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Guys I found the full pic:

Well I'll be damned. It IS a lamp. That high res pic proves it all.
All image formats you could ever want...


4:3 Aspect Ratio

Blue hue

Orange hue


Black and White


Frank Miller'd

Lens Flare

I dont get it. Is he supposed to looking like one of them? ****ing cat pictures.
flashback of pitz from another image dump


thats weird its alot faster after i uploaded it.
Page 30: Biggest source of reposts ever.

Also made me laugh quite a bit...
Can someone post the picture used to make this thingy? Need to prove to a friend that it's actually not a lamp. Cheers.


I'm pretty sure someone posted a pic of the actual thing in one of the image dumps, but a repost might be asking too much (since its probably lost in the fabric of spacetime)
It took me a minute to see anything other than a lamp.


Playmobil Security Check Point


comments from amazon page:

Thank you Playmobil for allowing me to teach my 5-year old the importance of recognizing what a failing bureaucracy in a ever growing fascist state looks like. Sometimes it's a hard lesson for kids to learn because not all pigs carry billy clubs and wear body armor. I applaud the people who created this toy for finally being hip to our changing times. Little children need to be aware that not all smiling faces and uniforms are friendly. I noticed that my child is now more interested in current events. Just the other day he asked me why we had to forfeit so much of our liberties and personal freedoms and I had to answer "well, it's because the terrorists have already won". Yes, they have won.

I also highly recommend the Playmobil "farm fencing" so you can take your escorted airline passenger away and fence him behind bars as if he were in Guantanamo Bay.

This is great learning too for young brownshirts.
I am waiting for a few accessories though, kids size jackboots and a toy Taser. Think how much fun that will be for your young Martin Bormann types. I envision a low voltage say 5KV instead of 50kv to give a realistic but non-hazardous jolt.

This toy would be a lot more realistic with about 350 people standing in line for an average of an hour. It still makes a nice set with the interrogation room

After your passenger spends 4 hours getting past airport security ("I Love Freedom" T-shirt draws extra attention from security) you can have your character attend a George Bush rally from behind the 1st amendment barbed wire fencing 3 miles from Bush's appearance where your character will be maced and beaten for being there. Then, to complete the trifecta of freedom your character can travel to the U.S.- Mexico border and help build the border fence while patrolling for hordes of brown skinned devils trying to sneak into our country and cut our grass.

Finally a toy that gets our kids used to living in a police state. Benjamin Franklin said that those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. But then again, he lived in France for awhile, so what did he know about anything.

Before this toy came out I was afraid my son would not know how to cope with the new reality of American life; how to prepare him to the future, I was wondering. Boy am I relieved; so many lessons learned! Now he knows that:
1) Some people can make a decent living treating others like cattle, and the best part: the cattle is paying their salaries.
2) You only have the rights that the government gives you; you can move around the country only if you comply with government regulations, no matter how frivolous they might be. No liquid you say? except if in a ziplock bag? Check. Lighter ok because the cigarette lobby fought the no-lighter rule? Swell. All passengers searched but cargo mostly un-scrutinized? No problem.
3) You should always bow to people in uniforms, even though they might be in this job because they could not qualify for police work (because of the rap sheet or the drug abuse).

Unfortunately, this toy comes short in a few areas:
1) It does not show that if you're rich, you don't have to wait in line for hours. If you can travel first class, you get your own fast-track screening. Too bad the terr'ists have plenty of Saudi and Pakistani cash and can easily travel first class should they want to. They should have included another screening set in the box.
2) It does not come with the 300 tired-looking playmobils you would need to show the passengers waiting in line behind the screening area.

However, it does some things very well: for instance, the screening apparatus is not actually functional. This represents faithfully the actual TSA system, which, every time it is tested or audited, fails to catch anything (weapons, even bombs).

So, thank you Playmobil. I hope they will expand their product offering and give us more toys that can help our children prepare for the new reality of a much safer America; specifically, I am eagerly waiting for the Staline-style Guantanamo American gulag set, the North-Korean-style CIA water-boarding set, the KGB-style NSA phone-tapping set. Some people will whine about the loss of their civil liberties, but my son knows that the North-Korean are some of the safest people in the world. They had virtually no fear of terrorists.

45 of 50 people found the following review helpful:

all this for a freakin toy. The Internet is better than jesus :laugh:
Well as long as it's internet-illiterate piracy it's fine.
Well as long as it's internet-illiterate piracy it's fine.


Cindy's Magical Unicorn Pink Computer: "Are you sure you want to delete the contents of your harddrive"

Cindy: "like what do I do now? delete is good right? like I wish this was as easy as picking out what shade of lipstick goes with my nail polish"

Cindy: "oh well ...yes"

Cindy's Magical Unicorn Pink Computer: ...... ...... ...

Cindy: "hey where did my desktop wallpaper of the hottie from the Hills go to? ...oh poo this is too hard, I'm going shopping ...MOM!!! junior broke the computer again"



willeh i want us to shake hands with a skeleton while we watch the tonight show with a smile on our faces :)
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