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More images less talk pls.


Most useless sidekick ever. All he ever does is repeat what David said, sometimes as a question.

"There were at least 20 people there?"
"20 people?"

"We have a good show tonight"
"Very good show."

Why is he there at all? He has annoyed me from the start.
Anyone who licks video game consoles and dork memorabilia like they're licking penis while on tv just to get higher ratings is an unabashed slut. So you niggas shut yo mouths.

EDIT: I guess since this is the image dump, I might as well post em.

Blame photobucket for any small gifs, it resizes them if they're over 1meg.










I think Kevin is the real slut there. :hmph:
Wow guys, when Stern says people do not realise the image was factually correct, it is obvious he is talking about the the Picture he had just posted in the line above. The one with the made up towns and countries in the wrong place. The fact that you didn't recognise that and Vegina took it as some kind of insult against himself further illustrates that point.

For the past year people have been trying to pick apart Stern and now it's gathering momentum and it's ridiculous, he is not a troll, far from it, Vegeta is being absurd here...
Wow guys, when Stern says people do not realise the image was factually correct, it is obvious he is talking about the the Picture he had just posted in the line above. The one with the made up towns and countries in the wrong place. The fact that you didn't recognise that and Vegina took it as some kind of insult against himself further illustrates that point.

Part of the reason that image is funny whenever its posted is that we know Afghanistan is landlocked.
Actually Iraq does have a little strip touching the ocean.
I think asian girls can sometimes be hot. Sometimes they look like boys thou. Or is it the guys that look like girls? man...

This thread is intense.
Japanese male pop stars sometimes really look like girls, yeah. It's just part of the style. It's what's popular.

/defending japanese culture
She still looks like a chubby with the body of a ten year old.
Here take her as your avatar

Sorry for being a ****** and not spoilertaggin it.
Lawl, silly pitz for browsing this last page at work..


*edit* OOhh, I see nipples :D
Thats to bad. It was hot.

lol at your flash vegeta. I have started to look at peoples sigs :P Some are pretty funny.
Oh lol I thought that pic Stern posted was made up becuase of what he posted and that there was a town on the map called (jalalalabad) sounded too much like a made up name to me loolol.
Can someone post the picture used to make this thingy? Need to prove to a friend that it's actually not a lamp. Cheers.


I'm pretty sure someone posted a pic of the actual thing in one of the image dumps, but a repost might be asking too much (since its probably lost in the fabric of spacetime)
It is a lamp. Someone photoshopped a "real" photo of it being a thong.
Oh lord not this argument again.

It's not a lamp!

How could somone possible find a pic of a real pornstar doing something as odd as that (if you looked at the pic it was obvious they were trying to pull off some kind of photo trick) to photoshop?
^ I have no clue whether you're being sarcastic or not
If you haven't seen the pic I'm talking about, it probably wouldn't make sense. I am being serious though.

Edit: Here's the pic.


I'm saying, how could you possibly believe that someone could find a pic of a girl doing that and have it look SO exactly like the pic in the optical illusion. And also, to those who say the pics are slightly different, what's to say that the people who made the illusion didn't photoshop it a bit?

What would a chick be doing leaning over that bright yellowish thing? It's all just way too coincidental to believe that it wasn't intentional.
Saying that doesn't really invalidate my arguments though. If you don't want to argue it, that's cool with me. I don't really want to either.
You could describe anything, and there would be a porn/erotic picture displaying it

I'm just going to post this and let everyone decide for themselves.
Do people have me on ignore or something? I just posted that pic, Naudian.
Here's the full pic:


It's clearly a garden gnome.
Doh, it was on the last page for me and I missed it :\

Edit: Actually it was the edit that I missed :P
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