Im back from Alctraz & I got to talk to the man.

Originally posted by Kyle2
like anyone else is doing anything different on this thread
kekeke blababla informationg give it too mee
its hard to remain in control of what i type when:

1. its 3 am
2. supposedly there is something this guy knows but he wont tell us
3. its 3am
Sooooooooooo.....I leave for a beer run.

And now this? F*ck man! The damn thread started off with such promise! Graze thru 145 posts and now......nuthin'

The Dev team never wanted it to be a realistic mod.. They're working on the next gen of Front Line right now.. looks good so far.. I just hope It takes off.
....i just went through 14 pages of the hope of info....but no......this guy had better be on the level....
Originally posted by dbsynergy
I recorded an hour worth of video, saw the whole presentation (which WAY better than expected) and got to talk to Gabe Newell himself. Im editing the video down now but I need mirrors which I was hoping some of you might be able to help with. I'll try to make torrents out of everything big.

BTW I got some free stuff which I'll take pics of (a tshirt, two jackets, and some 9800 XT and 9600 XT info).
ALmost an ½ horus. that bastard
all right i have had enough..3 minutes and i am going to sleep
omgwtflol scared the shit outta me even though ive seen it before, forgot about that.
I stole this from the Shacknews forums. A fine fellow named "Grendel" posted this. Show him respect! It mostly describes the ATi event, since not much new information was released.

Here's the original post. Keep on clicking through the replies for the stuff down here.


I registered online today and when I showed up I wasn't on their list. Apparently the entire event was invite only. I learned this when the head of Marketing for ATI asked me who I was. =\ I saw our Steve in line and I went up and clumsily introduced myself as a shacker. He said ATI had flown him in and I said something dumb like ATI hadn't flown me in or something equally retarded. Then I wandered off feeling stupid. =/ I ended up talking with another guy who just showed up without an invite as we stood around waiting to see if we could get in.

The nice ladies behind the tables didn't know we weren't invited, they just knew I had RSVP'ed too late, so once everyone else had gotten on the boat they wrote our names on blank badges and we got onboard. =D I saw one of the badges said "Deepak Chopra" on it, and some ATI person had said he wasn't coming and they could use that as a blank badge, but I didn't ask for it, now I wish I would have. I also got a free tshirt that has the Get in the Game ATI logo on the front and a big thing on the back that says ATI On Top at the Rock with the Dell and Half Life 2 logos underneath and then Alcatraz Island 2003.

Trying to pee on a moving boat is difficult. =\ Me and the other crasher chatted on the way over. Turns out he is regular over at the forums, and he had his video camera with him to record the whole thing. He said he would be posting the video over there. I never did get his name the whole night even tho we ended up hanging out pretty much the whole time. =\ I'll just refer to him as Buddy.

More in part 2!


We boated over to Alcatraz and the nice tour guide let us know it was quite a walk and we had to be quick. We walked up 4 hills and finally into the main building. He took us through the cell block. It was awesome! I've never been to Alcatraz before and I was shocked at how small the cells were. He lead us through the cell block and down in the shower room, where everyone was gathering before the presentation. They were serving drinks and had hors d'ouvres of all different kinds. I tried them all! They had crabmeat in crispy little cones, tiny roast beef sandwich roll thingies, sushi, and more stuff i can't remember. It was all good. I didn't partake of the alcohol, but just about everyone else did, and there was a lot of it.

I ran in Steve again, and let him know that I wasn't really supposed to be there and that I hadn't been invited and stuff. He introduced me to Kyle from HardOCP and we all chatted for a bit. Kyle was very entertaining, and Steve is the nicest guy in the world. I asked Steve all kinds of silly questions about HL2 and Doom3 and he was very patient and answered all of my stupid questions. We talked about Fileshack and Mercury and I told him to hire Jason ASAP. He told me about Maarten's impending move to the States. He also told me ATI had flown him in a day early for no reason and he had had nothing to do.

Kyle and Steve talked about ATI/Nvidia stuff, the 9800XT article that Kyle had posted that day, and the way Nvidia has been handling the release of their detonator 50 drivers. Kyle said he thought the 9600XT was going to be a monster deal, basically a $150 card with a $50 game bundled in (Halflife 2 of course). Talked about more stuff I can't remember now, but Kyle definitely knows his shit.

Some ATI folks annouced that we were going back upstairs, through the cell block again and that we were going to see the main presentation. We went back up there and stood outside a prison gate for awhile until everyone got up there. There was a guy with a camera recording it all as we walked in. I listed to one of the Park ranger guys talk about Alcatraz while we waited. I also read a bit about the Birdman of Alcatraz, who never actually raised birds while in prison. Steve mentioned that he heard that the prisoners spent 23 hours a day in their cells, with 20 minute breaks for meals.

Pretty soon we were all there and then the really loud music started. Really loud. Through the prison gate we saw a bunch of guys dressed up as zombies pushing their arms through the gate trying to get us! OHH NOS!!!!!!1
Here's the second part of the event, by Grendel.


The gate swung open and all of the zombies shambled out. They started pawing people in the crowd. Then this big dude with a black goatee and war paint on his face jumped up on a little platform in the middle of all of us and started shouting stuff. He had a mic headset and it was loud as hell. He was screaming about getting into the game and stuff, which I assume was what the zombies were about. He told us that once we went through the door behind him we were entering his world and had to follow his rules, and that we were all his prisoners now. Etc etc. More screaming, zombies writhing around and stuff. Then they let us through the gate, where more zombies waited to push us into the room, and the screaming dude told us to get moving.

The room we were in had a stage on one side, and on the other there were a bunch of tables with Dell computers on them, and another that had ASUS cards and a clear PC with ASUS parts in it. There was also more drinks and tables and stuff. There were 4 or 5 plasma screens set up around the stage area.

The screaming dude jumped on stage and told us all about how ATI was all about getting into the game and stuff. He screamed some more, and eventually introduced the head of ATI. I don't remember this guys name, but I do remember the dozen leather- or vinyl-clad dominatrix girls that escorted him to the stage. Boobs are neat!

He talked about the 9800XT and the 9600XT. He gave specs, showed some benchmark figures. They never named NVidia, just referred to their "closest competitor". He talked about DirectX9, and how ATI has managed to make cards that don't sacrifice quality for performance. Then a guy from Dell talked about the XPS and how it is available for order and is shipping today with 9800XT cards built in. A guy from ASUS talked about how excited they were to finally make cards based around the Radeon 9800XT. I guess ASUS hasn't made ATI based cards before, or perhaps just not in awhile. This was a big deal fot the head of ATI as well, he seemed pumped up about it.

Then Gabe Newell came up on stage to talk about Halflife 2.


Gabe pretty much said what we've all read before. He talked about why they are bundling HL2 with the 9800XT, as it offers the visual experience they want their players to get. He also talked about why they released performance numbers early, so gamers could make better informed hardware purchases, which I think is cool! He also mentioned that MS has officially adopted HL2 as a benchmark for DX9 performance.

Then they showed the HDR video from a few weeks back. =\ I wanted to yell something about Bob Hope dying but I kept my mouth shut.

Afterwards they told us we should all go upstairs to the infirmary where we could see some cool stuff. They hinted it was spooky!

Talked some more with Steve. He seemed bummed that there wasn't any new info tonight. I asked about Max Payne 2, he said Jason was meeting the Rockstar guys soon to check it out. I made a joke about how it was fortunate that 3DRealms had sold Max to Rockstar, because if they hadn't the game would've never come out. I lolled, Steve humored me. We talked about all kinds of stuff. He let on that he has seen more of HL2 than he can talk about, as well as Doom 3. He told me all kinds of interesting stuff, but in the interests of not being a ****ing tool I won't repeat any of it here. Buddy asked him about TF2. Buddy also got to chat briefly with Gabe Newell, who he reported was very friendly. I have no idea what information he got out of Gabe if anything tho.

The entire time we were milling around, the dominatrix girls were chasing the zombies around the room. The zombies were pretending to hassle the guests, and the girls were 'rescuing' us. One of the fine ladies stopped by to ask us how we were doing and if we had been upstairs yet. She said it was very spooky and that we should hold hands if we got scared.


PART FIVE: (the last part)

Buddy and I got in line for the demo area. They were only letting a few people in at a time. It was very dark up there, and there were more zombie guys hiding in the dark cells slamming the doors or jumping out at people as they walked by. In the various rooms of the infirmary there were PCs set up playing a bunch of different games. One room had HALO, another had the Call of Duty demo. Another had the Chrome demo, which looked really nice. All of the games ran REALLY smoothly. All were running on the Dimension XPS systems, with nice LCDs hooked up.

At the end of the hospital area, all of the various card makers were set up with their stuff. I saw Sapphire, ASUS, Gigabyte, Hercules, and a bunch of other guys. They all had their cards on display, and had some handout sheets with info on them. I didn't pick up any of it. Gigabyte had a little box wrapped in pretty paper. Buddy got one of those. He had to take the guy's business card to get it. He unwrapped it and opened it up and it was the lamest piece of schwag I've ever seen. It was a clear plastic block with the Gigabyte logo on it, HAHAHAHA!

The fog had lifted by the time I went outside to catch the next boat back to shore. I could see the whole city and it was absolutely beautiful! I highly recommend a nighttime trip to Alcatraz if you can swing it, really amazing! Or, as one guy said as we were walking down the steps: "****ing awesome!"

Just before we got on the boat, we got more schwag. I got a nice windbreaker with the ATI logo on the pocket area, and the HL2 logo on one sleeve with the Dell logo on the other. I also got a nice MS Windows XP shirt. Free stuff is cool!

All in all a fun night. I had hoped for more, perhaps a playable HL2 demo or at least some new footage, but alas there was none. Still, it was a nice night and it was fun anyways. I got to meet Steve and talk to a bunch of nice folks, including a writer for TechTV. Plus the hot dominatrix chicks! Good times!

Thank you, Grendel! You are timely, and detailed!
Originally posted by Kyle2
wasn't front line force going to have a flamethrower?

I dont know but i predict this will turn into a flame tread soon.

Edit: nevermind:cool:

Edit: or maybe...
Originally posted by Kyle2
wasn't front line force going to have a flamethrower?
yeah a friend of mine got the beta for a newer version .. it looked absolutely awesome.
searched his background, he's been interested in this event ever since it was unofficially announced, (so unofficial, it was dbsynergy who sent the mail to gabe asking if it was real or not and getting the "oh i didn't know about that, whoops!" reply).

I think syn's just too farking drunk, so goto bed and wake up to a day with new information (which probably isn't really new because syn hasn't seen all the news posts and ati PR press releases (cuz pr stands for public relatiobns, har har)).

see even now i'm sounding like a tard
He had a post in the Valve info thread and it he asked Gabe if it were possible for him to get onto Alcatraz. Gabe said something along the lines of 'there is no room'.. basically no.

So.. I don't know.. I doubt the guy, to be honest. I think he's just pulling our leg. If he's got such important info to post then why is it that all of these HL2 sites around aren't posting anything - because there WAS nothing new there.

I could be wrong, and I hope I am - I want new info as much as you guys do. Forgive me if I'm wrong Synergy, but you can't blame me for being skeptical.

Same as Steelhed... he keeps going on-and-on about his source yet he does not even bother to reveal who is source is - excuse for shrugging your info off, but without any idea as to who your source is, your info is just as if you pulled it out of your ass.

EDIT: I Just read upwards and noticed that the guy mentioned Synergy, so I was wrong :p My apologies Syn, don't take it the wrong way.
I suspect he's asleep. I know I would be where he is.

He probably should have waited till he was ready to post about it but hey, can't blame him for wanting to be first. :D
Hes on the level ppl

hmmphhhh, ill edit it, but i swear i got tehre first,.....stupid fast forum
Originally posted by scurvy
lol looks like alcatraz was lame. night

hell no alcatraz kicks ass. you'd piss your pants if you ever visited there :p
Well this was a waste of time. I have work tomarrow. Our 'buddy' is probably going to type almost the exact same story.
Originally posted by [[LuCkY]]
Well this was a waste of time. I have work tomarrow. Our 'buddy' is probably going to type almost the exact same story.
If anything
grrrrr, i knew before him!!! i even press REply before him, but i actually put info in....hmph
multithread conspiracy, people dressed up as zombies? come on.
So, a 9600XT will cost $150? Which is better, the 9600 Pro or the XT? Cause that's what I'm getting.. if I were to get the XT AND get HL2 with it that would kill two birds with one stone.
Originally posted by Fuzzy
grrrrr, i knew before him!!! i even press REply before him, but i actually put info in....hmph


But you should also really ask permission of the original author before you post their stuff, too.
It might be courtesy but I don't think it's required.
Its not exactly copyrighted material is it?anyway, mines gone now:(

EDIT:i sound harsh, you prolly got it first anyway, sorry mate
If they post it, that means it is for the public. Just like a news station telling you the news. If, they however, have a copyright statement on the site, that is another story...
It's just courtesy. Anyhow...don't worry about it. It wasn't even that big.

Edit: For those of you that misunderstand...I said in no way that you *had* to get permission, it's just polite to. (And we should all strive to be more polite.)