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Aww....I'm gonna put that right here...

In other news, I think this version is better:
I dont get those "YEEAAAAHHHHHH!!!" comics.
So, the show plays that audio clip when he makes a witty/clever comment that ends the scene?
So, the show plays that audio clip when he makes a witty/clever comment that ends the scene?
It's only at the beginning of the show, and it leads into the opener. But I'm pretty sure a lot of those one liners were taken from within episodes.
It's only at the beginning of the show, and it leads into the opener. But I'm pretty sure a lot of those one liners were taken from within episodes.

Yeah he always does it at the beginning... but he does it at least one or two times in addition to that throughout the show with no music... just a commercial break. It just makes this increasingly loud sharp sound and a commercial shows up.
Wow, when did people start taking sexist jokes so seriously? No, we don't really mean them, that's the point. Although all of those images did suck, but still.
Woooowww. Wow. This is the first time I've actually wanted to see this thread closed. Nice.

I mean... really? No reaction to that post, discounting a few mildly offended responses (and one hilarious follow-up). Just "oh it's dumb sexist jokes no one takes seriously any more, stop being such a prude bro." That shit was packed tighter than a ****ing V-man post full of anime bullshit, except it was concentrated 100% chauvinism. I mean, I appreciate a good "get back a the kitchen ha ha ha" joke as much as anyone, but... well, let's examine that statement for a moment.

A (one) good (not horrible) joke (something funny).

Point out to me which one of those apply to that ****ing post. And I know y'all are thinking "geez Hat calm down this is the internet bro, it's not like it can hurt you or anything," but you're wrong. I'm still reeling from that shit. I may need to masturbate after I write this just to get my mind off of the sheer numbing disappointment I am now feeling, maybe even twice.

Now, don't misunderstand me - I'm not offended because of any kind of moral qualm, even though some of those abuse ones were objectively awful, and the racist one, I mean... come on. But that's not even my issue. This is a matter of ****ing tact. Remember tact? It's that voice in your head that says, "hey bro, maybe you should only post fourty horrible, degrading, soul-crushing images instead of however ****ing many you have pasted into that post box." But instead of taking any heed, you take another puff on your joint, reshuffle your skinny jeans, turn your backwards cap even backwards-er and click the post button, all the while thinking about how goddamn edgy you are.

This is not irony. This is not satire. This is shit that hasn't been funny for years, compounded into a format that lost it's appeal about a week after it did the rounds on 4chan, and yet is still adorned on every image these humourless ****s think they can squeeze an ounce of mirth out of. Not clear enough? DEMOTIVATIONALS AREN'T COOL, BROS. WE FIGURED THIS OUT LIKE FIVE IMAGE DUMPS AGO. STOP POSTING THEM SO DAMN MUCH.

But hey, I don't pretend to be the authority on funny, I barely even post here any more. I just thought since you're all obviously having a crisis of conscience I'd step in and attempt to be the voice of reason. Protip: THERE IS A LINE, YOU CAN CROSS IT. I know we all like to pretend we're in our impenetrable desensitization bubbles or some shit, but it is still okay to having ****ing principles every once in a while. Or, you know, maybe some standards.

Whatever. You can all tell me to chill the **** out now.
How dare you attack the military like that. They're over in Iraq dying so that you can keep your right to free speech. And how do you thank them for it? By posting something hateful and disgusting like that.

hahah dying in iraq for free speech. this has to be a sarcastic post
How was that sarcastic? That's what the military is doing now and has always been doing. Fighting and dying for the country they love in order to preserve your rights as a citizen.
Woooowww. Wow. This is the first time I've actually wanted to see this thread closed. Nice.

I mean... really? No reaction to that post, discounting a few mildly offended responses (and one hilarious follow-up). Just "oh it's dumb sexist jokes no one takes seriously any more, stop being such a prude bro." That shit was packed tighter than a ****ing V-man post full of anime bullshit, except it was concentrated 100% chauvinism. I mean, I appreciate a good "get back a the kitchen ha ha ha" joke as much as anyone, but... well, let's examine that statement for a moment.

A (one) good (not horrible) joke (something funny).

Point out to me which one of those apply to that ****ing post. And I know y'all are thinking "geez Hat calm down this is the internet bro, it's not like it can hurt you or anything," but you're wrong. I'm still reeling from that shit. I may need to masturbate after I write this just to get my mind off of the sheer numbing disappointment I am now feeling, maybe even twice.

Now, don't misunderstand me - I'm not offended because of any kind of moral qualm, even though some of those abuse ones were objectively awful, and the racist one, I mean... come on. But that's not even my issue. This is a matter of ****ing tact. Remember tact? It's that voice in your head that says, "hey bro, maybe you should only post fourty horrible, degrading, soul-crushing images instead of however ****ing many you have pasted into that post box." But instead of taking any heed, you take another puff on your joint, reshuffle your skinny jeans, turn your backwards cap even backwards-er and click the post button, all the while thinking about how goddamn edgy you are.

This is not irony. This is not satire. This is shit that hasn't been funny for years, compounded into a format that lost it's appeal about a week after it did the rounds on 4chan, and yet is still adorned on every image these humourless ****s think they can squeeze an ounce of mirth out of. Not clear enough? DEMOTIVATIONALS AREN'T COOL, BROS. WE FIGURED THIS OUT LIKE FIVE IMAGE DUMPS AGO. STOP POSTING THEM SO DAMN MUCH.

But hey, I don't pretend to be the authority on funny, I barely even post here any more. I just thought since you're all obviously having a crisis of conscience I'd step in and attempt to be the voice of reason. Protip: THERE IS A LINE, YOU CAN CROSS IT. I know we all like to pretend we're in our impenetrable desensitization bubbles or some shit, but it is still okay to having ****ing principles every once in a while. Or, you know, maybe some standards.

Whatever. You can all tell me to chill the **** out now.

I agree with Bad^Hat. Just because we're on the internet doesn't mean we should just surrender all codes of ethics.
How was that sarcastic? That's what the military is doing now and has always been doing. Fighting and dying for the country they love in order to preserve your rights as a citizen.

Bullshit, esp. with regards to the Iraq war. Enough derailment though methinks, this would be an awesomely fun and fresh discussion for the politics forum instead.
Bullshit, esp. with regards to the Iraq war. Enough derailment though methinks, this would be an awesomely fun and fresh discussion for the politics forum instead.

How dare you attack the military like that. They're over in Iraq dying so that you can keep your right to free speech. And how do you thank them for it? By posting something hateful and disgusting like that.

Wow do some research.
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