If you've completed HL2 already, chances are you didn't savor it.


Jul 6, 2003
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I made a post many many months ago talking about how we will only get HL2 once -- and that we should enjoy it. I'm amazed to see people have already completed the story! You should take your time and observe it all as you go, it really makes the whole thing worth the wait as opposed to rushing through it. At least, that's my opinion. What do you guys think?
Yep, I made a thread about this too. 1 chapter per day for me starting a few days ago. I'm on Ch. 8. about 1/2 through. Still have seven Chapters left. :stare:
I just beat it, and I think I savored it pretty well.

And I'm sure I'll play it again at least once, if not twice.
Some parts, like ravenholme, its hard not to try and rush through it all. I do try and savior it though.
dont agree

play the first time for the story
i play just to see what happens next

play the second time to find easter eggs
take my time/look for the little stuff
What's there to really savor? the sights... the sounds? Been there done that... unless you REALLY want to stare at that wall for a extra 20 minutes per hallway there isn't that much to savor that i havn't seen already.

Although playing with the physics was the funnest part of this game :-P
I play for a half hour at a time. I also nibble cookies. I was a poor kid.
playing the second time around now, i know whats gonna happen next so i don't have to rush to find out heh, kinda nice, can explore more
Yeah I mean walking around, looking around every single god-damn corner to me isn't "savoring" it is taking me out of the game and loses the immersion... If I'm Gordon and I gotta save stuff, I don't wanna look through crates dammit, I wanna go kick some ass!

First time through I just go with the pace the game sets for the story and all.... I probably won't play it a second time (maybe I will but I'm not too big of a SP guy until now...)

3 chapters left after I finish the one I'm on now :)
I played it in about 3, 6 hours spurts and I really took my time. I savored alot of the game. I spent time screwing around with the gravity gun, and the well not to spoil it lets just say the other really cool thing you get tword the end :) I did not rush at all. The game just isnt that big really. If I play it through a second time I'm sure it would take less then half the time. I did really enjoy the game I just don't see where you could make such a statment that I did'nt savor it.
the part where i deliberately slowed down was the coast. the dilapidated houses, the creepy loneliness, in all it was such a compelling atmosphere that simply killing, finding supply crates, and moving on was not enough for my tastes.
omlette said:
I made a post many many months ago talking about how we will only get HL2 once -- and that we should enjoy it. I'm amazed to see people have already completed the story! You should take your time and observe it all as you go, it really makes the whole thing worth the wait as opposed to rushing through it. At least, that's my opinion. What do you guys think?

so what are we supposed to do? hold down the alt key so we walk through each level? or perhaps go on foot instead of using the buggy?

i didn't rush or take my time. i just played the game
There are only 14 chapters. The 15th "chapter" is the credits, which i for one thing is a total rip off. I got to the end of the 14th chapter and was so keen for the final battle and then the credits came up.. ARRRGH!!

i mean how the hell do you justify that? And what is the point of being able to start a new game at the 15th chapter?
I beat HL2 on normal in 2 days nonstop. Now i ma playing HL: S on hard then move to HL2 on hard =D
when halflife came out, it took me days to finish the game because game was new, i didnt know what to expect i was scared to walk around, i quick saved every 5seconds(not like i didnt on HL2)... But on HL2 i knew how the game would be, howthere would be only way... on HL if an intersection came up to me, i went both ways to explore and see if anything i find effected the game. on HL2 i just went straight up to end because i knew you didnt have to go every corner of the game to beat it.
if i didnt savior it enough the first time im sure it wouldnt hurt me to go through again :E
Moto-x_Pat said:
Yep, I made a thread about this too. 1 chapter per day for me starting a few days ago. I'm on Ch. 8. about 1/2 through. Still have seven Chapters left. :stare:

lol anyone else fail to see the logic in this?

You must be the G-man with ur control over time

I enjoyed it

I have finsihed HL2 too and I did enjoyed every single image and sound. It was very fun.
