I'm back


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
*awaits floods of emails and PM's*

I'm still sorting out hosting and hopefully the site will be up Monday.
Hey man! Nice to have you back, can't wait for the new site :)
:D I want the site :p

btw are there any other nice HL2 sites? This is the only one I know .. (AND I LOVE IT :P)
awww nice to see your back Munro, hope you had fun.

w00t!!111 Site will be back up!
Just to be different from everyone else here

**** off :) :imu:
Ooooh! I get to get my banning stick out again!
Arg piss off man ;) I already welcomed you once (IRC). youre not woth 2 welcomes :D.. jkiddin man "ornuM emoclew" <--
Hey! Welcome back..... I got made a moderator in your abscence :)

:D glad to have ya back
the postcount thingy wont be set back on. so why would you need it?