I'm going to be a Dad

woah....thats pretty young...

Im surprised how well your taking it
what does willie have to do with this thread?

he got banned for 30 days for posting that he was having a child. Then after everybody was scared, he said it was a joke.
but anyway,
congrats on the kid, good luck!

When I was pregnant ppl who all ready had kidz would tell me "Your life is gonna change & it will never be the same." That alwayz scared the hell out of me. I wish they would not have put it that way. It's a good change. Once you have that little one in your life you can't imagine life without them.

Support the mother as much as you can emotionally by letting her know you're there for her. It's even a more scary time for her with the changes she's going through.

You can't be a bad parent if you just be there for your kid. Too many parents are more into their own lives to be around for their kids. I became a gamer to get close to my son. Alot of his friends and contacts are amazed when they find out his Mom plays the same games as he does. They wish their parents would do the same. Bottom line: Good parents spend as much time as possible with their kids.

OK, I'll STFU now. I hope I've helped. And, Congratulations!

P.S. My husband was 20 when our son was born. He's a great father.

When I was pregnant ppl who all ready had kidz would tell me "Your life is gonna change & it will never be the same." That alwayz scared the hell out of me. I wish they would not have put it that way. It's a good change. Once you have that little one in your life you can't imagine life without them.

Support the mother as much as you can emotionally by letting her know you're there for her. It's even a more scary time for her with the changes she's going through.

You can't be a bad parent if you just be there for your kid. Too many parents are more into their own lives to be around for their kids. I became a gamer to get close to my son. Alot of his friends and contacts are amazed when they find out his Mom plays the same games as he does. They wish their parents would do the same. Bottom line: Good parents spend as much time as possible with their kids.

OK, I'll STFU now. I hope I've helped. And, Congratulations!

P.S. My husband was 20 when our son was born. He's a great father.

that part about spending as much time as possible is horseshit. well once we reach a certain age. knowing when to back off and give the kid some space is just as important as spending time with the kid.
Don't be a bad father, be a good father.
Congradulations. Hope it works out for ya. Hopefully this doesn't turn out like Mr Bananawillie.

Congratulations Urinel! Name it after a famous serial killer. Sorry about your mom too. :(
Today I went to the doctor's with the girl I had a previous relationship with. It's official, I'm going to be a father. I heard the heartbeat and everything, it blew my mind but hasn't sunk in all the way yet. I don't know if we're going to get married or not, she's an awesome girl but we have some major differences which previously split us up. No one in my family knows yet, but my Mother is undergoing treatment for leukemia and I'm so afraid how she's going to react when she hears about it.

Id get a Paternity test to be sure.:thumbs:
My friend is 18 and also just got a girl pregnant.

I also suggest a paternity test. Sometimes the state will pay for those, and it never hurts to check!! It's such a life-changing thing, you should be 100% sure that it is in fact your kid. Because not to offend you or anything, but people will lie...

But enough of that :)

Since it sounds like you are going to go through, don't mess up your life for the sake of the kid. Sure in the short-term you will be there, but how about in five to ten years? My friend luckily is still planning to go to college. He knows it will be rough early on, and he will be there for the kid as often as he can. However, he knows he needs to secure that kids future!

If neither you nor the mother think they can take care of this baby without messing up your lives (which would also screw with the baby), put it up for adoption. Give the kid a good home where he's loved and won't have to deal with the stress of two young 20-something year olds struggling to make it in the world, on top of the kid. A few of my best friends are adopted, and they have loving parents now.

About the marriage, if you and her don't work, then don't do it. While I would suggest talking to her, seeing if you can settle your differences, don't force it.

Otherwise, congrats and good luck!
Good luck man! You seem like a good dude, don't sweat it. I wish the best for you mother
Hey uriel , i dont really know you that well but we've spoken a few times on gabbly . Congratulations! fatherhood is indeed quite a special period in ones life . Its good to see that people are being understanding , i really hope the best for you and your kid and while i support adoption i think that you should look into whatever support that your family is willing to offer rather than just getting rid of the kid. Take any help you can get and talk to your family about it, see what they can do to aid you financially or otherwise. I guess you've already thought about a lot of this ... just wanted to give my 2 cents.

Fake Edit : Post pics of the little bugger as soon as you can :p.
Well my Mom knows now and I find out if it's a boy or a girl on Thursday. I'm so excited but I keep reminding myself it may not be mine. It's hard not to be excited though :D
Kids are awesome. Family life ****ing rocks the shit out of anything else.

As Seinfeld said about fathers "Screw the world, i'll make my own goddamn people"

Never were truer words spoken.

May the force be with you.
Well my Mom knows now and I find out if it's a boy or a girl on Thursday. I'm so excited but I keep reminding myself it may not be mine. It's hard not to be excited though :D

Errrr, I checked your posts in this thread, but that's a new element in the story. There is a possibility it may not be yours? What are you going to do in that case?
Either way - hope you become a great father, even if its not yours...

How did your Mom react?
Oh man, I'm scared and excited for you. Can't imagine what that must feel like (although I can definitely deal with NOT knowing for quite a while longer in my life).
Good luck dude, you're a braver man than me!
Today I went to the doctor's with the girl I had a previous relationship with. It's official, I'm going to be a father. I heard the heartbeat and everything, it blew my mind but hasn't sunk in all the way yet. I don't know if we're going to get married or not, she's an awesome girl but we have some major differences which previously split us up. No one in my family knows yet, but my Mother is undergoing treatment for leukemia and I'm so afraid how she's going to react when she hears about it.

heartbeat? usually you cant hear it till 12-20 weeks ..20 weeks is half the pregnancy, she would be visibly showing ..how did you only now find out?

anyways congrats, parenthood was/is tough and we were prepared/in our 30's, good luck

edit: odd ..you're saying you'll find out the sex of the baby this week? that would put the age between 18-24 weeks meaning your girlfriend would have been visibly pregnant for some time now
Congrats, glad to hear you're happy about it :)

Out of curiosity - how come you got her pregnant? You didn't plan it, did you?
You now a slight kick and a nice set of stairs could solve alot of problems you know...congratz anyway. You think the child will be living in a good world considering you and the girls current relationship? I mean..i could never spend 18+ years with a girl i dont like just cuz i have a baby with her...id rather flee to africa and get aids...but thats just me.
something else is odd here ...first you were a virgin, then you lost your virginity as early as june of this year ..that means that you impregnated your girlfriend within the first few times you've had sex ...ever! what are the odds of that? dont tell me you didnt use protection?
I believe Uriel though, this isn't like the Willie thing (<3 :flame:)
Maybe she didn't want to inform Uriel before she was sure he was the father?
^Mormons aren't allowed to have sex before marrige either. So I don't think that Uriel nor his ex are very religious.
I don't think Mormons are allowed are they?

no ..but premarital sex is ok? :O

Maybe she didn't want to inform Uriel before she was sure he was the father?

if there was a question as to whether he was the father or not, nothing but a DNA test would have confirmed that ..so if there were a question there's no way for sure she would know without having Uriel tested
if there was a question as to whether he was the father or not, nothing but a DNA test would have confirmed that ..so if there were a question there's no way for sure she would know without having Uriel tested
Maybe she needed time to figure out exactly when she had gotten pregrant and thus see which partner she was having sex with at the time.