If your penis can talk to you,

bbson john

Feb 11, 2006
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Imagine. If your penis can talk to you, what will be the first sentense your penis speaking to you?

Or vagina. Anyway.
I think the topic should be changed to include vaginas too. That way Shippi can play too.
something along the lines of:

"Holy Sh** son! f*ck something!"
"Why do you keep trying to strangle me?"


I think mine would only know one word. it would just say it in different ways and tones.
"It's well known that a hyper induced super flux will result in much higher mitigation in the super heterodyne gyrodynamic pyroinducers interrracting exponentially at a geoquantum level creating a sub-hyper excited molecular field resulting in the matrices' coefficient rising at a semi-correlated inverse parallex for proper processing in the final stages of the forced induction dynamos."
Take your stupid shit to 4chan.

Shove a curling iron up your ass and turn it on.

This time it wasn't just about the rickroll, you can actually attribute the lyrics to my penis.
"holy Shit! You Are Sick! Sick I Tell You!"


Edit: Whu? Does HL2.net automatically make all but the first letters of words lowercase?
It'd probably be like a pokemon and just say "penis" over and over rapidly.

Except it probably wouldn't want me to catch em all.
If my dick talked I'd beat it to death until it stopped talking. :D
"Damn! Commando style is awesome!"
If my penis could talk, the first thing it would say is, "**** YOU", or like when you see a dirty window on a car, "WASH ME". It might say, "I have to piss."

It might say anything, who is to say it speaks english. Maybe it speaks Penis.
"I'm really glad I'm your penis."

It gets a lot of attention from me, you see.

Also, Geo, doesn't that video trip you out? I grew up with that song but never actually watched the video until I was older. To this day it still weirds me out that a guy that looks like Rick Astley is belting out THAT voice. It boggles my mind.