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Lamprey fingers/feet don't bother me so much anymore, especially compared to the lotus seed nipple. I live around the great lakes so I know all about lamprey bastards.
10,000 x 7,000? Sounds like a BS number.

You know what also sounds like a BS number? 897 does.

Also, its very doubtful that that is his resolution. He would need something like a quad-sli setup to do it, and if, as the image states, he is on a projectionist's wage, he would not be able to afford that.
You know what also sounds like a BS number? 897 does.

Also, its very doubtful that that is his resolution.

That's what I was saying, jerk.

You know what also sounds like a BS number? 72 does.
They both do.

Damn Tibbs you look like a younger version of one of my friends. Trippy.
Actually, if you combined Tibbs' face with his ladyfriend's, I suspect the result would look almost identical to my mate Robbie.
You know what also sounds like a BS number? 897 does.

Also, its very doubtful that that is his resolution. He would need something like a quad-sli setup to do it, and if, as the image states, he is on a projectionist's wage, he would not be able to afford that.

Well he can also afford Nikon D2X, a 5000$ camera with which the picture was apperiantly taken. So he is either a super rich cinema emploee or all of this is bullshit.
Most brilliant imaginary invention since the finglonger.

Picture from my date last night. Went pretty good.

Edit: Her polar opposite style of dress gets me every time. I'm gamer/grunge/slacker/whatever's clean, she's uber-goth.

Damnit I hate goths, she's just so damn ugly too me. I don't know if it's the lipring or the horrible makeup.

Also, lotus boob haunts me every night when I go to sleep. I vote we exterminate the lotus plant and ban that picture from the interwebs.
Shes not that goth. And she doesnt have a lot of makeup at all, certainly not enough to even enable horrible-ness. Lip rings are pretty common, even outside of "goth" styles. Ace, you're an idiot. And I guess sheepo is as well.
I think it's a bit much to call us idiots for that. Tibbs told us she was goth.
So since Tibbs said shes goth you're automatically seeing this:

rather than what she actually looks like?

Tibbs doesnt know what goth is and neither do you two. So stop being idiots and judging her based on what your imagination thinks she looks like.
It's more of an undefined trait than an exact state of being. If she dresses pretty goth, it's not idiotic to call her goth.
But she doesnt dress goth. So its idiotic to call her goth. Thats my point. Wearing dark clothes and having a lip ring doesnt constitute gothness in any way.
You can't see her cloths.
And Tibbs says she's goth. who cares if she is?
shut up.
But she doesnt dress goth. So its idiotic to call her goth. Thats my point. Wearing dark clothes and having a lip ring doesnt constitute gothness in any way.

Basically you're calling us idiots for not understanding the precise definition of goth, which essentially is a matter of opinion here? Tell us a better word to use.
Basically you're calling us idiots for not understanding

For that and then basing your entire stance on your misunderstanding. And the definition of "Goth" isnt so much a matter of opinion that you can call anyone who dresses in dark clothes a goth.
Who ****ing cares about the definition. Words don't depend on their definition after a time. I know a lot of kids I'd call emo without thinking, but not a single one of them cuts their wrist. Tibbs called her goth, she dresses fairly goth, why should I not call her goth? And I'd still like to know a better word.
You're a homosexual. I mean, you're not gay, have no interest in men, are not fabulous but who cares about the ****ing definition. You're a gay.

And a better word for her would be normal. Just a girl who has a lip ring and wore black clothing.
Wearing a lip ring and black clothes all the time isn't normal. And I don't care if you call me gay. We both know I'm not actually gay. It's another case where a word changes and loses effect over time. I'm not going to call you an idiot, because I know you don't actually think I'm gay by definition.

I could do this all day, btw. Arguing is a nice break from writing this stupid ****ing report
Yeah, i have family guy going on my other monitor, so im set for awhile. And maybe facial accessories are not common in Virginia, but where I am from, lots of girls have some sort of piercing, but they dont fall into some sort of social group like goth. The same way playing sports doesnt mean you're a Jock.
Facial piercings are pretty common here too. I suppose I'm most annoyed that you think I'm an idiot for judging some one for dressing a certain way, when at that age "goths" are pretty shallow and pretty much define themselves by dressing a certain way, acting a certain way, and listening to specific types of music. I find people who define themselves into certain social groups pretty annoying and stupid, so maybe I'm too quick to judge. I also find piercings pretty unattractive in general.
Well, I have to agree with you on your last two points, but I think its stupid to make an opinion on someone based off a comment someone else made and a picture that doesnt even support that statement.
I just think you take carelessly applied terms that generally match the subjects too seriously.
I think both of you should just shut the hell up and make me a manwich.
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