Image Dump III

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I'm disturbed to understand that reference. Even though I've only read a description of it and haven't actually seen it, it's enough.
Toilet paper spider is so cute!

The following is not an entry, it's merely to creep vegeta out.
That's actually not creepy. It's the long legs that creep me out. That thing is kind of cute.

rofl at the roo sequence, and rofl at the 2girl1cup comic.
That's actually not creepy. It's the long legs that creep me out. That thing is kind of cute.

rofl at the roo sequence, and rofl at the 2girl1cup comic.

Did somebody say long slender legs?

Heres something I worked on earlier:


I drew it myself. An incredible work of art isn't it?
Brilliant. And then the way you juxtapose the cross-section of good and evil… and lightness and darkness! And up and down, it’s really, quite…um…exciting! Clever! Inducing to my overall enjoyment of the piece. Very good show.

The underlying themes of love, and self-denial, and the gut-wrenching humanity… Vogonity! Gut-wrenching VOGONITY really moved me. I could feel my toes tingling with every gumdrop stroke from on high.
Thanks TechnoHippyChick. Heres some more:

I call this one etiquette to anger...or something:


And this one Etiquette to Death:


And here is the one I call, you guessed it Etiquette to sex when you have no face:

There's one or two parts in there that seem so jerky with so many in between frames cut out that I'm confused by what happened.


From Kennedy Space Center.


Could have two meanings... Warning, strobe lights... or No Spazoids!

This does not mean you can waste valuable thread space bitching about Halo

This does not mean you can waste valuable thread space bitching about Halo

such a waste of thread space. posting something that isnt even remotely humorous

WAHAHAHA OMG THEY SUXXXORZ........................
It is a good score but I wouldn't say its brag worthy. I have had better scores than that, unless your going up against pros it means the people you were facing sucked. Besides, halo 2 is out, it's halo 3 now nub!
Hell how am I supposed to know? All I know is you people need to shut the hell up and post pics.




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