I'm BRAND new to this game HELP



OK...So I was bored with all my other games and this one looked great..Read awesome reviews and here I am...

I am completely clueless. I am at the 1st level of the game where I am on a subway with 2 guys who are holding briefcases...What do I do?? How do I take those briefcases from them?? I wanna know whats in them!!!! Then there is this thing that comes flying down at me and flashes in my face. How do I shoot at it?? Please help me...Im lost...and i love games like this so I am anxious to know what to do!!!!!!! HURRY!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
Follow the people ahead of you and do what the guard says.
Let me add...

I just need to know really, how to talk to people, how to interact with people...What keys to use...if there is a website somewhere that tells me this, I will be oK...I know how to figure things out, that is half the fun...Also, what is the cheat code so I can see myself (like 3rd person mode)....thanks again..... :thumbs:
Just wait, you will soon be able to leave the train, you need to negotiate the intro, you don't get any ability to attack anything just yet...once you're through the station look for the alleyway with the ladder (jump on a box first) then find the stairway through the door, and prepare to RUN!
Oh, and there is no third person mode, as gordon freeman has no graphics model in this game.
GirLgAmeR69 said:
OK...So I was bored with all my other games and this one looked great..Read awesome reviews and here I am...

I am completely clueless. I am at the 1st level of the game where I am on a subway with 2 guys who are holding briefcases...What do I do?? How do I take those briefcases from them?? I wanna know whats in them!!!! Then there is this thing that comes flying down at me and flashes in my face. How do I shoot at it?? Please help me...Im lost...and i love games like this so I am anxious to know what to do!!!!!!! HURRY!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Firstly, there is nothing in those briefcases, I'm sure if you noclip inside them you won't see anything. Ignore the thing that flashes you (excuse the pun) you can't shoot anything until you get your first weapon in level three. It's a pretty linear level, just walking along, admire the graphics and talk to people with the action button as you pass. That's pretty much it.

Now, take a look at your surroundings.

Notice you don't have any guns.

You can pick up objects by pressing E.

Examine your surroundings and see where the people are going.

If something flashes at you and doesn't seem to hurt you, you don't have to kill it!
Another thread asking for advice on what to do at the trainstation? girlgamer69

Jokes..i get jokes.
stereotypical female gamer :LOL:

Press ESC and go to Options to see what the controls are (and to change them). HL2 is a very linear game so just observe your surroundings and it's usually obvious where to go.
All you need to know now is how to walk "W" point the mouse in the direction you want to go the rest will fall into place.
Shodan said:
Stereotypical girl gamer that is probably a man.
That's a little mean. It may be true, but you should give people benefit of the doubt. It's not really nice to have your gender called into question on the first thread you make.
Sorry, the internet is simply made of stereotypes. Tell me your phone number and I'll put you in another box. (JK :p)
Beerdude26 said:
Sorry, the internet is simply made of stereotypes. Tell me your phone number and I'll put you in another box. (JK :p)


Although you ( GG69, Claire ) shouldn't be judged, it happens, and names like those don't help.
meh its cool, stereotype, me much as u want, ull b all the more surprised when i kill u in counterstrike :)

my dad just came in" 2 c what im up2" and decided he liked the look of counterstrike and had a go, needless to say he ended up killing half his team, and was then "sacrafised" before i managed to chuck him off... typical

clairey fairy
I have a feeling somethings not quite right with these "stuck in the trainstation" type threads..no offense to the thread starter (if this is legit!)

you were able to start the game right? on the main menu screen are some words...one of them is "OPTIONS",there you will find "CONTROLS" which will show you what all the movement/combat,etc. keys are..

if you are still having troubles....download one of the old E3 videos and it will show you exactly how to get out of the trainstation
If it doesn't bother you then why make such a point about it?

E.G. "Hi I'm a woman and I need help with this. BTW i'm a woman"

When I see that I just assume its a man pretending to be a woman.
The original poster said nothing about being a girl. You guys are paranoid from hanging around too many dodgy yahoo chat rooms.

And ladies - what are you doing playing HL2! GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN!! :p

J/k...enjoy the greatest game ev4R. The 'E' key is your friend in the intro. The rest should fall into place. May I also suggest less caffeine.
If you ladies are really "ladies" be prepared for some leg humping by a few of the forum members. ;)
Yes I'm female and what????

OK..nice people here i see...Yes, i am a female gamer. And guess what else??? I'm almost 30...So i'm an OLD female gamer nonetheless! Wanna know something else?? I'm a Sims person, so therefore Im a control freak right?? I'm also adept at Rainbow Six, Socom2 is my game of choice, and I love Halo...So why dont you put me in a few more catergories while your at it...

Oh, and one more thing~ I'm here to stay, so u might as well learn to like me :cheers:

Ta Ta!!!
Melanie in Sarasota
GirLgAmeR69 said:
OK..nice people here i see...Yes, i am a female gamer. And guess what else??? I'm almost 30...So i'm an OLD female gamer nonetheless! Wanna know something else?? I'm a Sims person, so therefore Im a control freak right?? I'm also adept at Rainbow Six, Socom2 is my game of choice, and I love Halo...So why dont you put me in a few more catergories while your at it...

Oh, and one more thing~ I'm here to stay, so u might as well learn to like me :cheers:

Ta Ta!!!
Melanie in Sarasota

Being 30 doesn't mean you're old :p You are still a gamer, I find it nice to see older people playing video games, because it shows me that its just not for kids. :)

I am glad you are willing to stay, always nice to have new members. :)
Age Appropriate?

beam said:
becuz he is a 13 year old boy :bounce:

Beam..Beam...Beam...I'm beginning to wonder who the 13 yr old is here :LOL:

And a little FYI~ I didnt chose this name...My 15 yr old niece did..My aol name is Mama2Lexi...Look me up sometime
i really dont get why it such a big deal to some gamers if some of us are girls, as far as i was aware lots of girls play game,s and it wasnt a huge thing? or did i miss somthing?
Ahh no. If you're a guy and you've been on the internet for as long as i have you'll know that 95% of girls turn out to be guys. Painful webcam lessons....painful...and disturbing...and did i mention painful.

The deceit must stop now!
Mr-Fusion said:
Ahh no. If you're a guy and you've been on the internet for as long as i have you'll know that 95% of girls turn out to be guys. Painful webcam lessons....painful...and disturbing...and did i mention painful.

The deceit must stop now!

Mr-Fusion, you've been date searching again? :rolleyes:
... what started out as a simple question for level 1 has turned into gender politics!


Oops... wrong forums :p
In the US the average age of a gamer IS 30...
Out of this mess of a thread I hope the original poster actually got to play the game
*checks* well as far as i can tell im female lol
n i hope the original proster worked out where to go next!
GirLgAmeR69 said:
And a little FYI~ I didnt chose this name...My 15 yr old niece did..My aol name is Mama2Lexi...Look me up sometime

I apologise, please forgive my ignorance :angel:

And welcome to the forums
Mr-Fusion said:
Ahh no. If you're a guy and you've been on the internet for as long as i have you'll know that 95% of girls turn out to be guys. Painful webcam lessons....painful...and disturbing...and did i mention painful.

The deceit must stop now!

Yeah those kind of guys are pitiful, they deserve getting owned. :E
Web Cam deceit

Mr-Fusion said:
Ahh no. If you're a guy and you've been on the internet for as long as i have you'll know that 95% of girls turn out to be guys. Painful webcam lessons....painful...and disturbing...and did i mention painful.

The deceit must stop now!

Mr Fusion,

Id be happy to go on cam for ya anytime sweetie....Id LOVE to prove my womanly ways to ya....hehehehe! :naughty:

kidding....im a married woman, but for real, ill be happy to show my face on cam if anyone really thinks im a 13 yr old boy lol
GirLgAmeR69 said:
Id be happy to go on cam for ya anytime sweetie....Id LOVE to prove my womanly ways to ya....hehehehe! :naughty:

Now you got some stalkers ;) :E
I have gotten the chance to play the game. But for some reason I get out onto the streets, and into a building where all the people from the train station are in abandoned rooms with TVs on and then the guys in the gas masks (havent learned all the characters names yet, sorry...in due time!) beat the hell out of me until i pass out and die....There is furniture blocking the path of where I am trying to go...Ive tried to push furniture and stuff in front of the doorways to keep them out long enough for me to figure out what to do next but for some reason it isnt working as i planned...When do I get some damn weapons?!?! And why cant this character kick, punch, hit or throw???! it would be nice if i could fight back at least a little when these guys start beating me with their wands!!!GRRRRRRRR!!! Ive been experimenting with the controls, learning my way around the keyboard with this game basically, learning what i can and cant do and ive figured out i can get people to talk to me by pressing E when I walk up to them...Now, i know someone mentioned that I would be able to break open crates or boxes to get weapons or other things, but how would i break the boxes open?? Would i be better off by getting HL1 to get me started?? I dont want to be stereotyped again, but I am just full of questions and I know you guys (and girls!!) are a great source of information....ive saved alot of time by reading through alot of other posts and replies in other topics, and that has helped...Maybe I should buy the strategy guide?? I like to figure things out, but I just want to get some hints along the way, know what i mean?? thanks again, for accepting me into your little circle :) its tough being the new KID (hahahahahaha) on the block sometimes :smoking:

Melanie in Sarasota
You should go pick up the Strategy Guide sometime in the future. Will help you out a lot! Gordon is not one of those postal 2/duke nukem type of guys, so he doesn't punch or kick ;) He just uses his weapons and objects around him to defeat teh evil. But yeah I suggest the strategy guide, its very good read too, then you will get to know all the characters. The guys in the "gas" masks are called Combine soliders I think, someone can correct, either soliders or police type...Grrr now I've forgotten too much about the game.


Looks like its a metro cop. :x
the guy you play is not like the usual characters..you will be armed when you need to be...trust me on that..

when you open steam go to "browse games" and download HL1 if you want to..you shouldn't have to pay because you bought HL2...

but I might be wrong about that