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No, there's a different picture. It had like, fur on it and shit. It was crazaay.
Kit can ****ing fly, so shut the **** up everyone.
I live right by the prison in the Midwest responsible for the big dot that's been there since the 50's... almost got the Guantanamo leftovers too, but people were freakin' out about it.
Get used to it Letters, the whole world will be a prison soon!

*Dons Tin Foil Hat*
That swimming photo is amazing. I absolutely adore a nice long swim, but the tumble turns at the end of each lane kinda throws you out of the zone a little bit. I'd love to be able to swim in one long straight line for ages on end.

There is the sea, but I'm terrified of Jellyfish.
I remember going out into the ocean and swimming. I was pretty far out where I couldn't feel the ground anymore or anything. Pretty nice. Until someone yelled out "You better not go too far out, sharks might get ya.". Then I was like "I gotta get the **** outta here.".
Those ads are really pissing me off. Most of them have cheap animated gif loops of women dancing.
Yeah, seeing women dance really pisses me off too. Those goddamn women, where do they get the nerve dancing like that? It makes me angry!
Yeah, seeing women dance really pisses me off too. Those goddamn women, where do they get the nerve dancing like that? It makes me angry!
It's just the cheapness of the gif that gets on my nerves. It just loops over and over, not to mention it doesn't relate to the ad at all.
At least the dancing silhouette is, to me, not distracting. It's better than "CONGRATULATIONS!" At least you can scroll past the dancing ads.
At least the dancing silhouette is, to me, not distracting. It's better than "CONGRATULATIONS!" At least you can scroll past the dancing ads.

Anything is better than those seizure inducing "CONGRATULATIONS YOU'VE WON SOME SHIT" ads. But the ads that look like operating system windows piss me off too.
Why do the Japanese constantly do the V-sign when posing for the camera? Seriously, everyone of them I've met do it.
Why do Europeans shake hands when they meet a new person? Seriously, every one of them I've met does it.
Why do the Japanese constantly do the V-sign when posing for the camera? Seriously, everyone of them I've met do it.

They're letting the world know they're still peaceful.... they don't want to get nuked again.
wow did you IQ just drop by a gazillion? first the the fur-in-womb-question now this...I don't recall you being so clueless normally(but then again I probably haven't payed attention).
Well, the mouse comment wasn't serious, but most newborn furry animals that I've seen have been without fur. That's mostly rodents, though.
I shook hands with a japanese karate instructor once. So I'd say he's right.
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