I'm leaving too: for a few months


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
I'm sort of bummed that I may miss all the action when HL2 et al hits the fan community. I'm going to try and stay unspoiled until I can come back and play it.

But right now, there's something more important. I've quit my regular job, come out hundreds of miles to a key battleground state, and joined the Kerry Campaign full time. I'll be here working 12 hour days 7 days a week for absolutely no money until Kerry takes back the White House from this gaggle of policy amatuers and petty princes. I realized that I can do a lot more than just my one vote: I can help build the sort of grassroots network that's going to turn thousands of previously disengaged and unmotivated people out to vote.

Having seen the campaign from the inside, having heard John Kerry speak, I can say much more confidently that the media and Bush campaign image of John Kerry is a fantasy. This guy is the real deal: someone who could be a real commander and chief: someone who's both a patriot and a truly moral leader with a true sense of the ideal that America is supposed to have been striving for, but has lately gotten sidetracked. I don't think there's been an election in decades quite as important as this one, and I couldn't just sit around and let a truly wrongheaded President stand in the way of one who could make America a respected leader again.

So, sadly, I'll not be around much. It'll be extremely hard to give it up, because I really enjoy living in this world of HL2 fandom, and it was all leading up to bursting with joy when the game came out and we could all share in the kickassitude together. But HL2-stuff is the fantasy world I like to escape into. This is the real world, in which people are really hurting, in which our foriegn policy is increasing disasterous and self-destructive, in which our policies and American ideals are going to the dogs. It has to come first. I hope when I have time to come back to HL2 fandom, it'll be to relax from long labors, not to escape into a fantasy world out of depression with what's happened to the real one.

That's all for now. The right man in the right place can make all the difference in the world.
I hate bush.
I hate Kerry.

Its like kang or kodos.

Stupid two party system :X
That's just the way power works. Even in the multiple party systems, the outcome is basically the same: a majority faction and the coalition of minority factions trying to become the majority.

And hey, I like Kerry. Anybody but Bush? No: it's nobody but Kerry.

Green Party? You mean:


Well Apos, good luck man. You did a lot for this forum, I actually will go as far as calling you the main key for the success of this website, because you started Valve thread and that thread got a lot of attention.

I also have respect for people who work for what they believe in, not just yapping. Good luck, hope you come back soon.

P.S. Audio, are you stupid or something?

P.S. Audio, are you stupid or something?
I'm part of the "tickle me elmo" party.

Each year we attempt to get a different toy elected.

This year, speak and spell4prez2k4!

Edit: Reak, Yes, Yes I am.
You did a lot for this forum, I actually will go as far as calling you the main key for the success of this website, because you started Valve thread and that thread got a lot of attention.

Well, it isn't like I really did anything to make it what it was: it was fans that built it, and the mods that kept it clean and readable. But I'm glad to have played my part if it helped this site out. It kicks tail.
You've got my admiration Apos. It's great to see someone who is willing to go so far to stuggle for their ideals and their nation. If the majority of people had a fraction of that enthusiasm for our country we would be a lot better off.

Best of luck to you.
Wow Apos, I truly respect that. I recently have been wanting to work to get Bush out the whitehouse as well. Good luck.
Wow what a waste of time IMO. But atleast you have ambition and a goal! Well gl...errr wait...no not good luck I don't want Kerry to win lol.
Foxtrot said:
Wow what a waste of time IMO. But atleast you have ambition and a goal! Well gl...errr wait...no not good luck I don't want Kerry to win lol.

Why in the world is it a "waste of time"? Do you think that voting is a waste of time too? Cause it sure appears that way.
Foxtrot said:
Wow what a waste of time IMO. But atleast you have ambition and a goal! Well gl...errr wait...no not good luck I don't want Kerry to win lol.

what is a better use of time, you posting here dosnt seem to be helping towards changing the world..... :upstare: :upstare:
DiSTuRbEd said:
Have fun wasting your time, hes going to lose, good day.
I hope kerry wins, just so you feel like an asstard when I bring this post back up :P
I vehemently disagree with you on who you are choosing to support, but good luck. Can't I persuade you to join the dark side (read: republicans)?

If you do meet Kerry, smack him upside the head and tell him his economic policy is retarded.

Other than that, good luck.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, of course.

You're just all wrong. ;)

Apos, good man! Get Bush beat!
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
Kerry beats bush any day, I dont know to much about him though.

Yeah he beats bush but you don't know much about him? I am glad you AREN'T voting. :rolleyes:
I command you all to join my campaigning for speak and spell for president.

...It can speak and spell! which Is more then can be said for kerry or bush...
Let's all stay on topic and congratulate Apos for giving up HL2 for real life politics - who runs the country is more important than a game, so I really respect you, Apos, for doing this :)
Shuzer said:
How could you say such a thing!??! :O :O :O
his dispostion makes sense if you consider that the game he site-mods for is coming out a year late.

good luck apos.
Lil' Timmy said:
his dispostion makes sense if you consider that the game he site-mods for is coming out a year late.

good luck apos.

HL2 is due out in about 7,995 years, sadly.. so you are indeed correct ;(

Anyhow, good luck Apos!
Good luck, soldier. I don't really follow politics whatsoever, though I can agree Bush is most probably a ****ing moron :D I really respect what you're doing, and all you Kerry-haters can just shut your damn mouths. Regardless of which side you're supporting, what Apos is doing is pretty damn admirable, so atleast pay him some respect >_<

And to quote Bill Hicks (just to lighten the mood :)) -

"It's not that disagree with Bush's foreign policy or his economic policy... it's just that I think he is the antichrist sent here to destroy us all."
I can honestly respect what you're doing apos, even though I do want the "other" guy to win. I just can't stand when people blindly support one or the other party without any knowledge of either. Plus arguing over the internet about politics is useless especially when people start throwing "internet facts" at you.
Priority number 1 for the entire world is getting Bush and his cabinet out of the Whitehouse....

May the force be with you Apos.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
disturbed, go harass somebody your own age. You are so creepy man.

No, you make stupid statements. I don't see why people are like Kerry is better and they don't know whats about at all. Same with Bush and vis-versa its ****ing horrible. That is why we will have a horrible president never the less this coming term.
Good luck Apos. You have made an admirable devotion to what you think is right. It has been fun discussing things with you (the topic about furthering of the relationship between the industry and community especially.) Take care.

"If liberty and equality, as is thought by some are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in the government to the utmost."

I really respect what you're doing Apos; it's one thing to talk, and another to act. People that act are a rare gift in this world. I wish you the best of luck in the Kerry campaign and I look forward to seeing you again after the election. Your devotion to this cause is inspiring, and very impressive. I hope you are successful.

Again, good luck out there Apos; I'll miss you! :D
If you do meet Kerry, smack him upside the head and tell him his economic policy is retarded.

Lee Iacocca seems to think it's a good plan. Certainly people in my target state need some new ideas pretty badly. Plain fact of the matter is that the "recovery" has created jobs far inferior to those that were lost, and it would take more than 21 months of the job growth we've seen in the past few months to really recover what we've lost overall. By and large, the recovery has been almost all in corporate profit, not in wages or equal quality employment. Nothing wrong with profit, but if something is so fundamentally wrong with our economy that a 3 time Republican booster like Iacocca thinks Kerry's solutions are the right idea, then I'd say they are worth a second look.

Listen to me, ranting about policy.
Good luck, mate! Hope you guys win the election!
Well, good luck Apos mate. I hope you do well. :)

Again, I respect anyone that acts. :)

Something I would love to do... but I dont really know where I am needed right now... :P

I was considering starting an anti UK inderpendance party campain recently.... maybe I should just get on with that for now. :p
Good luck Apos. And I'm sorry to say this, but yes, I am all for Kerry this year.
good luck at the job man, its nice to be dedicated to something like that.