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not eye safe but still funny


his ass is were his gut is supposed to be, wth is going on there?

Ok , that was funny but i dont get it. It looks like her/his/its guts have been sucked out and all the other freaks are crying because her/his/its dead.
I understand that you cant really predict the way an atheistic world might function because atheism doesn't lend itself to a particular philosophy or way of life (unlike theism) but scientific atheism would suggest that all human beings are equal and that their life is far too valuable to sacrifice over something as superficial as a thirst for power. Infact it is religion that is responsible for the sense division that people have felt throughout the ages. Division between nations , races and religions.

edit : woops ..... man you guys post fast ...

You're kidding right? So Atheism = the path to nirvana? Bull ****ing shit. People hate each other for millions of reasons, most of them have nothing to do with religion.

How many wars in the past 100 years were religious? Had anything to do with religion? None of the world wars, vietnam, Gulf war I...even the the 2nd gulf war was started over oil, which would exist with or without a belief in God.
Stop that, damn it. Post images.

I don't mind threads about religion but this is bloody Image Dump!
How many wars in the past 100 years were religious? Had anything to do with religion? None of the world wars, vietnam, Gulf war I...even the the 2nd gulf war was started over oil, which would exist with or without a belief in God.

Northern Ireland, Kashmir, the "war on terror".

Regardless, this is the freaking image dump, not politics. If the person who posted the pic in the first place wants to debate he can make a thread elsewhere.

Also Stern, that is gross.
how often to you get to see a fat oompa loompa being carted away in an ambulance ..and with crying bunnies, no less?

that image is so full of win ..that is if it wasnt so disturbing




I never think sports pictures are funny because I kind of think sports are already pretty funny and homosexual :3
The difference between Dead Zone and Dead Zone remastered:


The difference is tan to azn
Looks like it's just the whole image has more contrast...
the only way to be sure it's dead is to nuke it from orbit


mofo coconut crab
**** yea! A wireless mouse would be most excellent in that situation.
Poor guy had the weight of the world on his shoulders, and crumbled under the press ure.
lol I can see his package. It contains chocolate, peanuts, and creamy caramel.
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