IGN Black Hands-on(new vids)

So i played the Black demo on the ps2 at EB. I was hoping for more, but it just didn't impress me. Movement seemed a bit sluggish and the controls were a bit clunky, but even so, I bet it'll still be a pretty fun game.
Anthraxxx said:
So i played the Black demo on the ps2 at EB. I was hoping for more, but it just didn't impress me. Movement seemed a bit sluggish and the controls were a bit clunky, but even so, I bet it'll still be a pretty fun game.

I believe that demo is from E3 2005, haven't tried it myself though but I will as soon as the Official PS2 Magazine arrives here.
Loke said:
4 new movies up at IGN, check them out!

Damn, I love the sounds of the explosions. :E
damn the game just looks and sounds so good, and this is ps2!!!!???shits pants indeed :eek:
Were exacly is the new trailer, i cant find it!!!

There. The one that says "Trailer" on it :p

BTW, new article about sides of BLACK we haven't heard about.

EDIT: So far the only con's they've come up with are CPU-controlled allies do stupid things sometimes (supposedly being fixed before release), no sensitivity adjustments because devs wanted realistic gun physics and didn't want us wheeling around in an instant with a huge gun I guess. The last thing they mentioned are save checkpoints can be like 20 minutes apart so if you get stuck you might spend a lot of time in one area.

They also said it's acutally hard so I'm excited even more :D
AmishSlayer said:

There. The one that says "Trailer" on it :p

BTW, new article about sides of BLACK we haven't heard about.

EDIT: So far the only con's they've come up with are CPU-controlled allies do stupid things sometimes (supposedly being fixed before release), no sensitivity adjustments because devs wanted realistic gun physics and didn't want us wheeling around in an instant with a huge gun I guess. The last thing they mentioned are save checkpoints can be like 20 minutes apart so if you get stuck you might spend a lot of time in one area.

They also said it's acutally hard so I'm excited even more :D
cheers for summing that up, wasnt arsed reading all 3 pages:dozey:

edit:meh read it anyway, good read..
I can't possible see anything wrong with the AI. Very cool explosion at the end though.

I've never been so excited with a game before, yes not even Half-Life 2. I've read about every preview/hands-on I've stumbled across, watched every video that's been released and I'm about to explode if I don't get this game soon enough.
The only thing left before I get the game on the 23’rd this month is to play the demo which I hope gets released here soon.
It has gone gold now...

- http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/black/news.html?sid=6143885

Also a bunch of new videos, look here.


It got around and played the demo at last. Very impressive, pretty much what I thought it would be like. Can't wait till the 23'rd!

Some caps I took.




I hear the demo is old content from E3 of last year so I expect it to be even better :D
Yeah, the demo I played is from last year. You can notice it’s old because of the lack of blurr that doesn't occur when you reload a weapon in the demo.
loke, did you play it on xbox or ps2 ?

how was the performance ?
They've got torrents of the demo up.

Shame I don't have a mod chip :(
sinkoman said:
They've got torrents of the demo up.

Shame I don't have a mod chip :(


I don't either but my xbox is softmodded :D

EDIT: DAMN...just PS2...
glad to hear its good loke, is the ai any use? how extensive is the destructible environments?
Well isn't this just fantastic...I got the PS2 demo from pre-ordering the Xbox version and I can't play it. It's on that damn blue-backed type of disc and my PS2 and everybody's PS2 I can find won't read it... LAME
Mine still read it... well first it had a cd error, but after I insert another ps2 game and let it load. After that I insert back the Black demo and it worked.

PS. PS2 sucks balls. Mine is constantly suffering from disk read error. Xbox and Dreamcast is 100 x better than this garbage...
Combine Hybrid said:
Mine still read it... well first it had a cd error, but after I insert another ps2 game and let it load. After that I insert back the Black demo and it worked.

PS. PS2 sucks balls. Mine is constantly suffering from disk read error. Xbox and Dreamcast is 100 x better than this garbage...

Well I've treated my xbox and ps2 very well over the years and I had my ps2 like a year before I got my xbox and my xbox dvd drive crapped out on me like a month ago. My ps2 has had 0 problems reading anything besides these blue-backed discs.
destrukt said:
loke, did you play it on xbox or ps2 ?

Playstation 2.

destrukt said:
how was the performance ?

Very good, didn't notice any kind of slowdown even in the most hellish fire fight.

jimbo118 said:
glad to hear its good loke, is the ai any use?

The enemy AI is fine, didn't notice any kind of odd behaviour. They run from cover to cover like ordinary AI do so they work just fine. The friendly AI, on the other hand, isn’t really anything impressive. They pretty much stand at one spot and fire at the enemy with mediocre accuracy. Though I didn’t really pay so much attention looking how they coordinate around the area, I’ll go and check it out later. :)

The game is quite hard too, you can't really rush at the enemy like Rambo because you'll get killed pretty easily, so the best way is to take cover, fire from a distance and take them out, and also the grenades are extremely useful. Never hesitate to throw a couple of grenades at them. :)

jimbo118 said:
how extensive is the destructible environments?

I haven't thought so much about that but pretty much anything can be destroyed, from lampposts to cars, walls and even a couple of buildings (though not a whole building but like a floor of a building or balcony). It’s not like Red Faction but still pretty freaking amazing.
Loke said:
Very good, didn't notice any kind of slowdown even in the most hellish fire fight.

The enemy AI is fine, didn't notice any kind of odd behaviour. They run from cover to cover like ordinary AI do so they work just fine. The friendly AI, on the other hand, isn’t really anything impressive. They pretty much stand at one spot and fire at the enemy with mediocre accuracy. Though I didn’t really pay so much attention looking how they coordinate around the area, I’ll go and check it out later. :)

The game is quite hard too, you can't really rush at the enemy like Rambo because you'll get killed pretty easily, so the best way is to take cover, fire from a distance and take them out, and also the grenades are extremely useful. Never hesitate to throw a couple of grenades at them. :)

I haven't thought so much about that but pretty much anything can be destroyed, from lampposts to cars, walls and even a couple of buildings (though not a whole building but like a floor of a building or balcony). It’s not like Red Faction but still pretty freaking amazing.

sounds awesome, cant wait!:D
Gamespot hands-on on a near-final version of the game.


Over the years, there have been games that have made splashy debuts, but after repeated viewing, their luster seems to fade. Criterion's Black seemed, in many ways, to be a prime candidate for such a fate. After seeing an eye-popping demo at E3, followed by flashy glimpses in the ensuing months, we had a positive impression of the title, which promised first-person gun-based insanity on the PlayStation 2 and the Xbox. However, could such a thing be achieved outside of slickly produced trailers and short movie clips? Or, even more importantly, how on earth could such an experience be sustained while keeping the meatiness of the game intact? These and other questions loomed in our minds as we played through a near-final version of the game.

Agreed with the bolded text, luckily BLACK doesn't seem to go to such a sad fate! :)
I got the demo from the UK Official Playstation 2 Magazine that got released here in Sweden just a couple of days ago.

Btw, download Gamespot's video preview on the game, a short footage showing the cut scenes in the game for the first time. It reminds me somewhat about Soviet Strike. :p
- http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/black/media.html
Dialogue didn't sound too tight. I hope it’s not cheesy, because if the story is abit light, then it'll affect the rest of the game for me. As awesome as the shooting looks, I prefer a tight story.

We'll see.
Samon said:
Dialogue didn't sound too tight. I hope it’s not cheesy, because if the story is abit light, then it'll affect the rest of the game for me. As awesome as the shooting looks, I prefer a tight story.
It's gun porn. Don't expect too much.
BLACK received an 8 in the latest Edge magazine.
Sorry, only stood the score. Perhaps someone that got the magazine could tell us some more?
Gordon's Beard said:
How's the aiming with the PS2 controller's stick like?

It's just fine, the only thing I don't like is the fact that you can't adjust the sensitivity for aiming. So you pretty much must get used to the slow sensitivity I'm afraid.
Are the soldiers in this robots or something? I got the X-Box demo today, a shotgun blast to the face should take someone out pretty fast, 3 times seems a little extreme. Same with a good 14 rounds from the AK47. I was very disapointed with the demo. The videos didn't stand out to me at all as all I saw was lots of mindless firing, standing in them middle of open ground and taking hits (that goes for the enemy, too) and grenades being thrown by someone that seems to aim for the ground more than the air and enemy position. I thought maybe the demo would change my mind as I'm a fan of shooters. Nope. Good use of the Resident Evil 3 barricades returning, though. Couple tank traps and some rubble blocking all but one road through the demo, I hate those sort of things. Because they must be so hard to walk over.

The effects were nice though. Kicking up dust with the AK47, destructable enviroment, windows shattering, etc. And hurray for blowing doors down. I was getting fed up of being stood up to by a locked door in games when I have an rocket launcher, several automatic weapons and a good lot of grenades on me.
oh boy, this is game is rather awesome (playing on xbox).

the way they approached the story/missions is really interesting and the level design is pretty good in most parts (usually 1-3 different routes in some missions).

great graphics/sounds, i love the explosions. also, the weapons are awesome.

ai isn't anything special, they take cover and advance pretty well. i think they're deaf though, you can just run up and smack a guard in the back, and the guy barely a metre in front of him will keep on walking.

i would kill to have mp though. :x

no saving is annoying though, especially so since some of these missions are long.