I'm so smart that I dropped a knife on my foot. Also, name change.


Aug 13, 2006
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It's me, guys! Your friendly lovable oaf, Van_Halen! Here I sit, 20 minutes before I'm supposed to be at work, with a tissue on my second toe, on my left foot, because I just dropped a brand new pocket knife on it.

Got any dumb, self-inflicted injuries to talk about?
Once time I ate'd a crisp and didn't chew enough! Then it poked me in the throat! Owweeeh
Fell off a see-saw and managed to break my arm when I was a kid. Was probably the biggest fail of my life
I was cleaning my ears once. Stupidly left the Cotton bud in my ear whilst trying to take my t-shirt off and POW! Slammed it into my ear. Hurt like **** and hearing was dumbed down for about a week or so :(
Broke my little finger trying to catch a rugby ball.

I don't know how it happened either.
3 years ago, slammed my finger in a door, broke the fingernail off eventually (initially it was hanging), grew a brand new one with some wicked white scarring.
Dropped a glass on my foot while running and almost severed two toes.

Name changing is cool!
I nearly drowned in Niagara Falls as a kid at the Devil's Hole

Ran through a glass door getting all cut up and all I was wearing was bathing suit
Stepped on glass bottle on the beach, cutting most of my foot in half, tons of sand got in the cut making it hard to heal
Broke my arm wrestling in 6th grade, 2 fingers playing roller hockey
Almost died Para-sailing 7-8 years ago
and recently a stripper bled on my shorts, very embarrassing

and just an hour ago a 5.5 Earthquake hit Montreal, kinda far away but people felt it in my area, which is very rare, also tornadoes which are also rare are going to be touching down tonight
Why? I never get name changes. Irl or online for that matter.
I dropped a 35lb weight on my foot once whilst working out.
Your name change sucks.

If you ever change your avatar, I'm going to forget who you are completely and treat you as a new member instead of an older member who I never really cared for.

oh yeah I also dropped a weight set on my toe where my big toenail had ingrown and puss and I had to walk around work like I got raped and my toe was bleeding like a mofo
It's me, guys! Your friendly lovable oaf, Van_Halen!

You should make a newbie thread now so that people will start to remember you. As it stands, you just made everybody forget who you were.

Remember when Stigmata tried to change his name to Soupstorm? It still takes me a second to make the connection when I see him on steam, and its been like that for a couple years now.
One time I was at a cookout of sorts and some kid poured lighter/charcoal fluid or whatever on the food (while it was on the grill) without me or anyone else knowing about it until it was too late. Ate the food and had the fluid in my stomach and goddamn it caused the worst stomach ache ever. It's like someone is gripping a piece of your stomach and slowly twists it until there's a sharp pain, except it's happening in multiple places at once.

I didn't tell anyone what happened and i'm retarded for that because it could have gotten a lot more serious. But for about an hour or two, constant ridiculous stomach aches.
Tripped over a ball and cracked my head open when I was small.
Fell over my shoe laces in Lazer Quest and again, cracked my head open years later.
I used a 7 inch Kabar to shave some plastic off a project I was working on, I was cradling it in my left hand...knife slipped, and I cut a piece of my palm off like I was cutting an Xmas ham...
When I was four I ran through a glass door and now I have some sweet scars on my face and feet nearly 20 years later.
I cut off the tip of my little finger in the bathroom door when I was a kid. Right before piano lessons too, lol.

Plenty of other broken things, but that one was probably the worst.
and just an hour ago a 5.5 Earthquake hit Montreal, kinda far away but people felt it in my area, which is very rare, also tornadoes which are also rare are going to be touching down tonight
Felt that! Was just sitting playing CoD in my undies and all of a sudden my house starts creaking and I look over and my chest of drawers is shaking. Spooky for me, not really used to that kind of thing. I can only remember one about 10 years back around here.
Remember that guy Rizzo89?
I fractured my right hand once. I got a pretty big cut on my forehead along time ago too, still got a scar. Another time at work, I didn't realize I never sheathed my knife, so when I was going to use it again, I grabbed the blade. Cut almost to the bone. I painted shit with my blood and wrote my name. It was disgusting. Another time I fell of some scaffolding. God damn polish workers. They just laid out some boards. Nailed the first ones down and didn't care that some where like a seasaw or whatever. So then I come along carring stuff, and fall right through.
I wanted to kill those idiots.
I got some more. But they arn't any fun. Just sad.
Ran into a door as a kid.

Still have the scar to prove it.

when chicks ask about it I just tell them I was fighting a mixed group of knights, ninjas, and pirates. One got a lucky hit.
Today I passed out for a second on the bathroom floor from a combination of codine, lack of food, and my dislike of blood.

Wisdom teeth ftl.
One time I was at a cookout of sorts and some kid poured lighter/charcoal fluid or whatever on the food (while it was on the grill) without me or anyone else knowing about it until it was too late. Ate the food and had the fluid in my stomach and goddamn it caused the worst stomach ache ever. It's like someone is gripping a piece of your stomach and slowly twists it until there's a sharp pain, except it's happening in multiple places at once.

I didn't tell anyone what happened and i'm retarded for that because it could have gotten a lot more serious. But for about an hour or two, constant ridiculous stomach aches.

Dude that sounds really terrible. You just reminded me of this story I heard from a TA for this plants class I took. We were learning poison ivy, and she said she went camping with a bunch of coworkers and there was one dude they didn't like much. He's out gathering firewood, but he accidentally puts a bunch of poison ivy on it without anyone knowing. They all had to go to the hospital.

I've had some close calls with knives. I was washing one last week and my sponge slipped off the blade and it hit across my hand, but didn't even break the skin. I guess my knives are all really dull :D.

I also tend to fall when running up stairs. Last month I managed to miss a step outside of my apartment and ended up hitting the sidewalk. Scraped up my knee and toes but it healed up pretty fast.
Your name change sucks.

If you ever change your avatar, I'm going to forget who you are completely and treat you as a new member instead of an older member who I never really cared for.



Oh and um, my kneecaps!
3 years ago, slammed my finger in a door, broke the fingernail off eventually (initially it was hanging), grew a brand new one with some wicked white scarring.

Happened to me as a little'un. Still have the wicked scarring under my nail!
Apparently, when me and my brother were very young, I slammed his fingers in a door (probably because he was being a c*nt) and the door smushed his fingers so much that the door actually latched shut and trapped him there. My mom said when she opened the door his fingers were flat as a pancake, but because he was so young his bones weren't fully formed and were still essentially cartilage, and after awhile they regained their shape.
I nearly drowned in Niagara Falls as a kid at the Devil's Hole

Ran through a glass door getting all cut up and all I was wearing was bathing suit
Stepped on glass bottle on the beach, cutting most of my foot in half, tons of sand got in the cut making it hard to heal
Broke my arm wrestling in 6th grade, 2 fingers playing roller hockey
Almost died Para-sailing 7-8 years ago
and recently a stripper bled on my shorts, very embarrassing

and just an hour ago a 5.5 Earthquake hit Montreal, kinda far away but people felt it in my area, which is very rare, also tornadoes which are also rare are going to be touching down tonight

wow, I hope your body isn't mangled and, dare I say, Warped.
Thou dareth not utter the word "warped" in that manner, less looked down upon by thine fellow forum dwellers.
Maybe I should change my name to Numbers.
If I felt that way I would have changed my name a long time ago.

But I have self-respect for my identity. Everyone knows me as this name, why mess that up?
I think as long as you keep the core part of the name, it wont matter. Unless there are ten other Vegetas running around. I ditched my xpokeyx because it just seemed pointless.
I once got hit on the head by my Anduril replica. I had it leaning up against my bed ladder beside my desk when i was alone in the house one evening. I sat down in my desk chair and the sword slipped sideways, causing the cross bar to crack me over the head. I was convinced the skin was broken and kept expecting blood to come pouring down my face, but fortunately it didn't break the skin and i was able to take some painkillers immediately to fend off the inevitable oncoming headache.
I'm fortunate that I haven't had a lot of serious injuries. I've had a few more minor things like poking myself in the eye with a radio aerial, trapping my fingers in doors when I was younger, burning myself. Not too long ago I injured the same index finger in three ways all one day: first i bashed it hard against the bathroom cabinet, then trapped it in the fridge door, then burnt it on the oven. I strapped it up after that so that no more harm could come to it!
Well, I completely changed my name. Enzorr sounded like some sort of pokemon, and was totally useless.

but nomad sounds cool amirite