I'm depressed, need to vent....


Jul 4, 2003
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Ok so anyway, it seems no matter what i do in life it turns into crap. It seems like i never get a break, i've pretty much lost the job i had, got jacked out of over a grand that they owe me in back pay, my home is the worst place ever, i don't have anything nice.... blah
I don't know what to do... I can't stand living here anymore, i can't go anywhere (no car, no insurance) i can't find work cuz i live in the middle of nowhere, i haven't been able to eat much this week cuz i can't afford it, or go get it, im pretty much just a plague on everyone. I can't afford new shoes (my current ones have holes in them ;( ) i can't do any laundry cuz i have no laundry soap.... GRRRRRRRR i just want to scream and pull my hair out but i can't cuz i can't afford to! ;(
Wow man, i dont know what to say. I would offer encouragement but is that really what you need right now? I'd much rather give you an answer...one which im sure you will find soon no doubt. Do you have any skills you could sell over the internet?
Yeah seeing as how you have a computer try something over the internet. OR trip in front of Shop Rite, break your leg, and sue for $2,000,000. I really feel sorry for you man. Good luck.

EDIT: Ask for support from your parents. They are always there in trouble.
heh, sorry about the above :) don't get too down man, we've all been there, sorry or the platitudes, but things will get better :) and if you don't believe me it's just because i'm not using enough smiley faces :)

what was your job? how old are you/what's your education? give us some info, so we can help you out :)
why dont you get some satisfaction from helping other people in similar prediciments, support each other, Thinking of ones self all the time can be depressing, I hate thinking about my problems it drives me nuts, so I dream about things and do what I can :p
i'm 21, highschool graduate, i was a web designer.... and i thought the despair thing was actually kinda funny timmy, i didn't expect anyone to reply to this... I can't ask the parent's to help for "reasons" and this computer is nothing to be proud of either lol it'll probably be dead by the end of the week, and if not, my isp will be shut off (probably) i like to get out and help others, but i can't get out. Thats my main problem, i feel trapped. I wish i could go back to school, had a decent place to live and some sort of transportation and i'd be peachy but i need a jump start and its just not here (or i don't see it)
You can't really appreciate being on top until you've been at the bottom.
Heres what you do....

Goto the local safeways and follow a chump around, look for a new employee working in the fruit section and kinda intimidate him, and look at what he's doing, he'll end up dropping something eventually...

Run full speed at whatever he dropped and make the most insane smack on the floor you can.

Sore back for a few weeks but the payoff will be sublime. ENJOI
have you given any thought to college? there's nothing cushier than college. depending on your particular situation, it may not be any finacial burden either, depending on what type of school it is (often times state residents have to pay very little for state schools). it'd get you out of where everit is you feel trapped maybe.

it may not be great for a long period, bu getting some menial job makin' bagels or something would pay the bills until something better comes along? i dunno.
Pfft....I dont know how much other people pay for college but its up to like 18 bucks a class here(f@kn' Gay Davis). Dosnt sound like much, but it is when your class payments and enrolment fee comes out to be like $260, and your books will cost more than that.

But then again, I never did the finatial aid stuff. They always screw you over with that. You can't find out if you are able to get it untill right when you get your classes, and most the time you just happen to be a LITTLE to wealthy for their tastes.

I think we should all chip in and send Innervision some cash.
I don't understans why USers/Canadians whene they see that with their knoledge they can't make more money then they need, don't join the army? As far as know, a privet in the Canadian army makes 3000$ per month. Why not join the army? Or is there some thing that I'm missing?
lol murry_h. yeah, normally i would suggest the military, but.. well, you know..
I haven't heard yet that regular forces are being sent to Iraq. I thought that only the marines and ranger(or some other special forces) were sent ot Iraq and Afganistan.
It's mostly the army who are occupying Iraq at the moment. If he is in as bad straights as he says then he should just head down and join the military, he could try something like the navy if direct combat isn't his cup of tea.
I know how u feel, Innervision.
Pretty much everything i look at around me makes me want to vomit.
I need to get outta here, but i don't know how.

Also, i got fired two weeks ago. Merry Christmas!
hey thanks for the encouragement guys, believe it or not it really helps... Bastard_loud, sounds like we are kinda in the same boat i feel the same way. Oh and uh the whole military thing, well i've considered it, then i came to the realization that if i joined i might actually have to fight ;) i'm too much of a wuss for that. heh yeah merry christmas
(you know i hear a lot of people get depressed around the holidays, curse you santa)
I was a lonely boy had
Nothing to do but hustle up on my block
I was the only boy and
Still had it in me that I was never gon stop
Be upon the bus stop, baby
Working for the new white jordans
Dog i mean I didn't have nothing
And that's the way it was, the way it was

Now a whole lot of sh!t different
All around the world I ball
Candy coated drop top lexus
Hot boy for all ya'll (all ya'll)
Dip through my neighbourhood
Still the same it's never gon change
So much love filled with pain
And I always will remember when I

I remember I remember
When it just wasn't like this (when it wasn't like this)
I remember when we was hungry
And we wasnt riding on 6
I remember when we didn't have chips
Still had to try to make the best of it
I remember, baby I remember
(Give it to em cos) I remember

-TQ ft. Jagged Edge - I Remember

Don't worry it'll get better, remember u can always become a Gigolo. like Duce Bigalo
Innervision, i really hope things pick up for u, and i can't say things are all that bad for me right now, but i definately know the feeling of depression as college and stress to do well in the eyes of my parents can definately leave me feeling really shitty. I honestly hope things will pick up, and i know they will, cause life has these ways of making things right on its own. I'm sure u've been in the dumps before like me, but somehow eventually u can't help but feel better. Anyways, just outta curiosity, where do u live? just to see about joining the military situation previously discussed.
Thanks jonthecanuck, i appreciate it, i got some sleep and i'm feeling a little better about things now. Less depressed, and more "how can i fix this mess im in" mood. And i live in the U.S. in Kentucky. So if I joined the military I'd probably have to go to Iraq.
Godam it, I have the perfect answer for you

azz0r said:
Heres what you do....

Goto the local safeways and follow a chump around, look for a new employee working in the fruit section and kinda intimidate him, and look at what he's doing, he'll end up dropping something eventually...

Run full speed at whatever he dropped and make the most insane smack on the floor you can.

Sore back for a few weeks but the payoff will be sublime. ENJOI
Hey Innervision, i feel for you. The company where i worked decied to shut down where I live, and since there's not much work for WAN engineers (especially where I live now, with a mortgage on my aptmt) I'm pretty much ****ed.

(Luckily) I live in Sweden, where things aren't quite as bad as in the US for the unemployed; however, it's getting very close. I've moved 2 times already, and I finally bought a place of my own, only to see the company where I worked shut down completly.

It saddens me that two of the greatest countries ever (sweden and the u.s.) are going down the drain. Sweden more in terms of solidarity and the u.s. more in terms of being a model for market economies. I should clarify, but I I'm drunk I don't feel like it. maybe later.

Oh yes, I know that many will find it amusing that I compare Sweden and the U.S., but I really think they were both once excellent role models. Now I'm not so sure.
Loshadka said:
I don't understans why USers/Canadians whene they see that with their knoledge they can't make more money then they need, don't join the army? As far as know, a privet in the Canadian army makes 3000$ per month. Why not join the army? Or is there some thing that I'm missing?

get a good porno, some chips and beers have one hell of a night...... then become a buhdist monk and leave this complex hateful life behind
Just remember, money doesnt make you happy. I have a job, a car, I get good grades in college. 3 years ago I would probably view my present self as the coolest person ever. But now I feel just as depressed and angry as before. :(
yeah i'm feeling depressed now too. some days just start out crappy and end up crappier. and then you go to sleep feeling crappy and you wake up feeling crappy. ugh.

lonederanger's right about money not making you happy. very true. i hope you feel better, maybe things will start picking up.
I have been feeling pretty crappy recently as well

becuz we dont have hl2 imo :sniper: :sniper: ;)
Just remember, money doesnt make you happy

No, it doesn't, but Innervision doesn't strike me as a slacker. Having to abstain from buying christmas gifts for ypur loved ones only because you barely have enough to pay your rent isn't a good thing. Especially if you really can't afford to pay your rent even though you don't buy any christmas gifts.

I've been there once, and it's not something I would like to experience again. I'm now again unemployed with no real chance of getting a job I'm trained for, but at least I've got some money saved up. God knows how long that will keep me going though.

EDIT: Somehow I came across as accusing LD of accusing Innervision to be a slacker. Not my intention, but I don't have the stamina to re-write my entire post.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
I have been feeling pretty crappy recently as well

becuz we dont have hl2 imo :sniper: :sniper: ;)

LOL bAbYhEaDcRaB, My general outlook on life is actually pretty similar to yours, sometimes I just get so angry, though, that reasonably intellegent* people just can't seem to grasp that the way the world (by proxy) is being run by Bush et. al. is just idiotic.

* I hereby define intelligent as people who can spell intelligent correctly (this is an inside joke; just humor me :-)
this could indeed be the most deperssing thread ever. Ah well, i'm in the mood for it. Sometimes i just dont feel the want to be happy. I almost enjoy being bummed out now and then or feeling angry. It kind of reminds me how i hate the way things are. I've been feelin like crap all day, and dammit, i think i'll stay that way, but i'm heading to bed. G'night forums.