I was trading multiple image links with a friend and didn't pay attention to which one I had copied :v

To her credit, she was rocking that look well before Johansson.

That actually looks like a human heart. Wonder if it really is.

Condensed ice cream topping substance, as far as I'm concerned.


Hat-Trick: Launches a furry of hats at the target, causing them to lose half their current gold if hit.
R U Still There?: Drops auto-targeting turret in front of Newell, attacking enemies with funny quips (and bullets). Only attacks humanoids, not mechanical units.
Annoyance Shield: Passive. Reflects back silly and obnoxious emails about shirts or how long until Half-Life 3 is released, causing them to do half-damage.
Delay(Ultimate): Causes all heroes to be unable to attack, level, use abilities, or move until he feels like it.
What the hell is up with these eyes... it makes my own eyes feel unfocused looking at her.

From those walls I can only guess at the quality of that establishment.

At first I thought that was Mac, from the new Always Sunny in Philadelphia season. Made it even funnier.

I laughed so ****ing hard at the last two images. Makes me wish I still had cable.


that's fake. well the story is true until you get to the part about the suspect being beaten by marines:

None of the news accounts we examined indicated that Attaway was injured, either while being subdued or afterwards. That bit appears to be pure invention on the part of the person who inserted the additional paragraph into the news account, thereby transforming it into a "Don't mess with the Marines" object lesson.

Try reading it again with your old man glasses on this time, Stern.

What do you mean? The article clearly implied that the marines beat him, but the fact was that the man had no injuries at all.

What do you mean? The article clearly implied that the marines beat him, but the fact was that the man had no injuries at all.
I thought the intended humor was that you'd assume it was the marines' doing while you're reading all the injuries, but at the end you find out it was actually just his fall.

So no, I don't think the article implied he was beaten by the marines, because that wouldn't even be funny. Clearly since the article is fake (which I wasn't doubting) the faked part would be done for humorous purposes, and I think the way I interpreted it is the intended humor. Either way, Stern saying "the part where the marines beat him up" isn't actually referring to anything because the article doesn't say that.

