I'm deeply depressed.

Mar 22, 2009
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I know this will sound like the typical 4chan shit you see everyday on /b/ but this one is real.I'm not a emo ( i hate them btw) but i have been seriously depressed lately.It's mainly because i hate myself.My attitude towards everyone else , my attitude to modern society, and mainly i hate what i look like.Every person i meet thinks I'm weird and they just say I'm a idiot.I can't really blame them because I really do behave like a idiot.Childish even.But the thing is really when i get near people i start worrying that I'll say something stupid and then i really do it so that's what makes me a idiot.I had this problem for years now and i really can't take it anymore.I'm really sorry if this is pathetic but i have no one else to talk to.
( Jesus , I'm asking for advice from people i never met...)
perhaps you have avoidant personality disorder
Eh, if you hate the way you look then change it. But I really doubt anyone around you has anything against it. Like I don't go around thinking "That dude -- he looks awful!" so I doubt people are actually judging you on that.

Eventually you'll meet people you get along with, and then it'll be fine. I used to be (...am still actually) a really quiet, keep-to-myself kind of person, but I have a few close friends and that's good enough.

So in conclusion, a few years down the road everything will likely be okay and you'll be like "man I can't believe I made this ridiculous post on hl2.net." I don't know if that helps but realistically you just sound like a normal person... depending on how old you are. If you're like 30 years old it's a little late :p.
perhaps you have avoidant personality disorder

Is there anyway to treat this?


1. Avoids occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal contact, because of fears of criticism, disapproval, or rejection
2. Is unwilling to get involved with people unless certain of being liked
3. Shows restraint initiating intimate relationships because of the fear of being ashamed, ridiculed, or rejected due to severe low self-worth.
4. Is preoccupied with being criticized or rejected in social situations
5. Is inhibited in new interpersonal situations because of feelings of inadequacy
6. Views self as socially inept, personally unappealing, or inferior to others
7. Is unusually reluctant to take personal risks or to engage in any new activities because they may prove embarrassing

Story of my ****ing life ...
Let me give you a prescription.

If you're not happy with your appearance, just change it. Easy as that. Buy yourself some new clothes, get a new hairstyle etc. I completely changed myself right down to my hair colour and my confidence has been boosted more than I thought possible.
If you're not happy with your appearance, just change it. Easy as that. Buy yourself some new clothes, get a new hairstyle etc. I completely changed myself right down to my hair colour and my confidence has been boosted more than I thought possible.

It's more complicated . I don't want to change to be acceptable. I want people to accept me the way i am.
You're probably just a pedophile.

You can meet a nice woman that is always nice and that you enjoy being around. Then you will be happy. It doesn't matter what she looks like.
When I found out I had better looks than I thought I pretty much opened myself up to dates and screwing. Everyone thinks they look bad, but grab some confidence and **** something. Take control of your life and become a YES man. You can live in fear for the rest of your life, or you can take charge and become real. Why live life dead, when you can live life and act like its your last fun day to live.

-If you wear glasses, get contacts
-If your clothes suck, update them. you don't need to change who you are, just change how you look
-Invite more friends to come over to play games, or vice versa. then start going out more with them.
-Go see movies, go shopping, go to the local pub, get invited to parties, crap like that
-If your have acne stop eating chips and fatty foods, and use some treatment
-Adapt, you are human, learn how to be happier/stronger/cool/funnier/whatever.
-Try something new everyday, watch a movie you may not expect to like, listen to a CD you never heard of
-Start talking to girls, they're not aliens. They like to be talked to and try to pay attention. Just staring at their boobies is not going to score you points unless you are a pornstar or douchebag.

These have helped me in my troubles. But everyone has their ups and downs. Just learn to adapt
you're bunch of emos
It's our mandatory "GIVE ME ATTENTION!" thread.
I'm not a attention whore , Mellish. If i wanted attention i would have posted something nice and appealing to everyone else.

Warped , thank you for the advice . You're right , I really do need to live life.As long as I can remember i have spent Friday nights in front of my computer , doing useless stuff.Everyone that tried to help ,
Thank you , very much . Just opening this thread and trying to make me feel better really means much to me.
Is there anyway to treat this?


1. Avoids occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal contact, because of fears of criticism, disapproval, or rejection
2. Is unwilling to get involved with people unless certain of being liked
3. Shows restraint initiating intimate relationships because of the fear of being ashamed, ridiculed, or rejected due to severe low self-worth.
4. Is preoccupied with being criticized or rejected in social situations
5. Is inhibited in new interpersonal situations because of feelings of inadequacy
6. Views self as socially inept, personally unappealing, or inferior to others
7. Is unusually reluctant to take personal risks or to engage in any new activities because they may prove embarrassing

Story of my ****ing life ...

you're knghenry arent you? admit it
I'm not a attention whore , Mellish. If i wanted attention i would have posted something nice and appealing to everyone else.

Warped , thank you for the advice . You're right , I really do need to live life.As long as I can remember i have spent Friday nights in front of my computer , doing useless stuff.Everyone that tried to help ,
Thank you , very much . Just opening this thread and trying to make me feel better really means much to me.

no problem man, there is not one person on this planet that doesn't need advice
What you need to learn is that it doesn't matter one bit if you fail at making contact, you have nothing to lose by trying, and everything to win.
I don't know you at all, but perhaps you judge people, and you choose the wrong people to hang out with.

If you want people to like you for who you are, then you need to like people for who they are.
Talk to your parents or some one you can trust and confide in and don't hold anything back, get it all of your chest. It's the only way you can begin to rebuild yourself.
You're a high-functioning autistic. A unique and special flower.
Cheer up man. It gets rough sometimes. I know how it feels.
Welcome to my life late 2008! Please, join the line.

But seriously, cheer up. Just depends what you're depressed about. If it's the way you look at things, just think more positively about everything.
Get some exercise fatty. Will make you feel better.
Become a super hero, make a costume and save the world! Call yourself DM(not danger mouse) and wear a pink thong, on your head.
Warped gave some good advice, if there are traits about yourself that you don't think are up to par, go ahead and change them. And of course try to get out more and party and whatnot, but as far as yourself, remember that it's not your looks or styles or even being able to crack funny jokes and shit, it's just how you handle yourself as a person. You're fearful and shy and hold back because you're afraid of rejection and embarassment and such things, right? That's why it may be hard to be accepted in places. Just learn to be comfortable with who you are as a person, stop caring about the ideas of others and just have some fun with it. Don't try to be someone you're not, because your discomfort will show. If you're positive and comfortable and don't let these sorts of fears hold you back, then everything else will fall into place. If you want to be more popular, watch what popular dudes do (well... don't like, hide in the bushes and stare or anything), but remember that you're YOU. You can become a better version of yourself, but you can't change yourself as a person, so being comfortable is essential. When you're talking to a new group of people or a girl or something, make it show that you're comfortable as a person and confident in your abilities. Stop caring about every damned word that comes out of your mouth and just have some fun. They don't like you? The **** do you care? Besides, not being really concerned with whether a chick likes you or not is an attractive quality. So go do some shit, bitch.

Also, work out/exercise. Better body and makes you feel great.
Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Na. I honestly wasn't saying as an insult. Just sorta throwing it out there as a possibility.

People don't choose what they are attracted to. I know because I never chose what I'm attracted to, and I couldn't be attracted to something [that I'm not attracted to] if I tried. So I don't think you can hold it against someone for what they desire. It would be like hating someone for being a particular blood type.

And I don't fully believe this, because most everyone on earth is in full control of their actions:
Dr. Martin Luther King said:
Be careful of your thoughts, for your thought become your words.

Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions.

Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits.

Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character.

Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.