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Give us your interpretation!

Obviously it's a comic about amateur eugenics: the weak are murdered by the Red Agent of race perfection - those who are weak in mind and deserve not to live, or have contributed to the losses of a company (HYUNDAI), but those who find solace in traditional family values, and a strong son who will fight for his rights, and the wise father who encourages his son, are looked upon by the Red Agent with pride. Pride of the superior race that his endeavors shall build. The family is a symbol of the growing hegemony of the Korean people.
wow Numbers you're not playing with a full deck

hey look someone forgot their shopping list:

Obviously it's a comic about amateur eugenics: the weak are murdered by the Red Agent of race perfection - those who are weak in mind and deserve not to live, or have contributed to the losses of a company (HYUNDAI), but those who find solace in traditional family values, and a strong son who will fight for his rights, and the wise father who encourages his son, are looked upon by the Red Agent with pride. Pride of the superior race that his endeavors shall build. The family is a symbol of the growing hegemony of the Korean people.

So are you implying that by studying quantum mechanics, further investments in the particle collider as well as developing a solution to poverty, we can dictate whether Michael Jackson is black or white?
michael jackson IS black ...and blue and purple and maybe even green


less discussion more funny pics
Obviously it's a comic about amateur eugenics: the weak are murdered by the Red Agent of race perfection - those who are weak in mind and deserve not to live, or have contributed to the losses of a company (HYUNDAI), but those who find solace in traditional family values, and a strong son who will fight for his rights, and the wise father who encourages his son, are looked upon by the Red Agent with pride. Pride of the superior race that his endeavors shall build. The family is a symbol of the growing hegemony of the Korean people.
But surely a Red Agent would be communist.
I thought they were funny.

What happens now?
Yeah, those weren't funny.

I fail to see where images are required to be funny to be posted in the dump. Meb I just wanted to show them.

Also, I thought that first image most resembled the community.
Seriously. At least I know your political supremo-neo-numberist views to never believe a comic explanation over a sentence long.

That's a chipmunk... Note the lack of big bushy tail sticking up behind him. If that was a squirrel that would be one ****ing huge peanut.
I'm still waiting for a proper explanation of that one korean comic with the red dude that does NOT taste like Lee Myung-bak's dick.
That's how they carry their food up the trees and into their homes. They store plenty there for winter.

Chipmunks maybe, but squirrels don't. They bury their shit in your yard and then forget where they buried it so they dig hundreds of ****ing holes trying to find their stashed food.
Chipmunks maybe, but squirrels don't.
Yeah, he had already been corrected.

Funny, because Mutoid Man should damn well know what a squirrel looks like. He was nearly killed by this one as a child. Well, maybe just permanently disfigured. Looks like it was going to take a bite of his ear.
Yes I should have said chipmunk instead of squirrel, but for once I really didn't ****ing care. Which is funny because I hate it when people call that one prairie dog the Dramatic Squirrel / Dramatic Chipmunk.

EDIT: Thanks for bringing back horrible nearly disfiguring memories Virus. Also for making a post whose structure was the same as mine...BEFORE I wrote it. I'm actually a little scared now.
^ Same goes for Jay-Z and Gaga too, apparently.


And of course Madonna

Found in a college newspaper.


Haha. Women can't drive.

Sucks to be that guy who parked in the second parking space. He was probably all excited that he found a spot so close to the building, and now he is sad. :(
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