If you met God, what would you ask?

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Beerdude26 said:
"So, God, what's all this about Jack Thompson?"
"Well, you see, the universe is made out of matter and antimatter. Antimatter, for one..."
(This is where I fell asleep :()
(I wake up again)
"I know. I've been working on some workaround the last few years. I think it's got something to do with indefinite integrals..."
Rofl great stuff mate,

Thats awesome.
I'd punch him in the face and ask... WHY?!
i'd ask him why he made humans so ****ed up. then i'd ask him why he didnt have the balls to make humanity better or just end it
I wonder if god would let me borrow his gravity gun...
I would turn my head to the left, then to the right, looking at the universe around me, stare him straight in the eyes and simply ask, “Why bother?”
"So, do you really exist, 'cause there's this thread on hl2.net and I'm thinking that -"
"Yes. Yes I Do."
"Oh you've read it?"
"Yes. Yes I Have."
"Whaddya think of that site?"
"I Think It's Ridiculous Short Recoil Isn't Beating Chuck Norris By Miles."
"Me too, God. It's f*cking stupid."
"F*ck Yes."
"Oh yeah I was wondering - is being gay wrong?"
"If I'd Have thought It Was Wrong, Do You Really Think I'd Have Let It Happen?"
Hmmm, I guess not."
"Except For Those "Queer Eye..." Dudes - They're C*nts."
"I agree, God."
"Well Of Course You Do."
"Good point. Have you got any good jokes, God?"
"No, I'm No Good With Jokes."
"Well, in that case, God - no offense mate, but I'm a bit bored."
"That's What Your Mum Said. ZING!"
"Yeah, I'm going. All the best. Oh by the way - there's no meaning to life is there?"
"Cool. Take care."
"It puts the lotion on the skin..."
I'd ask god if he could duplicate his powers and give them to me, so we both have god powers for all eternity, that would be the shit!
Speaking of Jesus, i've been thinking. Since most chirstians wear crosses around their necks. If I was Jesus and I came back to the Earth, why would I want to see myself suffering around people's necks? I'd rather NEVER see a cross again in my life.

But a question for God... Hmm...

"Why aren't you doing anything about it?"

EDIT: Pfft, Blackrock Mountain is an easy place to get to noob.
Please no "What is the meaning of life?" it's too damn original for my brain to handle.

I'd ask him and/or her to tell me how big the universe is.
I'd ask "Can you give me some sort of spider powers?"

But in all honesty I'd most likely buy him a pint.
"Can you make boobs this big, that even you can't hold them even more?"

Thé question of life.
'Is Earth your only pet project, or...?'
I'd ask him why Arrested Development was cancelled before its 3rd season when its easily the best sitcom on tv.

I'd also ask him what an indefinite integral is.
Jintor said:
'Is Earth your only pet project, or...?'
"No, I Have A Great Many Side-Projects. For Example, I Am Currently Working As The Synth Player/Percussionist In An Experimental Prog-Rock/Jazz-Fusion Band. We're Calling Ourselves The Beach Boys."
"You do realise that there's already been a ba-"
<el Chi gets smited. Smiten? Smitered? Smote?>
el Chi said:
"No, I Have A Great Many Side-Projects. For Example, I Am Currently Working As The Synth Player/Percussionist In An Experimental Prog-Rock/Jazz-Fusion Band. We're Calling Ourselves The Beach Boys."
"You do realise that there's already been a ba-"
<el Chi gets smited. Smiten? Smitered? Smote?>
"So, when you made women...the way they think and stuff...it was an accident wasn't it?"

If you're real, why do you let me drop hot rocks on my carpet?

God, this took a long time to type out! :|
"god? why do people kill in your name then try to justify by saying you said it was ok?"

"god why do sit idly by while people commit crimes, perpetuate bigotry/racism in your name?"

"god, why do you give some people so little willpower that they must follow everything you allegedly said in some book written by guys who may have been full of shit?"
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