IGN Hands-On Day of Defeat: Source Preview

Well, let's put it like this... How many official CSS maps are there? 16. But then I have 283 maps in my maps folder. Sure they're not all top quality, but each one had me playing something different for a few minutes, some, a lot more than that.

I wanna play a DoD:S Surf map where you have to take over the control points by surfing from one to another.

Four maps is fine, because I only really know the layout of one of those maps.
Tyl3n0L said:
I agree with you efuxer69.

But Valve !!!WILL!!! release new maps for DOD:S... Just like they did with CS:Source. When it came out it had 6 maps I think? de_aztec, de_dust, de_dust2, cs_office, de_piranessi & cs_hanava... They added 4 maps, de_port, cs_compound, de_tides & cs_assault. And they're working on de_nuke... They'll do the same for DOD:Source trust me.

Unfortunately cs_assault and de_nuke are old as CS it's self almost so adding them to a rotation will only make it fresh if it's a noob. I fear the same thing will happen to DoD: S, the next new maps will be another regurgitation of what's already been out there for a long time. I don't mean to bitch, and I know it's tough to build a map from scratch, I tried it one and found that I couldn't do it. However I know there is plenty of talent out there and I'm hoping that they will step up from the community. I'm sure that with some help from Valve some good ideas could blossom into some new kick ass maps :cheers:
Am i the only one who doesnt really like Avalanche that much?

I mean its pretty cool but it turns into a slaughter of way to close quarters and throwing nades from one side of the map to the other (in the main place... the middle flag)

I LOVE Jagd, such a unique map where axis destroys the tanks and brits go for the plans.. i hope they add in those brits too.
god i cant wait to play this. it looks stunning.
I saw that avalanche is in there; that is enough. I never play any other maps anyway.
They should have included a Omaha beach map to show us how it could look in Source with HDR & Physics...
One of the maps does start with a beach assault, but if it's anything like the origonal DoD map, it won't be too impressive.
Tyl3n0L said:
They should have included a Omaha beach map to show us how it could look in Source with HDR & Physics...

Hmmmmm. Valve, taking old content, and redoing it with their new technology... I think you're on to something there.
Holy crap, the school blocks IGN! The guys here are so paranoid. They don't even let us right click! Oh well, I'll been home in 2 hours anyway. Bleh, Programming class is so easy.
The player models don't look to impressive to me from the screenies. They look to, I don't know how to say it exactly, but empty, is the closest i can come up with. Just straight, not many wrinkles or pockets, or anything that adds depth. I felt the same way with the player models screenes they released last week. Just seems like they could have made them more detailed, look more natural.
Grey Fox said:
The player models don't look to impressive to me from the screenies. They look to, I don't know how to say it exactly, but empty, is the closest i can come up with. Just straight, not many wrinkles or pockets, or anything that adds depth. I felt the same way with the player models screenes they released last week. Just seems like they could have made them more detailed, look more natural.
http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=92082 i feel the same way.
I really wish one of the maps to come out was dod_charlie. Maybe have that instead of flash. It would be ridiculous to have the refracted water, physics and HDR on the charlie map, everything would just be mindblowing. I hope that's the next one Valve releases, and then next up should be dod_forest. (just so we can see how purty it can be)
From the videos, it looks like Valve turned the gameplay of DoD into more blazing fast Counter-Strike crap.

I hope I'm wrong.
It seems faster but it was never slow paced. Correct me if I'm wrong.
RabidMeatloaf said:
From the videos, it looks like Valve turned the gameplay of DoD into more blazing fast Counter-Strike crap.

I hope I'm wrong.

If you actually play DoD, you would know it's not slow. It's not say, Red Orchestra. It IS fast paced. That's why people love it.
RabidMeatloaf said:
From the videos, it looks like Valve turned the gameplay of DoD into more blazing fast Counter-Strike crap.

I hope I'm wrong.
Dod has always been blazing fast.

I can't believe so many people have never played dod before. PLAY DOD!
The video just seems run and gun because you're watching a running gunning type of player.

It does seem a litter faster because of the closer POV, but it looks like DoD to me, DoD was always fast-paced. It looks fantastic, I haven't been this hyped about a game release since Half-Life 2.
Well I paid for Gold so I'll definitely be downloading it. Honestly I'm pretty excited just because it's something new (never played any of the older DoD games).

I'm just wondering if I'm going to be able to put BF2 down long enough to get into this.