the stolen build of HL2. :p

Then I would thank everyone who has been cool to me in my life. Then I'd give all of my allowance money to some charity, then I would go ride my motorcycle, then give everyone that I'm close to a hug.

(Hypothetically speaking.)
Probably spend the first 10-12 hours panicking :)

After that I'd have to pretty much go with what umop said, a few years ago I would have been all RAMPAGE WOOOOOOOOOOO GTA STYLES... but really that's just silly. The world's not going to stop just because you're dieing, get your head out of your ass TBH =/

Moto-x_Pat said:
Download the stolen build of HL2. :p

Oh yeah, that too :D
AudioRage said:
Take a boat to the middle of the ocean, and enjoy my last 24hrs at peace with the world.

Not bad, I wouldn't mind that one bit. I'd also eat a real fine meal, the best you can get. Baby back ribs with curly fries and sweet tea - complete bliss.

And download the stolen hl2 build :cheese:
I would confess my feeling for the girl I have been after for 4 years, and would just like to live out the last hours of my life reading a good book in the middle of a meadow in the mountains..
Lots of really sad goodby sex with GF.

Other than that, I dont know. I havn't done much, and I don't really want to do much. I'd say "go to Valve and play all of HL2" but if you were gonna die, it would hopefully be the least of your needs to play a video game.

Actually, I know what I would do. I would get my gf pregnant. Yeah. If at the time we havn't gotten married yet and already had kids. She's kinda got that bioligical clock thing going right now, so she really really really wants a baby. But she's 18 and im 19. Not really the best age for havin babies. And its not that I don't want to have kids with here and everything. I just know it would suck right now. Because we're 18 and 19. And I've never had a job in my life. But anyway, back on topic.
I think making sure part of you will still be around is important.

The ideal thing I'd also like to do, is go on one last photo shoot. And have it be a damn good one. So then I'll be dead and my Gf will be able to sell the pictures because I'll get all super famous (some how). Then she wont have to work any more and her and our child could have all the nice stuff I'd want them to have.

Yeah....that sounds about right.
Press the big red button and take you all to hell with me :p

Naa I'd probably forget its my last 23 hours knowing me, or read a book, or tell all the people after me to pay debts to go to hell, wait no i already do that erm.. probably do a Homer Simpson and screw up my plans for the last 24 hours or spend most of the time left doing something entirely pointless. Or maybe go streak at a football match, just to say I've done it but not be around to live with my actions

I dunno to be honest. Probably wouldn't do anything different. I've already done everything I want to do, with so many cancer scares in the past I've already made my peace plenty of times, been traveling, worked in movies worked in games. Not a whole lot else I fancy doing really. So got all that out of the way already :) Meh I'd probably just sleep for a full day heh.
Commit Suicide.

I probably couldn't stand the waiting.....
Kill all my friends so i got some company in hell...
RoyaleWithCheese said:
Nothing different. I live each day as it's my last

We'll not have that sort of attitude in these forums, thanks :p
have a biiiiiiig wank then go to bed. *shakes fist at fenric for stealing my idea*
I'd probably do normal stuff like farewells until hour 23, then I'd shove a grenade down my pants and go out with a bang.
Maby killed valve for never releaseing hl2 before i died and then load my self up with bombs and antrax, then i would run into interplay and blow myself up because they never released Fallout 3.
I would drink a hundred cups of coffee so that I became so wired that time slows down for me and the 24 hours can be stretched into 24 days.

(Yes, I stole the idea. That was a great episode.)
I don't know what I would do.

Like an hour before I'm dead I would definetly go to a really high building and just jump. I'd probably do that.

In the other 22 hours I don't know...

Probably make sure my movie/mp3 collection goes to good use, heh. Well, probably not.
spend 12 hours with my son/wife, 12 hours playing half-life2 after I break into Valve :)
I'd have spend 12 hours with my parents, then a 12 hour party (No I dont have a wife)
id spend 5 hours breaking in threw the vent systems on a bestbuy / compUSA store... id shoplift the biggest bad ass computer i could find.. shove all the major games in a car and fly out the front door with my cart ahgahah
DarkStar said:
I would masturbate furiously.

for 24 hours?

Anyways, if it was totally and absolutely unsttopable, i'd commit suicide. I know Venmoch posted it, but, what do want if u make a thread like this?
I'd say goodbye to all those I love :)

And then, I'd listen to some music, and go to sleep
Sprafa said:
for 24 hours?
Practice, grasshopper... practice.

EDIT: Oh, what would I do? After all of the usual stuff I'd crank up the music and see how fast the Beetle can go! Once I know that, I'd try to see how far it can go... in the air.
If i knew the exact time to the second...i would do all my goodbyes and last fun with my friends and then i would time it just right so that i could jump off the victoria falls in africa and die just the moment i was about to hit the water. I can imagine how amazing it would be to fall for that length of time in the middle of so much beauty.