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Yeah, that's an awesome creature.

Nice picture of one:

60 million years old.

I find it interesting that humans are only 195 thousand years old on the evolutionary time-line.
:| All animals are equally "old" (roughly 3.5 billion years). The difference is that the whale shark is more similar to it's 60 million old ancestors than humans are to theirs.
That's a Manta Ray, bros. Let me drop knowledge:

Brain to body ratio the largest of any [known] fish. Warm blooded. Seems to recognize and differentiate divers by their eyes, and treats divers differently based on unknown factors (I'm guessing 'vibe'). Friendly and curious. Skeleton made of cartilage (like a shark).

They've got a slime coating that gives them incredibly fast healing, and scientists are trying to make use of this for humans.

actually here:

Also these are nearly endangered.

I want a Manta Ray.
Did you just try to hotlink from Yahoo Mail?


What is wrong with you.
I am just awesome that way

Can't be bothered to host them, so enjoy your blank space.
Dude, if I was that mouse, I'd be scared to death in that last pic. Which is usually how cats kill mice, by scaring them until their heart stops.

Job well done.
:| All animals are equally "old" (roughly 3.5 billion years). The difference is that the whale shark is more similar to it's 60 million old ancestors than humans are to theirs.
Sharks are about 350 million years old - older than dinosaurs. 65 million years ago, the Dinosaurs died out (except ancestors to birds).

60 million years ago, the whale-shark is believed to exist (no source given). 195 thousand years ago, the appearance of Homo Sapiens. That's all I said!

The first appearance of mammals was 215 million years ago. 3.8 billion years ago, the first simple cells. 600 million years ago, the first simple animals, if that's what you want to compare. So what the hell are you talking about, son? "All animals are roughly 3.5 billion years old?"
I've never seen an animal a million years old.

You could photoshop the boy with the grenade into a headcrab zombie imo
So true, Danimal. I can't unsee it.


A photo taken during Atlantis' final mission. (Atlantis touched down safely early today):

cabin and open cargo bay visible as it docks with the International Space Station

"First launched in October 1985, Atlantis flew five military missions, made seven flights to the Russian Mir space station and 11 to the International Space Station. It launched two planetary probes (Magellan to Venus and Galileo to Jupiter), deployed the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, and visited the Hubble Space Telescope for a final overhaul last year."

There are 2 other NASA space shuttles near the end of service: Discovery and Endeavour.

"Discovery is up next, scheduled for launch in September or October, followed by Endeavour late this year or early next on what is currently planned as the shuttle program's final mission."

I will definitely be taking a trip to see these shuttles in the Space Museum in the future.
as soon as I finished reading that, I visualized an Alot of Dicks
Hey guys what about 'alright' that's not correct it's properly written as 'all right'.
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