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i just made this


simple yet affective

also I really hate it when you have to talk to someone and they are twitching. it makes me want to punch them in their face and i know its not their fault but I'm hoping it would help them greatly
I really hate it when i'm talking to someone and i'm twitching. I feel like it makes them want to punch me in the face in an attempt to better myself. I'm quite embarrassed.
Warped's images never show up for me any more.

It's probably better that way.
Barnz, who is that supposed to be in you avatar?
snipped image *[/QUOTE]

Too bad in an actual exam bottles are usually not allowed on the table. In fact, in some cases if you need water you will have to ask for it. You will not be allowed to bring water in the exam room.
Also, with all that effort, you'd be better of studying.

Feels good to beat the system though.
Too bad in an actual exam bottles are usually not allowed on the table. In fact, in some cases if you need water you will have to ask for it. You will not be allowed to bring water in the exam room.

Is Joseph Stalin you professor?
Is Joseph Stalin you professor?


But the exam guidelines for my diploma does not allow any bottles on the table. They say it's to avoid spilling, but everyone knows it's because a label on a bottle can fit just enough information to help you answer quite a number of questions correctly.

This technique is pretty well known amongst students. I'm sure somebody from the education system bothered to look into it.

So if anyone wants to cheat, go for the eraser technique. That always works (not that I ever cheat).
I would just write stuff on the inside of my calculator cover. We're not allowed bottles with labels in exams.

People used to get busted for this shit in my Sociology class back in highschool. I think when they did it though, they'd use a bottle of water, and put the answers on the back of the label, so you could just look right through the bottle to the other side and attain epic win.

No bueno.
goddamed stop speaking spanish like if its cool

"hey dude! hola! mi toalla es amarilla!,that means everything is going so well"

"My towel is yellow?"

I love speaking Spanish or other languages just for the **** of it. I think it's high time we English speakers do it as other language speakers have done it with English for so long. Hell, way back in the day, people did it with Latin. It still sounds badass in the right context.

I also cite the Esperanto in my sig, even though it's failing to bring Duke back :(
"My towel is yellow?"

I love speaking Spanish or other languages just for the **** of it. I think it's high time we English speakers do it as other language speakers have done it with English for so long. Hell, way back in the day, people did it with Latin. It still sounds badass in the right context.

I also cite the Esperanto in my sig, even though it's failing to bring Duke back :(

yeah right people of the usa that cares about people of others countrys
People used to get busted for this shit in my Sociology class back in highschool. I think when they did it though, they'd use a bottle of water, and put the answers on the back of the label, so you could just look right through the bottle to the other side and attain epic win.

Who the **** has to cheat for Sociology?
Too bad in an actual exam bottles are usually not allowed on the table. In fact, in some cases if you need water you will have to ask for it. You will not be allowed to bring water in the exam room.
Let it be henceforth known that our pal, flamingdts, is living in Soviet Russia. What can we say for our good fellow, tomorrow he may be sent to the gulag. Is there no freedom? No justice? I say start a revolution, and bring the dictator down!

Pharas, Farcatch'd, Sudoroodo, Gonorrheatung, Golbutt, Crackdra, Kingdrug, Karp, Gol****, Idon'teven, Voltbomb, Electorb, Kingrape, Kracky, AIDSbok, Snake
Voltorb and Electrode look awesome.

I wish they would have done a Porygon.
People used to get busted for this shit in my Sociology class back in highschool. I think when they did it though, they'd use a bottle of water, and put the answers on the back of the label, so you could just look right through the bottle to the other side and attain epic win.

No bueno.
Or, you could just, you know, write a note (or many), put it in your pocket and read it while in the bathroom. At least, that's what people do here to get through difficult exams.
I didn't laugh at the punchline, but "yeah baby now sit on that wall" made me laugh.

I would just write stuff on the inside of my calculator cover. We're not allowed bottles with labels in exams.

You could just save the stuff somewhere on your calculator as well.
Man, those pokemon are awesome, I wish I could draw pixel art like that.

Also someone needs to do a massive dump of all those korean comics.
might as well dump a few
First is a bit more nsfw than the others

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