If your Bink movie runs bad, look here


May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Got this of another forum btw :)

1. Go to http://www.radgametools.com and download bink and smacker then install it

2. go to start > programs > bink and smacker > rad game tools

3. Find the video and click advanced play

4. then u can change some stuff to make it run better like :

- preloading the entire file into memory
- changing true color(or 24bits) too high color (or 16bits)
- change the blitting style too directdraw to primary surface

havent tested yet, but looks good ;)
This is a virus.

And I know that because this program is one of my creations.

It is a virus, :cheese:
The bink\smacker tools aren't viruses, and you sure as hell didn't make them.

I haven't used them in a while, but I'm pretty sure the tools will let you convert the bink exes into other video formats, so if people are having trouble with their movies, they should definately try these tools to either get them playing back better, or convert them into a format\resolution that runs smoother.

Edit: Toned down flameyness :dozey:
Gorgon: I'm saying what everyone else is thinking by now... CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!

These tips do help on my computer, but it still won't play absolutely smooth (prolly due to me owning a GF1) and converting video is only possible if I want a 10Gb .avi file instead, which really isn't an alternative. I noticed that it asked me what compression to use when exporting to avi, but there was nothing to choose from in the list :/
lol at the moment, I tend to agree with you on that. I pointed out something along those lines in my first post before I edited it :D

As far as converting to an AVI goes, download the divx codec (I think it's at divx.com) and that should hopefully become an option in the bink tools. It allows for pretty good file sizes while keeping high quality.. and the video should run considerably smoother, though frame by frama analysis, or skipping to specific parts of the movie become more difficult.
Gordon i would watch what you say, the bink and smacker tool is not a virus.

Also, making viruis's is a criminal offence so your just one step closer to being banned on these forums for winding folk up.
I don't want to seem judgmental, or a flamer, or anything along those lines, but hasn't Gorgon by now proven himself worthy of some kind of repremand (whether it involves banning or not) already? :laugh:

All I've seen from him in the forums so far are flames, lies and trouble stirring.