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Make sure you save the brains. I have some ideas for building a machine powered by the two.
Oh and, uh... keep the bodies, too. I have some... erm... uses for those.
I hope you plan to make armor out of their skin and bones after you are done using them for your films.

Are you sure you want to do that? I mean, I'm pretty sure that Sulkbrain and toasterbrain would decide pretty quickly that if they are going to be a cyborg, they are going to take the classic route of taking over all civilization and ending humanity as we know it. Not that it's exactly what we want, but I think that Sulk will agree with me when I say that's just what you do when you get turned into a cyborg. You become angry and bitter with the world for what you've become, and use your new-found power for unspeakable evil.

Farrow is a little more witty than that. He'll just make you a metal box with cerebral spinal fluid and a speaker.
Skin armour? I've always wanted to be someone's exoskeleton, clasping them inside me.

Are you sure you want to do that? I mean, I'm pretty sure that Sulkbrain and toasterbrain would decide pretty quickly that if they are going to be a cyborg, they are going to take the classic route of taking over all civilization and ending humanity as we know it. Not that it's exactly what we want, but I think that Sulk will agree with me when I say that's just what you do when you get turned into a cyborg. You become angry and bitter with the world for what you've become, and use your new-found power for unspeakable evil.
Indeed, for alas few men have much of what they would call free will, and our world is shaped as much by generic and native conventions as the meanest of our saturday morning cartoons. And not the urge to defy genre and to deny convention frequently as strong as the urge to obey it? Might we not seek to subvert the trope? Otherwise, it's as you say. I can control who I am. Of that I am sure. But I cannot control what I will become. There is only one way to find out.
I'm going to turn you into a plot device. The Machine With Two Brains. Your function is never really clear; mostly you're just there to advance the story. But I'll give you a voice and no way of observing the world beyond your two brains. All you will know is the voice of the other.
because sulkdodds certainly doesnt want to hear nothing but a needy woman for the rest of his existance

The world's oldest tree, 4800 years old.
Is she a tree too? Because she's certainly giving me wood.

Ok regardless of me making fun of her, watch the Twilight Zone video's. It's about an old woman who is so scared of death that she hides herself in her home so death can't find her. She gets so old that she actually gets bored of living. It's a good ending and and fantastic episode. It may actually make you cry in the end. :)
Methuselah is over in Yosemite - a day trip from my house, although I've never gone to see it. I did go see the Bennet Juniper (largest western juniper in the world), but it's only ~3000 years old. Here's a pic:

One of the larger (largest?) local trees - this might be the General Sherman (it was taken years ago):
Man, those old trees are fuuuugly. Almost as haggard looking as the world's oldest person:

(brace for high res puke worthy image)


The hands... oh god the hands. *cries*
Come here Krynny Poo, Granny make you a pie and you're the last ingredientttt
Dude, if I live to be 120 years old, I won't give a F what I look like.
Yeah right, like she'd be able to even lift a spatula.

And no shit Adabiviak. At 120 all you'd care about why you haven't died already. I mean shit, I plan on going out when i'm 85. No way in hell would I want to live another 35 years.
Stern, he's black. What do you expect? Of course he's going to get 15 years is a federal **** me in the ass prison, while the white guy who ruin hundreds/thousands of people's lives by stealing their money gets 4 years in a white collar resort.
At least he has a bed, set meals and someone to keep him warm at night.
That may be what Sam meant by someone to keep him warm at night.
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