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Perhaps "appaled" is not the word I was looking for.

He wasn't shocked from fear, but acting like "dude, that is totally not cool that I have scissors in my arm right now".

I know what you meant. :p

Seriously, if I had a big piece of metal sticking out of my arm, because somebody threw it at me, I'd be more angry than scared. If it was my abdomen.... prolly fear.
Holy shit, that guy's reaction was wierd as ****. I'd be hyperventilating and flipping shit instantly.
Seemed appropriate to me, he was sort of just in shock and disbelief. Also not wanting to lose his cool in front of his friends and he didn't seem to be in much pain. (due to the shock)
He had goddamn scissors in his arm. Jesus ****ing christ.
It would've hurt like shit when they took it out though.
I love how the kid who threw them stands there like, "Oh shit I'm in trouble, but I'm not going to apologize"
With the reaction that guy had, I half expected him to say

"And that's why you always leave a note" or something along those lines.
Judgment Day happened.
I'm not too sure, but MW2 wasn't cleared for release on the PC in Korea, and it might have something to do with that.

Or someone was an asshole.
people are acting like pussies when it comes to MW2. go buy a $200 xbox, snag a $45 20 GB HDD and play a fun game online and make friends. problem solved. people spent far more just to play Crysis for 5 mins before it crashed their rig
I find that adorable, for some reason. I need a mental checkup.
Wait, is the Dreamcast dead in this story? Timeline makes no ****ing sense.
I still use a crt monitor. ;D
Review scores. LoZ: Twilight Princess got 8.8 (fans raged because it wasn't a 10). I believe the 5.5 was for Lair.
I don't get Japanese game shows - why are they doing that? There is no one else around to compete with, and I hardly think pantyhose around your head is any kind of 'torture'.
It's a stocking....

And who the christ said it was a game show?

Judging from the crazy colorful background with the lights and stuff, it's not hard to see how one could come to that conclusion.
Many shows in Japan are like that.

Even some American shows.
Japan is an abomination of humanity. That is all.
just googled some Japanese game show images and lost a little bit of my soul that will never come back
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