I'm confused. Possibly moreso than usual

el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
Has Valve actually released another video? Everyone seems to be talking about a docks video and a Dr. Kleiner vid (is that the one where Alyx hands you the gun?), but there's a lot of talk about hacking Steam/Steam's cache files as well... Anyone care to explain?

Also, I'm trying to find the HL patch that removed the CD check... I upgraded to the newest patch and now I can't frolick around Black Mesa as I lent my play CD (for OpFor as well) to my cousin to introduce him to the delights of HL single-player...Any help'd be just great, cheers.

If anyone needs proof I actually do own the game, I'll scan in a page from the manual...
There are two officially released videos (g-man and docks) there is also the kleiner_lab video contained in the gcache file. You can either open the cache in a hex editor and replace g-man.exe with kleiner_lab.exe and run it through steam - it will get extracted into your media folder. Or you can download it. Both ways you will be able to find on this forum in other recent posts.

A patch to remove the CDcheck is probably frowned upon by some people. You will have to check other sites for that. Try megagames.com. Another solution is download steam and play hl1 through that. You wont need a key or a cd for that.

The best solution is get your cd back.
the docks vid is the second officially released vid, the Kleiner vid you can find in the gcache file of your steam. you´ve already downloaded it(if you have steam!) but valve haven´t officially released it yet. i think it will be the next, but to watch it now you can hack the cache file with an hex ed(search the forum!).

you can download half-life full via steam for free, i think i´ve heard.
Ok, cheers!
But basically, these two vids (including the hidden Dr. Kleiner one) are both from the 25min vid? D'you know if someone's posted a 56k version as they did for the G-man video?
I frown upon cd checks if the person doesn't actually own the CD, especially on a game like Half-Life. But if you own the game they are quite convienent to have... I hate constantly swapping CD's for stuff in the computer, plus I like to keep the discs in good condition by only needing to take them out when I need to install if that is possible.

Sorry that's a little off topic but I felt like commenting on what somebody else said.