I'm going to be a Dad

Maybe she needed time to figure out exactly when she had gotten pregrant and thus see which partner she was having sex with at the time.

ya but when she was told she was pregnant they determine exactly how old the fetus is ..right down to the exact day. Date of conception is never a mystery
ya but when she was told she was pregnant they determine exactly how old the fetus is ..right down to the exact day. Date of conception is never a mystery
Maybe she was lost in the jungle for a couple of months and wasn't able to see a doctor until several months into the pregnancy.
ok now that seems like the most reasonable explanation ..on a mission deep in the backwoods of Africa, carrying Uriel's baby, fighting to end poverty (and preach absitence)only to fly back home to be told she isnt much of christian ;)

ok now that seems like the most reasonable explanation ..on a mission deep in the backwoods of Africa, carrying Uriel's baby, fighting to end poverty (and preach absitence)only to fly back home to be told she isnt much of christian ;)


I'll bring the kindling if you bring the matches and stake.
something else is odd here ...first you were a virgin, then you lost your virginity as early as june of this year ..that means that you impregnated your girlfriend within the first few times you've had sex ...ever! what are the odds of that? dont tell me you didnt use protection?

The dates on those posts are wrong. Look at the dates on all the posts in that thread. It's either 6/01/07 or 7/01/07. Pretty safe to say that's wrong.

And I know that thread is older than that. I know it's around the time of January or before when the thread was created because I lost my virginity in January.

Anywho, no I didn't wear protection. I'm not the type of kid to carry a condom on me ever. Believe me, I've already gotten the "wrap it up" convo from my siblings.

The Child is due in February, so the date of conception is May obviously. The girl I lost my virginity to isn't the girl who is pregnant.
I'm getting a test done too because we found out she was pregnant after we broke up.
My Mom is doing really well by the way :) Thanks for asking. She took the news really well, she's been begging my older sister and brother for grandkids.
The dates on those posts are wrong. Look at the dates on all the posts in that thread. It's either 6/01/07 or 7/01/07. Pretty safe to say that's wrong.
Yes, the computer made the mistake.

Someone doesn't know how to read British style dates :LOL:

6/01/07 is January 6th. 7/01/07 is January 7th. On these boards.
EDIT - I need sleep, been awake for quite a while.

Please ignore. :eek:
EDIT- Sleep is good for you. You should get 8 hours at least.
Why I have no idea what you're taking about... :monkee:
Aah, touche!

And also, congratulations Uriel. :) Gotta say I'd be shit scared if I were in the same situation though.
I can only imagine what conversation just occurred between you two. :p
The dates on those posts are wrong. Look at the dates on all the posts in that thread. It's either 6/01/07 or 7/01/07. Pretty safe to say that's wrong.

british dates ..jan 07 and June 07

And I know that thread is older than that. I know it's around the time of January or before when the thread was created because I lost my virginity in January.

it's not older than that, the dates dont/cant lie

Anywho, no I didn't wear protection. I'm not the type of kid to carry a condom on me ever. Believe me, I've already gotten the "wrap it up" convo from my siblings.

The Child is due in February, so the date of conception is May obviously. The girl I lost my virginity to isn't the girl who is pregnant.

that would mean she's 4 months pregnant, how could you not know until recently? it's not possible for her not to have known.

anyways it's just odd that's all ..I hope for your sakes that this is all an elaborate joke ..you have tough times ahead of you ..my wife and I are financially established, married and planned our kids ..and even then we STILL find it difficult even though my kids are now 4 and 1 years old ..I cant imagine what it would have been like to be a parent at 20, I just didnt have the emotinal or coping skills at that age, I was barely out of childhood myself

btw; condoms, pre-marital sex etc just doesnt sound all that Mormon to me ..it just seems you've done a complete role reversal from the days you were on your mission/preached the word of god
In after EDIT fight!

Glad to hear your mom is ok, and didnt explode when you told her.
You now a slight kick and a nice set of stairs could solve alot of problems you know...congratz anyway. You think the child will be living in a good world considering you and the girls current relationship? I mean..i could never spend 18+ years with a girl i dont like just cuz i have a baby with her...id rather flee to africa and get aids...but thats just me.

That's disgusting, even if it is a joke. I go against abortion in general but.. ugh that is sick. Sure children aren't my favourite thing in the world what with the crying and attention required and the constant bodily output but the miracle of life is just too astounding to throw away like that.

EDIT: Also, congratz Uriel. A braver man than I'll be in 2 years. Despite the doom many people are predicting, this could change your life hugely for the better. It'll give you a new outlook on everything and hopefully a reak sense of... contribution (? - was utterly unsure of the word to use there...)
It's only when you name it you start getting attached to it.
It's only when you name it you start getting attached to it.

for me it was the first ultrasound ..Uriel should already have an ultrasound that looks simliar to this:


that's at 20 weeks, you can make out the profile as well as the child's hand
british dates ..jan 07 and June 07

it's not older than that, the dates dont/cant lie

Wasn't aware you Brits swap (or we swap) the month and the date. I was under the impression that it stated the thread was created in June. Yah learn something new everyday.

that would mean she's 4 months pregnant, how could you not know until recently? it's not possible for her not to have known.

anyways it's just odd that's all ..I hope for your sakes that this is all an elaborate joke ..you have tough times ahead of you ..my wife and I are financially established, married and planned our kids ..and even then we STILL find it difficult even though my kids are now 4 and 1 years old ..I cant imagine what it would have been like to be a parent at 20, I just didnt have the emotinal or coping skills at that age, I was barely out of childhood myself

The date I created this thread was the day I officially found out, meaning when I first went to the doctor with her. I was given other reasons to believe that she may not be telling the truth, but knew before that it was possible that she was. However, this is not a joke by any means. I have no reason or intention to do so.

btw; condoms, pre-marital sex etc just doesnt sound all that Mormon to me ..it just seems you've done a complete role reversal from the days you were on your mission/preached the word of god

It's usually not "Mormon like". However, as I've stated before again and again, no one is perfect. I am not condemned, looked down upon, etc etc by other people of my religion or by my religion, for the most part (there's always a few hypocrites in every group, religion, organization). I am still Mormon and still strongly believe in my faith just as much as I did before, if not more. Abstinence makes even more sense now. Think of it as guidelines to be happy and have peace in your life, rather than a "do and don't list" of rules on how to get to Heaven. Like I said, we're not your average Christians, or what is usually portrayed when the word "Christian" comes up. Let's avoid another religion debate though, please.

But you are right, it's not going to be easy. It's probably going to be one of the most difficult things I have done. Thankfully I have a very close knit family and extremely loving parents. I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to a lot of things, but I'm a very hard worker thankfully. When my child is born (if it's my child) you probably won't see me much and my gaming days will be over for the most part. Child support is expensive, so I can probably kiss a lot of things I've been working for, goodbye. When you have a child, it's no longer about you.

I've got to be a good Dad though. It would kill me if I looked back and realized I didn't do a very good job. In terms of preparation of a child, I'm really at a huge disadvantage, which means I will have to work extra hard, but I gotta do it. But for the most part, I'm still a very happy person, always have been. I used to read to little kids in the library during my senior year, so I've grown to adore kids. I'm very excited.
for me it was the first ultrasound ..Uriel should already have an ultrasound that looks simliar to this:


that's at 20 weeks, you can make out the profile as well as the child's hand

That'll be on Thursday :O
I do have a history of twins in the family (I'm actually a twin), who knows what will happen.
Whatever it ends up be it male or female, go for something gangsta. Like this...

"HEY YO SOULJA BOY GET IN HERE! Did you make this mess?"

"Don't be frontin' homes!"

Yeah...That made no sharts but you know. <3?
That'll be on Thursday :O
I do have a history of twins in the family (I'm actually a twin), who knows what will happen.

Twins are inherited from the Mother's side. I believe.
If you didn't use protection, then I guess you were fine with the idea you might become a father anyway?
Wasn't aware you Brits swap (or we swap) the month and the date. I was under the impression that it stated the thread was created in June. Yah learn something new everyday.

I'm not a brit

The date I created this thread was the day I officially found out, meaning when I first went to the doctor with her.

she knew right? she had to be showing, she's 4 months pregnant

I was given other reasons to believe that she may not be telling the truth, but knew before that it was possible that she was. However, this is not a joke by any means. I have no reason or intention to do so.

so she's been telling you she was pregnant but you didnt believe her before going to the doctor? surely this isnt her first visit to the doctor?

It's usually not "Mormon like". However, as I've stated before again and again, no one is perfect. I am not condemned, looked down upon, etc etc by other people of my religion or by my religion, for the most part (there's always a few hypocrites in every group, religion, organization). I am still Mormon and still strongly believe in my faith just as much as I did before, if not more. Abstinence makes even more sense now. Think of it as guidelines to be happy and have peace in your life, rather than a "do and don't list" of rules on how to get to Heaven. Like I said, we're not your average Christians, or what is usually portrayed when the word "Christian" comes up. Let's avoid another religion debate though, please.

abstinence makes no sense now, that's your religion's only instance where it's ok, in a marriage ..however you must take steps to prevent this from happening again ..oh ..right being mormon you'd want a large family ..you're not ready for it. Condoms ftw, the withdrawl method, the rythm method ANYTHING except "lets let god decide"

But you are right, it's not going to be easy.

you have no idea, even if yu prepared for months you're still not ready

It's probably going to be one of the most difficult things I have done.

there is no "probably" it is the hardest thing you will ever do and it's for the rest of your life ..you have that responsibility

Thankfully I have a very close knit family and extremely loving parents. I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to a lot of things, but I'm a very hard worker thankfully. When my child is born (if it's my child) you probably won't see me much and my gaming days will be over for the most part. Child support is expensive, so I can probably kiss a lot of things I've been working for, goodbye. When you have a child, it's no longer about you.

you're going to live with the child right?

I've got to be a good Dad though. It would kill me if I looked back and realized I didn't do a very good job.

well to be honest, you're not off to a great start ..20 is too young

In terms of preparation of a child, I'm really at a huge disadvantage, which means I will have to work extra hard, but I gotta do it. But for the most part, I'm still a very happy person, always have been. I used to read to little kids in the library during my senior year, so I've grown to adore kids. I'm very excited.

well better start preparing now
I'm glad Stern's there with supportive words.
I'm not a brit
But the website is based in the UK. Obviously I wasn't referring to you. I know you live in Canada and have for a while.

she knew right? she had to be showing, she's 4 months pregnant

It was around 2 months when I posted the thread. So she wasn't really showing around that time.

so she's been telling you she was pregnant but you didnt believe her before going to the doctor? surely this isnt her first visit to the doctor?

No it wasn't her first visit, but it was my first visit I was invited to. She kept telling me she was but refusing to let me come to the doctor's visits or even a blood test to see if she was pregnant for sure. There are other reasons why I was lead to be suspicious.

abstinence makes no sense now, that's your religion's only instance where it's ok, in a marriage ..however you must take steps to prevent this from happening again ..oh ..right being mormon you'd want a large family ..you're not ready for it. Condoms ftw, the withdrawl method, the rythm method ANYTHING except "lets let god decide"

First, it still makes sense, to prevent it from happening again. Just like it made sense before this happened. Second, Yes I do want a large family, but I realize now isn't the best time obviously. No where did I ever say I wanted one right now. And being Mormon doesn't automatically assume you want a large family. That's stereo-typing, you do it a lot. Third, I didn't go into this thinking to myself "oh I'll let God decide." Stupidity was to blame. I was thinking with the wrong head.

you have no idea, even if yu prepared for months you're still not ready

As it's been said before by many, many people, NOTHING prepares you for kids. Whether you're married and financially prepared or in my situation. You can be more prepared, but not fully.

there is no "probably" it is the hardest thing you will ever do and it's for the rest of your life ..you have that responsibility

You cannot guarantee that this will be the hardest thing in my life. Although, in no way or manner am I saying it will be easy. Just re-read my post. As I stated, It's no longer about me. HOWEVER, in no way am I saying that it's not the most important thing, because it is. My Wife and Children will be my priority and life.

you're going to live with the child right?

It will probably be joint custody. I want as much custody as I can gain, I would love full custody of my Child, although it's not just my child. Something fair must be established. Although if she didn't want the child, I would happily take full custody.

well to be honest, you're not off to a great start ..20 is too young

Read what I wrote before.
In terms of preparation of a child, I'm really at a huge disadvantage, which means I will have to work extra hard, but I gotta do it.
There's a lot of people that have become father's younger than I and there are many who have successfully raised a healthy (mentally and physically) child.

You're just re-instating what I have already said and realize. Do I fully realize it? Of course not. As I stated before, no one is ever fully prepared.

well better start preparing now

Right you are. I'm saving money and making plans.

You know, I could post a thread about "I had a bowl of cheerios for breakfast" and Stern would try and turn it into a debate. :rolleyes:
Uriel, A friend of my dad's had his first baby and twenty, and the next one at twenty five - heres the advantage, once you reach 40, you have the rest of everything to look forward to, whereas most people are still raising kids at this point.
Stern - Stop ranting at him and give him some advice... You're a father - atleast help one that's soon to be. You and Pi are our wise men here, give Uriel some of that wisdom...
he doesnt want to hear my "wisdom" ..and it's too late anyways

I'll reply to uriel's post later
Well if your "wisdom" is simply saying "dont be havin kids at 20" then yeah its too late. However, I find it hard to believe that you cant give him useful advice now that hes already admitted to his faults and is asking for advice on how not to **** it up worse.
well I wanted to get some info established first ..and really what am I going to say? "make sure to lather up the bum cream extra thick to prevent chafing"? "vaseline around the areola helps prevent uncomfortable sores"?, "dropping the baby is not a good idea"?
Is that what you would say when your son is having a child?

if he were 20 yes I would ..I'm not going to sugar coat somethign that's easily the most life changing thing you could do