Im new here...

Are you really 43?

Just curious because its interesting to see the wide audience that Hl2, and games in general atract....Hello by the way :)

I love those things you made, but im curious as to their purpose beyond looking nice...if indeed there is one.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Are you really 43?

Just curious because its interesting to see the wide audience that Hl2, and games in general atract....Hello by the way :)

I love those things you made, but im curious as to their purpose beyond looking nice...if indeed there is one.

Yep im a 43 years old viking
And the purpose off making those guns was only to kill some time and to have fun practising welding skills.
Plus that i made something from my favorite online game,hope thats not a bad thing?
Welcome :)

I'm a forum year older than you, but that doesn't make my opinion any more valid :)
Hey there, welcome to the Forums.

And nice guns very cool. :E
I used to play on a DoD server with a clan that was almsot entirely made up of 35+ year old Texans who were prone to cursing and kicking people who whined about camping. There are a lot of older players out there.

If you did a cool metalwork about HL2 you may get something from Valve... or maybe not. Shipping would be really expensive to send you a shirt from the U.S.
Wow, the metal work in those pictures is fantastic :)

I wish I had the experience to create things of that skill, I have so many things I'd want to create
Yay, another swede to the forums :)

Welcome... and those guns look awesome!

Btw, can i come a visit you sometime so we can play TFC irl? ;)

[ignore upper post]

Welcome to the forums!

Man... this place is starting to crawl with swedes...
Solid_Raiden said:
Welcome here. I had no clue that 43 year olds are interested in gaming.

My pc gaming addiction started when Duke Nukem came out,befor that it was only Nes and Snes.
When it come to online games i have tryed many,but the one that got me addiced is TFC.

MaxiKana said:
Welcome to the forums!

Man... this place is starting to crawl with swedes...

Looks like there are lots of ppl from both Sweden and Finland here.