I'm deeply depressed.

And stop hanging out with people because they are cool.
That's the only reason people hang out with me! :(
It has to be! Unless my abbhorent personality, pseudo-narcissism, hedonistic attitude, volatile temper and selfish manipulation of just about everyone around me makes me likable.
Hang out with cool people. But don't hang out with people because they are cool.

I've met quite a few weirdos that are way more fun to hang out with, and make you laugh hard as hell, and are more nice and generally much better people than a lot of those people that are cool for the way they walk and talk.
Hold on, hold on, hold on. Helplife2.net giving serious advice? What? What's wrong with this picture?
Hold on, hold on, hold on. Helplife2.net giving serious advice? What? What's wrong with this picture?

What we really meant in this thread was:

I know this will sound like the typical 4chan shit you see everyday on /b/ but this one is real.I'm not a emo ( i hate them btw) but i have been seriously depressed lately.It's mainly because i hate myself.My attitude towards everyone else , my attitude to modern society, and mainly i hate what i look like.Every person i meet thinks I'm weird and they just say I'm a idiot.I can't really blame them because I really do behave like a idiot.Childish even.But the thing is really when i get near people i start worrying that I'll say something stupid and then i really do it so that's what makes me a idiot.I had this problem for years now and i really can't take it anymore.I'm really sorry if this is pathetic but i have no one else to talk to.
( Jesus , I'm asking for advice from people i never met...)

If you want to fix yourself, first fix your idea of depression. Depression has nothing to do with emo, emos just pretend to be depressed. Get my point? Good. I'm tired of people equating depression with emos.
Hold on, hold on, hold on. Helplife2.net giving serious advice? What? What's wrong with this picture?

Same reaction here. Especially at such a stupid issue of stupid teenage depressiony angst. And incredibly poorly written to boot!
Contrary to popular belief, it's possible to change your behavior. It's hard as **** and you have develop it like a habit, it won't stick if you just do it once and think "OKAY! I'm alright, let's continue."

...it's kind of like stretching your foreskin actually.
Same reaction here. Especially at such a stupid issue of stupid teenage depressiony angst. And incredibly poorly written to boot!

It's not a post from an even remotely respected member of hl2.net, and the prose is written as such to indicate a mere prepubescent personal pseuodo-crisis.
Regardless of the circumstances, the general concensus is that the OP has a name that reminded a hl2.net member and many others (including myself) of the sound which a cute yet mentally retarded toddler would make while clapping his hands.
Hold on, hold on, hold on. Helplife2.net giving serious advice? What? What's wrong with this picture?

It's a change from the norm, but its so much more pleasent. You know, treat people the way you want to be treated.

And we all have bad days man. I've had days where I hated a ton of things about myself, and everything negative in my life came into sharp focus. You have a better day, and these things dont seem as pressing anymore.

Of course, if you still feel strongly about how you percieve yourself than I agree with the advice other people have given.
It's not a post from an even remotely respected member of hl2.net, and the prose is written as such to indicate a mere prepubescent personal pseuodo-crisis.
Regardless of the circumstances, the general concensus is that the OP has a name that reminded a hl2.net member and many others (including myself) of the sound which a cute yet mentally retarded toddler would make while clapping his hands.
*troll high-five*
It's a change from the norm, but its so much more pleasent. You know, treat people the way you want to be treated.

The golden rule does not at all apply to sexual assault.
Just something that occured to me after having it repeated to me thousands of times in the past 16 years.
Says the man dwindling life away on an internet gaming forum with over 1,200 posts despite being here only a few months ;).
Anyways its a love story about a crocodile and a man, and when the crock's wife finds out that he is having a gay affair the crock and man sword fight to the death. Its a parable of sorts on being gay in modern society. Very thought provoking.
We need to make a hugging thread where people just post all this kinda stuff and other people can make them feel better about themselves.
Or not? You would probably troll it like you do everything else, its your favourite hobby.
I'm not joking around, there are enough of these threads to just make 1 thread for similar problems.
how about you just give me the jist because 15 mins is asking a lot these days. time is money

It's really ****ing dumb and overrated. I watched it once. I suggest you don't.
What you didn't like the part where the shark shot shriukens through its eyes and totally nailed that one guy? kabooommmm spalsh

That was SOOOO meh!!! Nothing like in the book!
The best part was when you first encounter the cyborg mutant nazi space zombies!

Wait.. what are we talking about?
I don't know what are you talking about? That wasn't even in the movie, stop being an ass :|
don't be so redundant, everyone here already knows that
*points at join date.
don't be so redundant, everyone here already knows that
*points at join date.

All the cool people joined during the year of 2004. Also Stern.
Everyone knows that. You wouldn't know in your senile mind.
2003 members... so old...
All the cool people joined during the year of 2004. Also Stern.
Everyone knows that. You wouldn't know in your senile mind.
2003 members... so old...
shift8 sigh shift8
You youngins don't get it, back in my day all we had was morse code.:frown:

Also offtopic was actually a thriving forum that hl2.net drew its strength from, back then it actually got more than a dozen posts a day
I know I just felt like posting that little movie.

It's nice, y'know?
If you are referring to religion, since when do you have to be religious to follow that guidline?

I was just making the implication that such a positive, forward-thinking mode of belief is something that would require a pamphlet, in a subtle attempt at humour that was missed entirely by yourself.
I know this will sound like the typical 4chan shit you see everyday on /b/ but this one is real.I'm not a emo ( i hate them btw) but i have been seriously depressed lately.It's mainly because i hate myself.My attitude towards everyone else , my attitude to modern society, and mainly i hate what i look like.Every person i meet thinks I'm weird and they just say I'm a idiot.I can't really blame them because I really do behave like a idiot.Childish even.But the thing is really when i get near people i start worrying that I'll say something stupid and then i really do it so that's what makes me a idiot.I had this problem for years now and i really can't take it anymore.I'm really sorry if this is pathetic but i have no one else to talk to.
( Jesus , I'm asking for advice from people i never met...)

Your attitude towards everyone else can be determined by what you value.

If you don't value yourself enough, you may not feel worth talking to others. You really gotta work on this, whether it's a self-esteem issue or a character flaw. If it's a self esteem issue just read dfc05's post. If it's a character flaw just try to identify what kind of flaw it is (being withdrawn, maybe cynical/close-minded about people, etc.) and working on how you can be better.

The most important thing is not to let any of these things determine who you'll be in the future.

I think you are putting too much preocupation on the things people will think or say about you. These are things you can't control, and when you focus on things you can't control then what you actually are able to control gets out of your hands.

Don't worry about what people will think if you say something. As long as you're considerate and don't actually behave like a c*nt, just do what Deadpan says. Have fun and genuinely try to be able to talk to people and share something.
Stop spending so much time in front of your computer! Do something that forces you to interact with other people.

A lot of people become depress because they shut themselves away from society and then convince themselves that everybody hates him/her.