I'm deeply depressed.

Mabye you just need to relax and have some time to think things through, or what i do just zone the hell out with some music and video games and burbon
Your attitude towards everyone else can be determined by what you value.

If you don't value yourself enough, you may not feel worth talking to others. You really gotta work on this, whether it's a self-esteem issue or a character flaw. If it's a self esteem issue just read dfc05's post. If it's a character flaw just try to identify what kind of flaw it is (being withdrawn, maybe cynical/close-minded about people, etc.) and working on how you can be better.

The most important thing is not to let any of these things determine who you'll be in the future.

I think you are putting too much preocupation on the things people will think or say about you. These are things you can't control, and when you focus on things you can't control then what you actually are able to control gets out of your hands.

Don't worry about what people will think if you say something. As long as you're considerate and don't actually behave like a c*nt, just do what Deadpan says. Have fun and genuinely try to be able to talk to people and share something.

Thank you , very usefull advice :thumbs:
i wasn't surprised a bit to see you post this... was pretty much the general vibe i got from your 220 posts.

you rely solely on others to validate you.. which is a problem because then you hold yourself back, apprehending that positive or negative response.
this makes people hesitant about you. they respond to that holding back, which results in none of that validation. which deepens the spiral further and further.

you hate the way you look not because of what you look like, but because it reminds you of YOU, and your poor self attitude.

forget what the **** other people might think of you.
when you validate yourself, you're going to be validated. people will respond to that validation by being interested in you. it works that way.

you're the captain of your own life.. and life's WAY too short and valuable to waste it in the autopilot seat, just letting inertia and enthropy do it's way with you.

start simple, and don't hold a grudge over yourself. find little things every day life to like about yourself, be proud of the little things you do.. start building on that.
Become cold and numb. Remove all emotion from you mind. Destroy love anywhere you find it. Seek solace in the twisted caverns of your mind in solitude. Get a piranha and feed it baby kittens. When there are no more kittens, eat the piranha. Shave every part of your body except for your groin - let that grow as thick as possible. Glue extra hair to your groin harvested from your scalp, so as to cover up your naughty parts, because they have no use for you now. Remove all the curtains from all of your windows until the sun has burned your retina so that you cannot see anything but white spots. Walk around the house nude, pretending that your windows are vanity mirrors. After two weeks, use the fuse-box to power down all electricity in the house. Board up all the windows using wood from your staircase as you won't be going upstairs again. Use candles and memories to guide yourself. Defecate into the sinks and corners of the room as the clock strikes twelve. Do nothing but sit blindly and engage in idle thought at all other times. Tie one of your hands to your ankle so as to provide some amusement while your sanity slips away. After 12 months of darkness, shave your entire body once more, (except for your groin) and slip out into the mid-day sun, walking down to the nearest park bench and taking a seat.

Await patiently on that bench for I promise you an abundance of attention and interest. Your day of reckoning has arrived.
Become cold and numb. Remove all emotion from you mind. Destroy love anywhere you find it. Seek solace in the twisted caverns of your mind in solitude. Get a piranha and feed it baby kittens. When there are no more kittens, eat the piranha. Shave every part of your body except for your groin - let that grow as thick as possible. Glue extra hair to your groin harvested from your scalp, so as to cover up your naughty parts, because they have no use for you now. Remove all the curtains from all of your windows until the sun has burned your retina so that you cannot see anything but white spots. Walk around the house nude, pretending that your windows are vanity mirrors. After two weeks, use the fuse-box to power down all electricity in the house. Board up all the windows using wood from your staircase as you won't be going upstairs again. Use candles and memories to guide yourself. Defecate into the sinks and corners of the room as the clock strikes twelve. Do nothing but sit blindly and engage in idle thought at all other times. Tie one of your hands to your ankle so as to provide some amusement while your sanity slips away. After 12 months of darkness, shave your entire body once more, (except for your groin) and slip out into the mid-day sun, walking down to the nearest park bench and taking a seat.

Await patiently on that bench for I promise you an abundance of attention and interest. Your day of reckoning has arrived.


Really, I've been feeling the same way lately (Maybe because I got grounded, but **** that.) Point is, if something you're doing is making you feel bad, stop doing it. Nobody dictates what you do better than you do, so why should you have to live a life you hate? Be happy. Make yourself happy. Do things that make you feel better about yourself. If you're slacking off at something and feel like a jackass every time you think about it, go fix it. Nobody is stopping you but YOU. It's an important lesson my friend, and just know this, you're not alone.

Stop viewing yourself as the bad guy. It's not your fault you are the way you are, and you can't be any better than who you are, so maybe you should just tell these other kids to take their opinions about you and shove it up their ass. You don't need their bullshit, you don't pick on them for who they are, they need to shut up. Take pride in who you are before you let somebody else tell you who you are. Your best friend in life is you, and don't ever let anybody **** with him. Get some better friends who aren't constantly making you feel down on yourself. Don't let anybody tell you that you aren't enough, because you obviously care more about their opinion more than your own. Just figure out who YOU are. Take some time and go through old photos, and memories. Remember things from your past and remember who you are. Don't let these shitheads kick you around.

...Hope that helps. :p
i have felt very distant from the crowd before, and recently, when i thought i had a lot of good friends to talk to every day, they all decided to leave me out.

It was the last day of term at school and i had asked all of them if they were going into town, and they all said no to me, straight to my face.

turns out they all went and had a meal together, and then had a walk in the park, while i was sitting at home, bored as ****. i felt like shit.

When i went back to school, i found out pretty soon what they had done. and they realised what they had done was wrong, and now i'm pretty much friends with them again, and i have realised i can build on what they did to me. i can try and fix my bad/annoying personality factors, and go on from there.

don't be afraid. most of what you think people think about you is just in your head.
i have felt very distant from the crowd before, and recently, when i thought i had a lot of good friends to talk to every day, they all decided to leave me out.

It was the last day of term at school and i had asked all of them if they were going into town, and they all said no to me, straight to my face.

turns out they all went and had a meal together, and then had a walk in the park, while i was sitting at home, bored as ****. i felt like shit.

When i went back to school, i found out pretty soon what they had done. and they realised what they had done was wrong, and now i'm pretty much friends with them again, and i have realised i can build on what they did to me. i can try and fix my bad/annoying personality factors, and go on from there.

don't be afraid. most of what you think people think about you is just in your head.
:LOL::LOL: Oh my, this thread just gets better and better.
Sounds like hyper-shyness.

But if you're feeling embarrassed about something, most people don't care about you that much (in a positive way) to actually think "Hah, that guy just did ___."

So, there's my worthless 2 cents on this issue.
It's more complicated . I don't want to change to be acceptable. I want people to accept me the way i am.

I have a bit of profound news for you: They never will.

It's very unwise to think this way. All those Hollywood stars saying "Just be who you are, don't change to please people"... well, it's a load of crap. They're creating a fake world in which everyone accepts each other's differences. Despite what everyone else thinks, conforming is good. Especially when you're young. You have to change to be accepted, because you won't be accepted until you're acceptable.
Basically there's limits to 'be yourself and let people accept you'.
I act myself everywhere, though (I act the same at home then with my friends)... Just don't be a douche to people, I'm generally nice to people, and there are like 5 kids who hate me. But I'm not particularly fond of them either so it's ok.
I have a bit of profound news for you: They never will.

It's very unwise to think this way. All those Hollywood stars saying "Just be who you are, don't change to please people"... well, it's a load of crap. They're creating a fake world in which everyone accepts each other's differences. Despite what everyone else thinks, conforming is good. Especially when you're young. You have to change to be accepted, because you won't be accepted until you're acceptable.

No. Just no. Never listen to anybody like jintor or hobostomp, because it's just not true.
What if you're a complete dickhead? Will they accept you for who you are?
What if you're a complete dickhead? Will they accept you for who you are?

Indicators of judgement such as 'dickhead' do not transcend a single given beholder unjustified, do they? Unless you believe in an objective moral standard that lies somewhere beyond the reach of contingency in culture or whatever, where a dickhead remains a dickhead in any place or time. My point being, you're only a bastard or a delightful individual or a prick if somebody calls you one, and it's unlikely that everybody will - so your time as anything of that sort is finite.

This isn't to say that A can just sit back and think "they have to accept me as I am, for I shall not alter my systems of behaviour and attitude for them" if he knows he isn't doing the best he can; that is, making an effort to display to them that he is worth the effort of getting to know (being careful to tread the fine margins between openness and exhibitionism). Isn't that in danger of betraying the mutual transaction that harbours a 'healthy' relationship?
Indicators of judgement such as 'dickhead' do not transcend a single given beholder unjustified, do they? Unless you believe in an objective moral standard that lies somewhere beyond the reach of contingency in culture or whatever, where a dickhead remains a dickhead in any place or time. My point being, you're only a bastard or a delightful individual or a prick if somebody calls you one, and it's unlikely that everybody will - so your time as anything of that sort is finite.

This isn't to say that A can just sit back and think "they have to accept me as I am, for I shall not alter my systems of behaviour and attitude for them" if he knows he isn't doing the best he can; that is, making an effort to display to them that he is worth the effort of getting to know (being careful to tread the fine margins between openness and exhibitionism). Isn't that in danger of betraying the mutual transaction that harbours a 'healthy' relationship?

To summerise:

a) You can't be a dickhead because being a dickhead is objective

b) On the other hand, you shouldn't be a dickhead.

It seems to me that there is a fairly common standard of 'dickhead' that, while it may waver in exact standards of conduct, is nonetheless common.

Anyway, I was not saying what Hobostomp was saying. I was just agreeing with him on the point that there is some degree to which you have to conform, and one of those degrees is not being an asshole.
I meant:

a) You can't be a dickhead objectively because the justification of the word is subjective even if its meaning is commonly understood.

b) And, uh, now I see the sense in which you meant the word originally anyway. Yes, generalised normative evaluation in that case. People do treat it and use it similarly, though I mean if you understand it to be somebody who is deliberately repugnant or unkind, then I should agree that indeed it would be difficult to find acceptance. You have to wonder if such an individual even desires it.

Though common aversion to socially counter-productive behaviour isn't really evidence for ethical objectivity. Not that this has anything to do with the thread.

Anyway. I'm should avoid posting here when I'm in the middle of essays, both for the sake of not churning out messy pretentious academic diction and addressing the right categories in arguments. ;(
Basically, you have to balance "be yourself" with "make as few people as possible think that you're a dick".

This seems to work well. Some people... have trouble with this idea. But it's necessary.
I just hang out with my friends, like, all the time.

Make money, **** bitches, smoke trees, and so on.
Holy shit. I thought I said that but I don't remember typing that. Then I realized that wasn't me. You stole my god damned avatar.


You keep changing it, and who gives it back to you when you start crying and wanting it back? I DO.

Aw bro.

I think as a way to show our apparent support for barbarbabrwhatever, everyone should don the Danimal avatar.
This avatar was around probably before you were.
It's Danimal's avatar, Dog, and you know it.
I know this will sound like the typical 4chan shit you see everyday on /b/ but this one is real.I'm not a emo ( i hate them btw) but i have been seriously depressed lately.It's mainly because i hate myself.My attitude towards everyone else , my attitude to modern society, and mainly i hate what i look like.Every person i meet thinks I'm weird and they just say I'm a idiot.I can't really blame them because I really do behave like a idiot.Childish even.But the thing is really when i get near people i start worrying that I'll say something stupid and then i really do it so that's what makes me a idiot.I had this problem for years now and i really can't take it anymore.I'm really sorry if this is pathetic but i have no one else to talk to.
( Jesus , I'm asking for advice from people i never met...)

Get a hobby. You sound like you have way too much ****ing time on your hands.