If you were Gordon your nerves would be completely fried by now


May 28, 2003
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Think about it from his point of view. He just got hired for some new job at Black Mesa a week or two ago. He goes to the test chamber, and messes up his first experiment. After that it's about 2 or 3 days of fighting aliens and military underground. Then he gets zapped through time and suddenly he's running for his life in a foreign city run by aliens. Fights for his life for another what 2 or 3 days including another time traveling episode? And then blows up the tower, has to escape the tower. He's basically had a full week now of constantly being shot at and has probably fired tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition and destroyed thousands of humans and aliens without sleeping either. Unless stasis counts as sleeping.

I think i read somewhere that soldiers can handle about 3 days of frontline combat before they start to break down from the constant mental stress of combat. Maybe all the morphine shots are what keeps him from freakiing out.
Good thing this is a computer game.
no kidding... but i think 10 years of sleep has to equal out to at least 2 or 3 years of constant consciousness
no kidding... but i think 10 years of sleep has to equal out to at least 2 or 3 years of constant consciousness

Charging a battery for 7 days doesn't make it last 2. It makes it... explode...
6Three's got it. Freeman isn't a person, he's a computer game character. The same rules don't necessarily apply.
Gordon is a mean, lean, ass-kicking machine.
He can kill until he's buried in a mountain of shell casings, and still be up for a rousing game of backgammon!
Gordon sleeps during load screens. That's when it's safe... but the game doesnt tell you, because that's an embarassing detail for a hero.
Gordon sleeps during load screens. That's when it's safe... but the game doesnt tell you, because that's an embarassing detail for a hero.

So when you cross a load point alongside Alyx Gordon...sleeps with her? D:
Kewl :E
Gordon may have been asleep at various points. The fade from black into Unforeseen Consequences suggests he was knocked unconcious after the cascade. Then he is knocked unconcious at the end of Apprehension. Travelling through Xen involves a number of fades from black as well. The entire stasis time MUST involve rest, because who can survive not resting for 20 years? He is similarly caught up in the slow teleport after his second day in City 17. And then he has a nice nap under the rocks waiting for Episode One to start. Probably the same at the end of his forth day too.
Gordon may have been asleep at various points. The fade from black into Unforeseen Consequences suggests he was knocked unconcious after the cascade. Then he is knocked unconcious at the end of Apprehension. Travelling through Xen involves a number of fades from black as well. The entire stasis time MUST involve rest, because who can survive not resting for 20 years? He is similarly caught up in the slow teleport after his second day in City 17. And then he has a nice nap under the rocks waiting for Episode One to start. Probably the same at the end of his forth day too.

Being knocked unconscious doesn't provide the same effects as sleep.
I always imagined that what we actualy play isn't exaclty what happens in the game-world. This is probably just me RPing but I always imagine Gordon coming in, holstering his weapons, taking of his helmet (no helmet debates!) and having a rest in certain sections (BME, end of Ravenholm/start of Sandtraps, start of Anticitzen 1)
wtf man if your gonna give away the entire plot put in the title spoilers. wtf man way to ruin it!
bye troll, all three of your posts are bullshit
If I was Gordon, i would'nt be able to walk because of 2 decades.

Just think of kill bill :).
Wouldn't his muscles had atrophied from being in stasis that long?
I think being in a stasis that long you could'nt feel your entire body.

There's no way in hell you would be 'on-the-move'. Id be stiff as F**k.

Gordon would need some sort of Re-hab after coming out of a coma like state.
I think being in a stasis that long you could'nt feel your entire body.

There's no way in hell you would be 'on-the-move'. Id be stiff as F**k.

Gordon would need some sort of Re-hab after coming out of a coma like state.
I think it's more like his body goes directly from Xen to C17 with no real time passing to go stiff (except the change of clothes :naughty:)
Well, if Gordon's nerves are killing him by now, think how insane Mario must be getting :eek:
Along this same, irrational line of thought, how does he survive for all this time without sleeping, eating, urinating, etc.? Well, some of his post-doc classes were, "Wellness 119: How to cope with the stress of extra-dimensional aggressors", "Physical Education 107: Armed combat for nerds", and "Advanced Physiology: Break the nasty eat/sleep/urinate cycle."
Well to Gordon, I dont think he ever did sleep. To him when G-Man put him in suspended animation, until he was needed at City 17, it was instant for him, but G-Man has special powers, so he could have like redied him for City 17 some way, removed his fatigue and calmed his nerves. If that aint it then i think Solaris has the right idea if you think about it carefully ;)
OH!! what a life, you work hard for 20 hours then you got 15 years holidays dreaming in the Gman briefcase. You come back for 10 hours as a hero, you find a girl, fight for another 5 hours, then i guess you will make a little trip in the country in EP2 and finally kick the aliens out out earth in EP3 in a few hours. After that you will have you statue in every square and pigeons will sh.it on your face for centuries.
So working for 50 hours, becoming a worldwide hero, playing with Alyx boobies, so where do I sign in ??
Seeing as the haz suits are essentially space suits for another dimension I'd imagine they have some mechanism for dealing with urine. And he drank about 50 cans of that Pop Dog soda when the whole thing started. (At least he did with me running the show). Each can is worth 1 hp. So he should be high on caffein and sugar. And if the suit doesn't take care of peeing he sure as hell would have wet himself by now. He's also had a dozen shots of morphine to curve off that caffein peak. And the injections from the good scientists probably offset the adrenaline rush of killing things.
Lads how many medical terminals and MediPacs would he have used during this time. They are probably doing alot more then patching up bullet wounds and resetting broken bones. They will have regenerated the muscles and given him energy boosts. So phyisically I'd say he is fine. The suit probably has him on a gluocose drip also.

Its the mental effects of being awake for what? A 2weeks in Gordan's eyes? He must be pretty ****ed up in the noggin and I don't think those medipacs administer pysciatric counselling.
It's obvious - Gordon sleeps when you save the game and exit out of Half-Life; then when you start it back up and load your game, he is nice and rested!

(Also...conveniently enough, the zombies, headcrabs, combine, and other characters also sleep during this time as well...)
Yeah, when you exit the game everybody just falls down snoring :D

Imagne the advisor snoring :D
Imagne the advisor snoring :D
It probably never sleeps. Its technology probably keeps it permenantly awake. After all, it's not like it goes out for long runs and needs to recuperate :p
Gordon can all hold out for those toilet breaks! In fact he doesn't eat or drink anything so nvm. Must be that all encompassing Hazard Suit. It must feed him and water him, keep him awake and deal with when he needs to pee all in one.
If I were Gordon I'd hole up in a safe corner, take a nap, eat a nice roasted heacrab and get back to the ass kicking =D
ok in this sort of discussion, this would be the only time i would say, it doesn't really matter because its a game. I dont know, he must get fully rested and what have you when in stasis, but to be honest i a pretty pointless discussion