I'm going to be a Dad


Jul 26, 2005
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Today I went to the doctor's with the girl I had a previous relationship with. It's official, I'm going to be a father. I heard the heartbeat and everything, it blew my mind but hasn't sunk in all the way yet. I don't know if we're going to get married or not, she's an awesome girl but we have some major differences which previously split us up. No one in my family knows yet, but my Mother is undergoing treatment for leukemia and I'm so afraid how she's going to react when she hears about it.
congratulations....i guess.

i hope everything goes well for you man.
congrats man.

oh, and i am probably going to hell, but i lol'd at that vid.
Congradulations. Hope it works out for ya. Hopefully this doesn't turn out like Mr Bananawillie.
Oh wow, thats scary. Is she deciding to have the kid?

Well... I guess all I can say is take care of the kid if you are, don't be like "bah, damn bastard child, you ruined my life", not saying you would because I don't know you, but really do your best, dont neglect it.

I dunno if you should really get married over this, you guys might just get divorced a later year and actually hurt the kid emotionally when he is able to understand.
kill the girl,that way you are freed!
I'd hit that chick in the video like nobody's business.

Anyway, uriel, at least you can be sure the baby'll be attractive.
how far along is she?
do you think it's likely you'll get married?
is it a boy or girl?
If this turns out like the tollbooth willie debacle, I may kill someone.

But not your kid, don't worry.
Yah, its against my beliefs to have sex outside of marriage, but they don't look down on me, no one believes i'm going to hell or anything. People have already offered help and support. It's both a happy and sad situation. I love kids and can't wait to hold my child, but i think a child deserves a Mom and a Dad that live together. The scariest thought is thinking you're going to be a bad father. I still feel like a young kid, but I'm still going to make every possible effort to raise my child with every oppurtunity he or she deserves.

She's 12 weeks along.
I hope for your sake you're joking.

Vegeta? or Me?

I am most certainly not joking. I almost created a thread about it a while back when we knew it was a possibility that she might be, but it was right after Willie got banned, so I decided not to.
I meant vegeta. I actually saw a post you made about it a day or so ago and was actually hoping that she wasn't pregnant.
what does willie have to do with this thread?
Hurray for unexpected pregnancies. Many of us would not be here otherwise.
Today I went to the doctor's with the girl I had a previous relationship with. It's official, I'm going to be a father. I heard the heartbeat and everything, it blew my mind but hasn't sunk in all the way yet. I don't know if we're going to get married or not, she's an awesome girl but we have some major differences which previously split us up. No one in my family knows yet, but my Mother is undergoing treatment for leukemia and I'm so afraid how she's going to react when she hears about it.

Gratz on the baby, sorry about your mum.
Maybe it could cheer her up with the news, actually you might want to try agreeing on marriage and then tell'm you're getting married and some time later (whenever before people find out about the big belly) that she's pregnant. Don't take my advice though, its just off the top of my head.
Congrats mate - hope it all goes well...

Sorry to hear about your Mum - hope she can pull through, maybe the knowledge that she's going to be a Grandmother will pull her through.
yeah i hope it all works out for the best. the best thing though, if you and the mother just wont make a good couple is to keep separate, yet still try and be a part of the child's life. its just not good to raise a child in an environment that could be conflictual. but i'm sure you've realized this already, and will make the right decision.

also sorry to hear about your mother. hope she makes it through.
Good luck man. Parenthood is something special.
grats on making your life 100x harder and more complicated.
I sure hope you have enough money to support a family.
grats on making your life 100x harder and more complicated.
I sure hope you have enough money to support a family.

glad to see such warmth in the community.

The video made me cry with joy.
Did you at least wear protection? Either way, you absolutely have my sympathy and support, but having unprotected sex and simply hoping to avoid a kid seems kind of... well, risky :/
Unwanted pregnancies ftw! All you need to do now is apply to go on Jerry Springer and you're set.

Being a father is very special.:angel: